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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Universität Würzburg: Possible Extragalactic Source of High-Energy Neutrinos
    Coincidence of a highly energetic outburst of an active galactic nucleus with a neutrino event at PeV energy

    Nearly 10 billion years ago in a galaxy known as PKS B1424-418, a dramatic explosion occurred. Light from this blast began arriving at Earth in 2012.
    Now, an international team of astronomers, led by Prof. Matthias Kadler, professor for astrophysics at the university of Würzburg, and including other
    scientists from the new research cluster for astronomy and astroparticle physics at the universities of Würzburg and Erlangen-Nürnberg, have shown that
    a record-breaking neutrino seen around the same time likely was born in the same event. The results are published in "Nature Physics".

    VIRGO --- ---
    A WISE search for large extraterrestrial civilizations: a complementary approach to traditional SETI
    VIRGO --- ---
    Huh...Každý výstup RT je pro mně celovečerní film, dnes to byl rovnou film týdne, pač pod článkem
    se rozjela debata s věčným kosmoantagonistou Chrisem Reevesem. Pro mně jakožto laika těžký oříšek,
    ale vlastně i proto ty Taylorovy simulace miluju. Vždycky nákop a poznávání nového, případně starší
    věci zapadají do souvislostí.

    Celkem dlouho jsem přemýšlel, jestli sem hodit i onu debatu pod článkem. Nakonec jsem to nechal být,
    protože je cca 5x obsáhlejší než text samotný. Takže kdyby to někoho zajímalo, napište mi do pošty,
    a já to rád přepošlu.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Rhys Taylor - Death of the Flying Snakes
    In the last batch of simulations, we dropped a long gas stream into the gravitational potential of a cluster to see if it would get torn apart and produce features
    resembling those seen in reality : small, optically dark hydrogen clouds without stars. It didn't. But it did turn the stream into some remarkably snake-like structures,
    which was nice.

    An obvious and (relatively) easy to fix problem with this is that we just ignored the parent galaxy where the gas came from in the first place. We showed that this
    probably wouldn't make any difference, but of course it's better to test this. This way we can model not only what happens to the gas streams but how they form in
    the first place, as well as what happens to the galaxy.

    It's just possible that if the initial structure of the streams produced is very different to what we assumed in the previous model, we might get a very different outcome.
    Also, if this does produce the dark hydrogen clouds we're after, we need to know if the galaxy still looks like a galaxy - if it gets smashed into something unlike anything
    observed, that would falsify the model. And probably the most important feature is the stars : with stars included in the galaxy we can now test if the clouds produced would
    really be optically dark or not. Previously we could only measure the properties of the gas and just assumed there wouldn't be any stars present.

    A preliminary analysis shows that, as predicted, including the galaxy makes no difference for the dark clouds : they still form but they're still very, very rare - and that's
    without checking if they'd be optically dark or not, so I expect them to be even rarer in this model. The galaxies get bashed around a bit, but about half of them suffer
    no noticeable effects at all. The other half have some nice structures induced in them for a while, but nothing outlandish. They don't even lose a measurable amount of gas.
    And, alas, there are no more snakes...

    People have been suggesting that dark clouds are some form of "tidal debris" for years, but there are only two other papers explicitly showing this is a possibility.
    Unfortunately those results have been over-interpreted. While large dark gas streams can be produced, small ones with properties like some of those observed are almost
    impossible to produce in this way.

    There's still a fair bit of work left to do with these purely gravitational models. This model uses a galaxy with properties typical of a spiral galaxy, whereas the previous
    claims were based on one using a less massive spiral with a more gas that was more extended. So we need to do run a direct comparison to see if and how that influences
    the results. We also need to measure the stellar content of the stripped gas. Previous models said this was very low, I suspect ours will show it to be a bit higher. Still,
    it's very clear that the pure tidal debris scenario just doesn't work.

    What is very much harder to predict is what would happen if we included the hot gas in the intracluster medium. In principle this is easy to do, in practise not so much.
    More physics, more computationally expensive. The original "flying snakes" took just a few days of computation time. These galaxies - which have more components and more
    stars - took about three weeks. Adding in the surrounding gas could make things take several times longer again. We'll get there eventually, but not today.

    VIRGO --- ---
    New University of Washington research shows that a common type of volcano is not just spewing molten rock from the mantle,
    but contains elements that suggest something more complicated is drawing material out of the descending plate of Earth's crust.
    Arc volcano releases mix of material from Earth's mantle and crust | Geology Page

    VIRGO --- ---
    New Poll Shows 2-1 Margin Of Support From Hawaiians For Thirty Meter Telescope - Universe Today
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    The Evolution and Explosion of Massive Stars - Tuguldur Sukhbold (SETI Talks 2016)
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    Perseid fireball spotted over Southern Spain on August 6, 2016
    Beautiful Perseid fireball on 6 August 2016
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    Women of NASA minifigures reaches milestone of 10,000 supporters!
    Women of NASA Minifig Reaches 10,000 Supporter Milestone | Digital Trends

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    Paul Halpern visiting Einstein's house in Princeton,
    where he lived from 1935 until his death in 1955.

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    Join scientist Rosalba Bonaccorsi on her India Spaceward Bound Expedition (9-21 August 2016)

    VIRGO --- ---
    During a scheduled contact with NASA's Kepler space telescope on Thursday, July 28, the team found the photometer—the camera onboard the spacecraft—powered off.
    The photometer was turned on again and the flight system returned to autonomous science operations on Monday, Aug. 1. We will confirm that science operations have
    been resumed within a week. The team is currently investigating the cause; the spacecraft is otherwise operating normally.

    The Kepler spacecraft is currently in the tenth observing campaign of its second mission, called K2. Kepler’s primary mission ended in 2013 but more exoplanet and
    astrophysics observations continue with the K2 mission, which began in 2014. To-date, the K2 mission has identified more than 450 new planet candidates, of which
    128 have been verified as bona fide planets.

    In June, NASA Headquarters announced that the K2 mission is to continue science operations through the end of the FY19, by which time the on-board fuel is expected
    to be fully depleted.
    VIRGO --- ---
    A curious signal of a potentially revolutionary new particle detected last year turned out to be a fluke
    Hope for New Particle Fizzles at the LHC - Scientific American
    VIRGO --- ---
    Ale teď jsem šel hodit tohle:
    The Breakthrough Initiative - Listen and Megastructures at KIC 8463 - Andrew Siemion (SETI Talks)
    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: Simtě vypni tu webku v mym bytě! :))

    Teď to řeším na g+, a začínám se fakt těšit (jestli bude počasí). Asi do 10 minut bych to hodil sem. :D
    Očekávaj četnost až 200 za hoďku! fjůů...

    How to watch the 2016 Perseid meteor shower.
    HOWKING --- ---
    Tak nepropásněte maximum meteorického roje Perseidy

    Ideální podmínky pozorování nastanou ze čtvrtka na pátek. Po jedenácté zapadne rušící Měsíc a začne divadlo. Dřívější dny nebude roj tak silný a později zase bude svítit Měsíc do rána. Nepromarněte!
    VIRGO --- ---
    A discussion with friend and NASA Frontier Development Lab Applied Research Accelerator colleague J.L. Galache,
    Astronomer at the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. We're discussing asteroids.

    J.L. Galache - the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
    VIRGO --- ---
    [ VIRGO @ Dobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika ] 2. supeň ATLAS V pro OSIRIS-REx v KSC:

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    Sol 1420, kontrola vrtného zařízení

    VIRGO --- ---
    Animation visualising Rosetta’s two-year journey around Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko.

    The animation begins on 31 July 2014, during Rosetta’s final approach to the comet after its ten-year journey through space,
    and finishes at 9 August 2016, before the details of the end of mission orbits were known. A visualisation of the trajectories
    leading to the final descent to the surface of the comet on 30 September will be provided once available.

    Rosetta’s journey around the comet
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