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    FESAKFLOYDDementogenní psychofarmaka a metabolické jedy
    Psychiatric Drugs Kill the Lives of Those Who Take Them http://www.encognitive.com/node/1185 Drug-Induced Dementia: a perfect crime http://www.amazon.com/Drug-Induced-Dementia-MD-Grace-Jackson/dp/1438972318 Brain Damage Caused by Neuroleptic Psychiatric Drugs http://www.mindfreedom.org/kb/psychiatric-drugs/antipsychotics/neuroleptic-brain-damage Evidence of Neuroleptic Drug-Induced Brain Damage http://www.ahrp.org/risks/biblio0100.php Arch Gen Psychiatry -- Abstract: Long-term Antipsychotic Treatment and Brain Volumes: A Longitudinal Study of First-Episode Schizophrenia, February 2011, Ho et al. 68 (2): 128 http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/68/2/128 Metanalysis: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014976341200125X Antipsychotic deflates the brain Drug for schizophrenia causes side effects by shrinking part of the brain. http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100606/full/news.2010.281.html Indeed, it looks as if after some 50 years widespread prescribing there is going to be a massive re-evaluation and re-interpretation of these drugs, with a reversal of their evaluation as a great therapeutic breakthrough. It now seems distinctly possible that for half a century the creation of millions of asocial, neuroleptic-dependent but docile Parkinsonian patients has been misinterpreted as a ‘cure’ for schizophrenia. This wholesale re-interpretation represents an unprecedented disaster for the self-image and public reputation – not just of psychiatry – but of the whole medical profession. Perhaps the main useful lesson from the emergence of the 'atypical' neuroleptics is that psychiatrists did not need to make all of their agitated and psychotic patients Parkinsonian in order to suppress their behavior. ‘Atypicals’ are weakly neuroleptic but highly sedative. This implies that sedation is probably sufficient for behavioral control in most instances [3, 17]. In the immediate term, it therefore seems plausible that already-existing, cheap, sedative drugs (such as benzodiazepines or antihistamines) offer realistic hope of being safer, equally effective and subjectively less-unpleasant substitutes for neuroleptics in many (if not all) patients. I would argue that this should happen sooner rather than later. If we apply the test of choosing what treatment we would prefer for ourselves or our relatives with acute agitation or psychosis, knowing what we now know about neuroleptics, I think that many people (perhaps especially psychiatric professionals) would now wish to avoid neuroleptics except as a last resort. Few would be happy to wait a decade or so for the accumulations of a mass of randomized trial data (which may never emerge, since such trials would lack a commercial incentive) before making the choice of less dangerous and unpleasant drugs [17]. But there is no hiding the fact that if neuroleptics were indeed to be replaced by sedatives then this would seem like stepping-back half a century. It would entail an acknowledgement that psychiatry has been living in a chronic delusional state – and this may suggest that the same could apply to other branches of medicine. Since such a wholesale cognitive and organizational reappraisal is unlikely, perhaps the most realistic way that the desired change in practice will be accomplished is not by an explicit ‘return’ to old drugs but by the introduction of a novel (and patentable) class of sedatives which are marketed as having some kind of (more-or-less plausible) new therapeutic role. Why are doctors still prescribing neuroleptics? by Bruce G Charlton http://www.hedweb.com/bgcharlton/neuroleptics.html
    rozbalit záhlaví
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: no tak si me vyfiltruj, jaka stanoviska zastavam -- zda se mi ze nerozlisujes s kym se bavis. jinak nechapu proc mi cpes takovyhle veci.

    PETGRIDUS: spravna volba, spatna volba. fascinujici. jednak jsi tu zjevne dalsi arbitr
    spravnosti hned po mikesovi a druhak je pro tebe psychika cloveka asi nejaky generic black box. nebo si vsimas, jak moc rozdilna mysl kazdeho cloveka je, jak rozdilne reaguje na situace, substance atd.?

    PETGRIDUS: presne jsi to dolozil. vidis varianty A a B. ja ale je tu i C D E F..na to bych rad upozornil.
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    Debata nemá stejně smysl tady protože část lidí bude tvrdit A a druhá B.
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: ale povidanim si fakt akutni fazi nevylecis.
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: ty predevsim nectes co pisu.
    a zijes v cernobilym svete.
    je mi to lito.
    kdyby to byl muj syn, tak si s nim sednu, proberu moznosti a zeptam se ho, jak chce postupovat.
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: kdyz by ti onemocnel treba syn tak bys mu taky rekl neber ty zly prasky pojd vezmeme to tady alternativou.
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: moznost spatny volby? to je fajn
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: A proc nestastny psychotiky, vzdyt to je vse na dobrovolne bazi..a dobry odbornik dekompenzovanemu ty leky klidně poda..ale v jinem davkovani a s (jinou) doprovodnou peci na rozdil od toho, ktery chce jen utlouct priznaky. Vždyť právě - vol co chceš...a je dobré mít tu možnost volby.
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    ty jo ty máš čuch, hned bych ho tipoval na psychiatra :D
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    KLUZAU: sorry to je hroznej blábol, nechtěl bych mít ty nešťastné psychotiky na svědomí,
    kteří budou uzamčení ve svých bludech,ale hlavně bez léků. To radši zvolím menší zlo a i přes vedlejší účinky překonám období léčby psychofarmaky a jdu vstříc aspoň částečnému uzdravení.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KLUZAU: psychiatri v ceske republice jsou monstra, az na par vyjimek.
    KLUZAU --- ---
    Moje vysledky: Diabasis pracuje jen se psychospiritualni krizi, proto nedelaji leky. Myslim, ze je dobre, ze to delaji. Dale tedy budou vznikat v CR svepomocne skupiny, zatim ve zrodu. Inspirace v Anglii. Diky Bohu. Myslim, ze by bylo skvele, kdyby take existovala platforma profesionalu. Ale bude to zrejme stejny proces jako v USA - nejdrive 10 000 lidi se nastve, vetsina z nich se vyleci svepomocne a vysadi leky, nasledne se pridaji odbornici.
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    CORNELA: se pry v soucasnosti moc nevyskytuje, ne?
    PETGRIDUS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: to už je nějakej blud ne?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    zkratka a dobre drtive vetsine psychotiku neuroleptika ublizuji
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: pokud je ta schiza nebezpecna a pacient kvuli tomu bere neuroleptika ktere tu nebezpecnost drzi na uzde a pacient s tim souhlasi tak je to v poradku, nicmene tech nebezpecnych paranoidnich schizofreniku je drtiva mensina
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    CORNELA: odpovedi konkretne na co pani doktorko ?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: ja nefetuju
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: neber piko. je to dementogen.
    KLUZAU --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: sorry, ted jsem se svihnul. Psychiatrie rozlisuje bludy podle toho, jestli jsou normalni v dane kulture, takze ruzne vize u krestanskych mnichu jsou zrejme v Evrope v poradku, zatimco samanske v Mexiku take. Vize ufonu v poradku nejsou, protoze nejsou normalni v zadne kulture.
    Nicmene to mluvim o skutecnych profesionalech. Zaroven to tak uplne nevyvraci to, co jsem uvedl nize. Obavam se totiz, jak to asi vypada v praxi.
    KLUZAU --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: samani vetsinou rozlisuji dve veci: talent a nemoc. Oboji vypada ale pro psychiatra stejne. Alespon tak to popisuje antropologie.
    IXTREMIST --- ---
    PETGRIDUS: ac24 a parlamentní listy je slusnej rusko populistickej dementogen sam o sobě.
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