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    ztracené heslo?
    EZEEDark Souls & Demon's Souls | PREPARE TO DIE! | Bloodborne | Sekiro | Elden Ring | atd | ...aneb umíráme s nadšením
    JOPS --- ---
    KONDIK: vidim to spis na Dead Nation pro PS4 a pak na rok PS4 odlozim a budu hrat DS2 :)
    JOPS --- ---
    KONDIK: ten stres pri prvnim utoku na me :) S vypetim vsech sil jsem ho udolal a pak tyden na to jsem se docetl, ze to je NPC..... to me fakt dozralo :)
    SUMI --- ---
    KONDIK: po south parku taky dost pokukuju, ale asi počkám na slevu :D
    KONDIK --- ---
    _KOFILA_: Ano, V patek se kupuje South Park the Stick of Truth , Pak nekdy ve stredu FF XIII-3 no a v Patek se bere den volna :))
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    tak už dáme nějaký trhací kalendář ne? už se to blíží...
    KONDIK --- ---
    !! SPOILER !!

    Obrazek Dark Souls 2 Collectorky

    !! SPOILER !!

    STRANGERD --- ---
    tjo ted mi doslo, ze tim, ze jen pc, tak musim unbook... tak cya v kvetnu, uzijte si to.)
    KONDIK --- ---
    KONDIK --- ---
    KONDIK --- ---
    KONDIK --- ---
    JOPS --- ---
    ta hra je fakt svinska... dostal jsem se klasicky k Nitovi.... Pokazdy me ta kurva zabila az jsem se nasral a vypnul to a rekl si, ze uz to do dvojky proste nepustim. No a druhej den si rikam, to by bylo, abych ho nedal.... Prisel jsem, a na prvni pokus zdechnul.

    To samy pak bylo s Chaos of Bed. Pribehl jsem tam asi po 20 az jsem se zase nasral a vypnul to, ale za pul hodiny mi to nedalo a bum prask, pohoda. Nechapu to :)

    Uz se na tom hosi blizi :) v patek uz mam zamluvene volno :-D
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    KONDIK: Ja myslim ze to fanousci delaji naschval. Spocitaji si to, parkrat vyzkousi a sup do gifu;)
    KONDIK --- ---
    _KOFILA_: No, tohle asi zamrzi :) Ale kdo leze k bossum s 1/3 HP si koleduje o HAX
    _KOFILA_ --- ---
    KAPITAN_JACK --- ---
    Legends of Lordran: Mega Man Edition
    KONDIK --- ---
    LOVE_DALI: Ty budes svedkem opakujicich se YOU DIED !
    Nejsou tam story spoilery pouze resi jestli se to hybe lip, chvoa lip atd atd versus Dark Souls 1
    Vid otazky. Otazky nejsou spoilery ale docela presne a trefne a dokad nevidis odpoved neprijdes na odpoved takze tak !
    LOVE_DALI --- ---
    KONDIK: In that case: SO NOT INTERESTED! ;)
    KONDIK --- ---
    S P O I L E R

    J A K O

    P R A S E

    Dark Souls 2 - All Your Questions Answered

    Otazky Zodpovezeny :

    0:27 - Did you experience any kind of disappointment while playing Dark Souls 2?
    3:03 - How is the dual wielding?
    4:05 - Is there a hard, normal and easy-mode setting?
    5:35 - What build seems the most viable so far?
    6:41 - Where is the answer video?
    6:46 - How will weapon upgrades work?
    7:30 - When is this coming out on DSlite?
    7:35 - Will covenants allow you to submit your gifts all at once?
    8:11 - Are there sunbros?
    8:18 - Are strength weapons being buffed or nerfed?
    9:14 - Are there starting gifts in Dark Souls 2?
    10:26 - Prequel or Sequel?
    10:38 - Is the resistance stat OP in the game?
    11:41 - Do you know when Dark Souls 2 will release for PC?
    12:26 - Are ragdoll physics gone?
    12:50 - Are you part of the glorious PC master race?
    13:33 - Is it true that you can parry and riposte with 2h weapons?
    14:02 - Will NPC mouths move when they talk?
    14:26 - Which has been the most interesting enemy, and which has been the most difficult enemy to defeat?
    15:50 - Is the lore easily obtained?
    16:36 - Will Dark Souls 2 be on next-gen consoles?
    17:21 - Are you thinking of doing a let's play for Dark Souls 2?
    18:04 - How different is the invading and summoning of other players?
    18:38 - Does humanity work differently?
    19:20 - Is PvP being balanced in any way?
    20:48 - Will there be a hub area like in Demon's Souls, or will the areas be seamless like in Dark Souls?
    22:10 - Are lifegems and estus overpowered?
    23:23 - How is the framerate?
    24:17 - How does upgrading estus work?
    25:03 - Do enemies still have the same placements every time?
    26:12 - Are crossbows finally functional weapons?
    26:53 - How do you feel about them making Dark Souls 2 instead of a new Souls universe?
    JOPS --- ---

    tak jednoznacne mi to pripomina budovu v New Londo Ruins, kde si jdes nahore vyzvednout klicek k Ingwardovi na otevreni brany a nasledne odplaveni New Londo Ruins
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