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    SGNLRSITUACIONISMUS- život/umění/politika
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    Oberliht Association and its partners invite everyone to save the date in your calendar for the third edition of the Public Space Days program. The event will take place between May 22-27, 2018 in Chisinau and Tiraspol. The topic of this edition is Culture as a Common Good and beginning with this year, #ZSP2018 becomes a biennial of art in public space and will be organized every two years.
    The goal of the “Public Space Days” is to offer, to different stakeholders and different representatives of the public, a platform for discussion whose aim is to raise awareness and take action on topics and initiatives concerning democratization, protection and opening the public space to citizens through art.
    This year’s edition will expand and will include a series of exchanges between the inhabitants of both banks of the Dniester, bringing together artists, cultural managers, researchers, journalists and other cultural operators from Chisinau, Bender, Tiraspol and other cities.
    #ZSP2018 program includes an international conference, artistic residencies, creative workshops, a series of concerts and music performances, guided tours, interventions and exhibitions in public spaces.

    For the third time, the the Public Space Days are organized and coordinated by the Oberliht Association in cooperation with the Apriori Center and other local and international partners and will be held in Chisinau, Bender and Tiraspol from May 22nd to 27th, 2018.
    The main goal of the “ Public Space Days ” program is to provide various participants and viewers (each with different views and approaches to public space, the role of art in public space, to expand access to public space for various social groups) a platform for discussion, understanding and action on issues and initiatives related to democratization, protection and the opening of public space for citizens through art.
    The issues of access to culture and culture as a common good will be considered, paying special attention to the situation in residential areas (some of which are farther from the city center, where cultural infrastructure is traditionally concentrated), promoting wider use of the public space, including artists, in this way, through art, drawing public attention to the needs and problems facing the communities. The aim of the project is to promote the creation of a cultural network in Chisinau through innovation and creativity, supporting artistic experiments aimed at strengthening local communities, encouraging interaction between different groups at the district level and stimulating social cohesion.
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    Public Space? Lost and Found – We Make Money Not Art
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    Příští týden máme verni v Brně.Mezinárodní výstava Angry Planet 2 se zaměří na geopolitické, interkulturní, ekologické a sociální konflikty. 24.4. v 18:00 Dům pánů z Kunštátu http://www.dum-umeni.cz/cz/vystavy/detail/id/331
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    Knížka zabívající se soukromým zájmem veřejným prostorem, Miroslav Kalný.
    Někdo náké recenze?

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    SGNLR: Landscape festival zaměřený na krajinu, město a veřejný prostor vyhlašuje otevřenou výzvu pro projekty, které dočasně oživí konkrétní lokality v rámci připravovaného 6. ročníku. Festival představí Prahu v nových environmentálních souvislostech, hlavními tématy výzvy je znovuvyužití a redefinování významu konkrétních míst na Praze 3 a Praze 8.
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    Mezinárodní magisterský program Performing Public Space (Tilburg, Holandsko), Culturenet.cz
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    Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution
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    v únoru proběhne v Římě na několika veřejně přístuopných místech guerillová výstava EXHIBITIONISTS deseti umělců z celého světa, kteří se v současné době nejaktivněji věnují neoficiálnímu umění ve veřejném prostoru. Více infa bude uvolňováno postupem času pod hashtagem #exhibitionists

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    L’AN 0 du festival non-aligné(e)s [FNA] sous-titré Cellule(s) dormante(s), lève un coin du voile sur une partie immergée ou sous-exposée des pratiques symboliques contemporaines, pour autant qu’en effet, « seul peut se dire contemporain celui qui ne se laisse pas aveugler par les lumières du siècle et parvient à saisir en elles la part de l’ombre, leur sombre intimité et reçoit en plein visage le faisceau de ténèbres qui provient de son temps. »
    Ergo, poursuit Giorgio Agamben, la « voie d’accès au présent a nécessairement la forme d’une archéologie » qui, détourne intempestivement « la lumière, hors de sa fonction d’illumination du présent, vers l’assignation de l’infini, de l’invisible, de l’inatteignable », comme Jean-Luc Marion en convient lui aussi.Le [FNA] prend acte de ce que les institutions (et le marché dont elles dépendent sous peine de mort désormais), sont respectivement l’arbre et son ombre qui cachent la forêt. Le festival inventorie donc, dans un lieu coopératif par excellence, des pratiques artistiques, symboliques ou savantes, minoritaires ou dissidentes qui, inscrites à la limite de la lisibilité institutionnelle et/ou de la solvabilité marchande, s’avèrent indifféremment :
    – alternatives – (an)alphabètes – anaparachroniques – autonomes – émancipatrices – expérimentales – (im)personnelles – marginales – singulières, &c.Le [FNA] veut ainsi rendre possibles des :
    – agencements – complicités – dé(con)structions – perruques – sabotages – rhizomes – solidarités – subversions – &c.
    qui, inactuels, inédits & cosmopolites, s’étendent à perte de vue quelque part dans l’inachevé ou dans l’ineffectué…

    25 – 26 novembre / Festival Non-Aligné(e)s, AN 0  : cellule(s) dormante(s) / Exposition, happening, salon. | LA GÉNÉRALE
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    vtipny vyusteni myho projektu Exodus v nemecky platku

    Exodus In German Press | Vladimír Turner
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    Asphalt Abrasions | Flickr

    Asphalt Abrasions - a Flickr group dedicated to road markings.

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    Tapez ici - passerelle du Vert-Galant
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    SGNLR: some self-service loud speakers in the city which you are invited to plug your smartphone to
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    PLUG LIBRE - "Y todavía te quiero"
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    PLUG LIBRE - calle de Balderas (bocina-botella)
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