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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Isolated Young Star Seen by Spitzer and WISE - SpaceRef
    The unusual object, called CX330, was first detected as a source of X-ray light in 2009 by NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory
    while it was surveying the bulge in the central region of the Milky Way. Further observations indicated that this object was
    emitting optical light as well. With only these clues, scientists had no idea what this object was.

    But when Chris Britt, postdoctoral researcher at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, and colleagues were examining infrared
    images of the same area taken with NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), they realized this object has a lot
    of warm dust around it, which must have been heated by an outburst.

    Comparing WISE data from 2010 with Spitzer Space Telescope data from 2007, researchers determined that CX330 is likely a young
    star that had been outbursting for several years. In fact, in that three-year period its brightness had increased by a few hundred times.


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    Melting of center mirror for the Giant Magellon Telescope at the Richard Caris Mirror Lab
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    Old planets always get too hot or cold for life in the end | New Scientist
    Age matters. Searching for alien life on planets orbiting older stars may be fruitless because they always become prohibitively hot or cold.

    The search for life on other worlds has focused on planets in what’s known as the habitable zone – the ring around stars where it’s the right
    temperature for liquid water. That has led some to target planets orbiting red dwarf stars, as their smaller size and cooler temperatures mean
    planets in the habitable zone are closer in, and so easier to spot. But we should also look for planets whose stars are the right age,
    regardless of their size, say Shintaro Kadoya and Eiichi Tajika at the University of Tokyo, Japan.
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    Torn-apart galaxy may be exacting revenge on the Milky Way | New Scientist
    Simon Gibbons of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues have analysed the motion of stars in
    the Sagittarius streams to estimate that the galaxy originally possessed 60 billion solar masses.

    “This new more massive Sagittarius, if it’s right, could be the cause of the warp,” Gibbons says. Since
    the 1990s, astronomers have recognised that Sagittarius could warp the disc – if the satellite was massive

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    First images from Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI)
    The Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI) on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) has obtained its first adaptive-optics closed-loop results,
    an important milestone in the development of this state-of-the-art instrument that aims at combining adaptive optics (AO) and lucky imaging
    (LI) to obtain the highest-ever resolution images at visible wavelengths from the ground.

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    Astrobiologists debate which chemical signatures would hint at life on other worlds.
    Planet hunters seek new ways to detect alien life : Nature News & Comment
    In the search for life beyond Earth, false alarms abound. Researchers have generally considered, and rejected,
    claims ranging from a 1970s report of life on Mars to the 1990s ‘discovery’ of fossilized space microbes in a meteorite.

    Now, inspired by the detection of thousands of planets beyond the Solar System, NASA has started a fresh effort to learn
    how to recognize extraterrestrial life. The goal is to understand what gases alien life might produce — and how Earth-bound
    astronomers might detect such ‘biosignatures’ in light passing through the atmospheres of planets trillions of kilometres
    away (see ‘Searching for alien life’).

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    How the face of a distant star reveals our place in the cosmos | Aeon Ideas
    Mount Wilson boasts the world’s longest optical interferometer: the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array.
    The CHARA Array is resolving the surfaces of nearby stars, providing unprecedented glimpses of the Sun’s neighbours.

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    How the face of a distant star reveals our place in the cosmos | Aeon Ideas

    ChemCam Update - Manganese Oxides on Mars
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    Tomorrow ExoMars 2016 will perform another Trajectory Correction Maneuver
    ExoMars-2016 enters path to the Red Planet!
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    Illgraben 22.07.2016 - lave torrentielle, Murgang, debris flow
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    The OSIRIS-REx rocket fairing has arrived NASA Kennedy Center!

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    Scientists observe a superluminous supernova that appears to have exploded twice
    In recent years, a new type of supernova has been discovered, about which very little is yet known, and which are brighter and longer-lasting.
    Astronomers call them superluminous supernovae (SLSN). Although only about a dozen of them are known, an international group of researchers has
    used the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) to observe a superluminous supernova almost from the moment it occurred. The research has revealed
    surprising behaviour, because this supernova showed an initial increase in brightness that later declined for a few days, and then increased
    again much more strongly. The scientists have combined from the GTC with other observations in order to try to explain the origin of the phenomenon.

    PIC: This graph shows the evolution of the apparent brigntness of the new supernova it is shown according to data collected by the Dark Energy Survey.
    It can be seen how an initial increase in brightness occurs which is then reduced for several days. Subsequently, the brightness increases again during
    the main sequence of the supernova. Credit: Mathew Smith.

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    Midnight makes for a dazzling display of stars & the Milky Way over Crater Lake National Park by Matt Shiffler

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    Catalog Page for PIA20856
    This view from NASA's Dawn spacecraft shows terrain in the southern hemisphere of Ceres. Most of the image is
    the impact crater named Annona (37 miles, 60 kilometers across); the smaller, prominent crater at upper left is unnamed.

    Dawn took this image on June 7, 2016, from its low-altitude mapping orbit, at a distance of about 385 kilometers above
    the surface. The image resolution is 120 feet (35 meters) per pixel.

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    Catalog Page for PIA20856
    This view from NASA's Dawn spacecraft shows terrain in the southern hemisphere of Ceres. Most of the image is
    the impact crater named Annona (37 miles, 60 kilometers across); the smaller, prominent crater at upper left is unnamed.

    Dawn took this image on June 7, 2016, from its low-altitude mapping orbit, at a distance of about 385 kilometers above
    the surface. The image resolution is 120 feet (35 meters) per pixel.

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    Philae Lander: Robot Says Goodbye to Earth in Sad Tweets
    Philae, the first robot to land on a comet, has reached the end of its life
    and is bidding a final farewell to Earth through a series of sad tweets.

    “It’s time for me to say goodbye,” Philae tweeted on Tuesday. “Tomorrow,
    the unit on @ESA_Rosetta for communication with me will be switched off forever…”

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    Sol 1338 Curiosity self-portrait, with rear facing MastCam.via Kevin M. Gill.
    NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill

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    The rings appear distorted through Saturn's atmosphere on July 24th, via Kevin M. Gill.
    Assembled using uncalibrated (raw) red, green, and blue filtered images.

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