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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    To astronomy, a sunset from Maunakea signifies that the Keck I & Keck II telescope shutters are opening for science!

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    An international team of researchers has pinpointed which of the more than 4,000 exoplanets
    discovered by NASA's Kepler mission are most likely to be similar to our rocky home.
    Team catalogs most likely 'second-Earth' candidates

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    Wow! Signal Experiment – The Center for Planetary Science
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    The freshly recoated mirror of Lowell Observatory’s Discovery Channel Telescope has been safely returned to its home.

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    How a Star Cluster Ruled Out MACHOs
    Are massive black holes hiding in the halos of galaxies, making up the majority of the universe’s mysterious dark matter?
    This possibility may have been ruled out by a star cluster in a small galaxy recently discovered orbiting the Milky Way.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Meteor Hunters Track Fireballs in the Night Sky - SciStarter Blog at SciStarter Blog

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    SOHO/LASCO C3 zachytila dnes krásný kometární kousek v blízkosti Slunce:

    Karl Battams už zmobilizoval i tým SDO, je teoretická možnost zajímavých pozorovacích dat.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Cassini captured globular cluster NGC5139 on Aug 1st.
    Raw Images
    The image was taken on 2016-08-01 13:32 (UTC) and received on Earth 2016-08-02 06:30 (UTC). The camera was pointing
    toward SKY and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Carolyn Porco in Strar Talk radio show!
    Listening for Aliens, with Carolyn Porco - StarTalk All-Stars - StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson : StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson
    Guest: Dan Werthimer, principal investigator of the Breakthrough Listen Initiative, answer your Cosmic Queries about the search for ET,
    chosen by co-host Chuck Nice. You’ll learn why Breakthrough Listen is the most comprehensive search for extraterrestrial intelligence ever,
    a new leap forward able to scan 10 times more of the sky and 5 times more of the radio spectrum, with 50 times greater sensitivity than
    any previous SETI project.

    SETI & the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
    The billions of stars in the night sky can give rise to the question, are we alone in the universe? The Search for
    Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) seeks to answer that question by hunting for signs of advanced civilizations in the cosmos.

    The term SETI can be applied in two ways. The first characterizes the quest itself, the search for other advanced lifeforms undertaken by
    people around the world. The SETI Institute, the second application, leads the charge in the pursuit of broadcasts from life beyond Earth.
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    LIGO's collection of front-page headlines (via Sean Carroll)

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    Saturn's north pole. Raw Cassini image from July 30 via Jason Major.

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    The year is 2033, and mankind's first manned mission to Mars is about to become reality.
    This is the story of how we make Mars home, told by the pioneers making it possible.

    MARS, a Global Miniseries Event, premieres this November on National Geographic. Follow:
    #CountdowntoMars - YouTube
    Destination Mars

    MARS: Trailer #2
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    774 transients classified by PESSTO so far
    192 transients are being followed by PESSTO

    A new method for measuring nickel masses in type Ia supernova

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    ESA - European Space Agency

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    Beautiful pic from La Silla, Chile from Michael West

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    The technology to make starships work is still way off — but that isn't stopping us from thinking about how it might work.

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    Physicist Trio Amplifies SLAC Research on Mysterious Forms of Matter | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    All material things appear to be made of elementary particles that are held together by fundamental forces. But what are their
    exact properties? How do they affect how our universe looks and changes? And are there particles and forces that we don’t know of yet?

    Questions with cosmic implications like these drive many of the scientific efforts at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator
    Laboratory. Three distinguished particle physicists have joined the lab over the past months to pursue research on two particularly
    mysterious forms of matter: neutrinos and dark matter.

    Neutrinos, which are abundantly produced in nuclear reactions, are among the most common types of particles in the universe. Although
    they were discovered 60 years ago, their basic properties puzzle scientists to this date.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Rhys Taylor:

    Simulations are always more fun when they go wrong. This one was supposed to be a galaxy that falls into a cluster and gets harassed.
    Somehow, the code decided to completely ignore the dark matter and star particle files so it was just a fast-rotating disc of gas which explodes.
    Then it gradually falls back into the cluster where the other galaxies turn it into this vast, complex, three-dimensional structure.

    How this happened I have absolutely no idea. It shouldn't be possible, because all the files are copied from a master directory, so there's no way
    the dark matter file should be empty. But it is anyway. Even removing the dark matter shouldn't be enough to make it explode - the outer parts
    should fly off, but the inner part should remain bound. But it didn't. Oh well.

    If insanity is trying to do the same thing twice and expecting a different result, then I guess I must be insane. I re-ran it and got a much more
    normal galaxy than just gets a little bit disturbed and definitely doesn't explode, which is exactly what was supposed to happen and happens to
    every single other run. It shall remain forever a minor mystery, but it's fun to watch.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Nearly a year ago, Astrobites reported on one example of Kepler’s unexpected findings: A pair of white dwarfs that were “outbursting”,
    becoming as much as 20 percent brighter every few days before quieting down again. Although variable white dwarfs have been studied
    for decades, only the continuous data obtained by Kepler provided the coverage to spot these short, unpredictable events. Today’s
    paper adds another two outbursting white dwarfs, and begins to explore the reason for this hitherto unobserved behaviour.

    Kepler observations of the white dwarf EPIC 211629697. Each point is a measurement of how much light is reaching
    the telescope from the white dwarf, with the black data being taken every 30 seconds and the red every thirty minutes.
    The grey regions show the outbursts, where the brightness of the white dwarf increased by up to 14 percent. The right-
    hand-side figure shows an enlarged version of one outburst.

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