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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    VIRGO: Kevin je pořád sám doma. Jízda pokračuje... :)

    Daphnis making waves in the Keeler Gap from Kevin M. Gill. Rendered with Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop.
    src: https://lightsinthedark.com/2011/04/16/ring-racer-take-two/

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    What did the first collections of stars look like? | astrobites
    The first stars, confusingly named Population III, form out of gas containing no metals (Astronomy parlance for elements heavier than Hydrogen and Helium).
    This makes them different from stars that form subsequently (known as Population I and II. I know, it’s backwards. Blame Walter Baade), as these later stars
    form from gas containing the metals expelled by the trailblazing Pop III stars. Because Pop III stars form from metal free gas they have unique properties
    compared to stars in the universe today. One of the most striking features is their extreme mass, a hundred times the mass of our Sun in some theories. Such
    large stars subsequently have very short lifetimes, as they burn through their nuclear fuel rapidly. This in turn makes them difficult to detect; in the grand
    timeline of the universe, they blink in and out of existence. Until we get better observations one of the only ways to explore these objects, and test theories
    of their formation and evolution, is through simulations.

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    A new ‘Einstein’ equation suggests wormholes hold key to quantum gravity
    ER=EPR summarizes new clues to understanding entanglement and spacetime
    A new ‘Einstein’ equation suggests wormholes hold key to quantum gravity | Science News
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    SLAC researchers recreate the extreme universe in the lab
    Conditions in the vast universe can be quite extreme: Violent collisions scar the surfaces of planets. Nuclear reactions in bright
    stars generate tremendous amounts of energy. Gigantic explosions catapult matter far out into space. But how exactly do processes
    like these unfold? What do they tell us about the universe? And could their power be harnessed for the benefit of humankind?

    To find out, researchers from the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory perform sophisticated experiments
    and computer simulations that recreate violent cosmic conditions on a small scale in the lab.
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    Alien life could be a lot closer to home than you think
    For thousands of years, humans have looked to the stars, wondering whether there are other lifeforms out there
    in the vastness of space, but it might be worth taking a look at some truly alien life here on Earth first.

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    Daphnis & Waves Along the Keeler Gap
    Rendered using Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop.
    Credit: Kevin Gill https://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinmgill/28949337452/

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    Scene at MIT: Margaret Hamilton’s Apollo code
    A brief history of the famous 1969 photo of the software that sent humans to the moon.
    Scene at MIT: Margaret Hamilton’s Apollo code | MIT News

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    Every 6 years, Lowell Observatory's Discovery Channel Telescope must be re-aluminized to
    maintain the telescope's viewing quality. This is the first time our team will do it themselves.

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    Zpráva týdne!

    Lowell Observatory: So we just flew by our goal! But hey if you havent donated now worries, we added some push goals.
    Restore the Pluto Discovery Telescope by Lowell Observatory —Kickstarter

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    NASA past robotic spacecraft missions to asteroids

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    OSIRIS-REx launch preview including timeline of launch events.
    OSIRIS-REx launch preview | The Planetary Society

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    A brief video overview of past, present & future ESA space programs, probes
    & cosmic detectors. From our Solar system to the origins of the spacetime.
    Wanna know the cost for average European citizen? Watch until the end (6:30)

    Space science: everything starts here
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    Dnešní večerní tiskovka NASA k OSIRIS-REx
    NASA TV Briefing Previews Launch of Asteroid Bound Spacecraft
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    Researchers validate ancient astronomical structures
    University of Adelaide research has for the first time statistically proven that the earliest standing stone monuments of Britain,
    the great circles, were constructed specifically in line with the movements of the Sun and Moon, 5000 years ago.

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    Supernova Ejected from the Pages of History | NASA
    A new look at the debris from an exploded star in our galaxy has astronomers re-examining when the supernova actually happened.
    Recent observations of the supernova remnant called G11.2-0.3 with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory have stripped away its connection
    to an event recorded by the Chinese in 386 CE.

    New Chandra data on G11.2-0.3 show that dense clouds of gas lie along the line of sight from the supernova remnant to Earth. Infrared
    observations with the Palomar 5-meter Hale Telescope had previously indicated that parts of the remnant were heavily obscured by dust.
    This means that the supernova responsible for this object would simply have appeared too faint to be seen with the naked eye in 386 CE.
    This leaves the nature of the observed 386 CE event a mystery.

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    Star snapped before and after nova explosion - BBC News

    Polish team has caught one in the act using a telescope in Chile.
    The observations, reported in Nature, were made as part of a long-running sky survey that was originally aimed at detecting dark matter.
    The consistent stream of images snapped for that project, the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, allowed the researchers to go back
    and see what the star system looked like before the explosion brought it to their attention in May 2009.

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