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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers discover a large cavity around the Tycho's supernova
    Chinese astronomers have detected a large cavity existing around Tycho's supernova, also know as SN 1572,
    exhibiting stream-like structures. The findings, reported in a paper published Aug. 18 on arXiv.org,
    show that the environments of the supernovae may be much more complicated than previously thought.

    VIRGO --- ---
    China unveils its Mars 2020 probe and science goals
    China unveils its Mars 2020 probe and science goals | gbtimes.com
    The lander will carry a gasbag, a parachute and reverse thrust engines in order to achieve a safe landing,
    while factors such as the long-distance data transmission delay means that the rover will have a high autonomy.

    The science goals include studying the Martian topography, soil, environment, atmosphere and water ice, as well
    as the planet's internal structure and search for possible signs of life.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: If we built highways on Comet 67P :) Montage in scale by Karl Battams.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Comet 67P surface via Rosetta from 6 km. Res: 11cm/pixel!
    OSIRIS Image of the Day 2016-08-23

    VIRGO --- ---
    One of the most inflated giant planets discovered
    An international team of astronomers has detected a highly inflated giant planet orbiting a mildly evolved star. According to a research paper published
    Aug. 16 on the arXiv pre-print server, the newly found exoplanet, designated KELT-12b, is one of the most inflated "hot Jupiters" known to date.

    A giant exoworld that expands in size when its parent star is at the end of its life is called "inflated." This inflation process is very often seen in
    the so-called "hot Jupiters"—gas giant planets similar in characteristics to the solar system's biggest planet, with orbital periods of less than 10 days.
    They have high surface temperatures as they orbit their parent stars very closely. The newly discovered KELT-12b is another great example of an inflated
    "hot Jupiter."

    KELT-12b was spotted by a team of researchers led by Daniel Stevens of the Ohio State University. For their observations, the astronomers employed the KELT-
    North telescope at the Winer Observatory in Arizona. KELT-North is one of the two robotic telescopes in the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT)
    survey, whose main goal is to search for transiting exoplanets around bright stars.

    VIRGO --- ---
    !! zítra:

    As speculation about a possible Earth-like exoplanet around our sun's nearest neighbor reaches
    fever pitch, the European Southern Observatory says there will be an announcement on Wednesday.
    Earth-like Exoplanet Orbiting Nearby Star?
    VIRGO --- ---
    Alien Mindscapes—A Perspective on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

    VIRGO --- ---
    Ancient air pockets changing the history of Earth’s oxygen -- ScienceDaily
    Geologists are using new direct methods to measure the Earth's oxygenation. They identified, for the first time,
    exactly how much oxygen was in Earth's atmosphere 813 million years ago -- 10.9 percent. This finding, they say,
    demonstrates that oxygenation on Earth occurred 300 million years earlier than previously concluded from indirect

    VIRGO --- ---
    Lunar meteorites, 3163 and 4881, found in Northwest Africa were formed under the surface of the Moon! via NASA Astromaterials.

    VIRGO --- ---
    10 days until an annular solar eclipse visible from nearly all of Africa
    NASA Eclipse Web Site

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    JunoCam "Marble Movie" data available | The Planetary Society

    JunoCam "Marble Movie" to Aug 11, preliminary version
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    VIRGO: Read about the loss of contact with STEREO B and the recovery operations, vi‏@elakdawalla
    STEREO - Behind Status
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    The informally-named Serenity Chasma is the largest of a system
    of canyons on Charon that snake across the moon's equator.

    Flying over Charon's Serenity Chasma
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    VIRGO --- ---
    Kontakt se STEREO-B po 22 měsících včera znovu navázán!!

    DSN v Goldstone je na příjmu i teď. https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/dsn.html

    VIRGO --- ---
    After delivering almost 5,000 pounds of supplies, experiments and equipment – including a docking adapter
    for future American commercial crew spacecraft – a SpaceX Dragon cargo craft is set to leave the International Space
    Station Friday, Aug. 26. NASA Television will provide coverage of Dragon’s departure beginning at 5:45 a.m. EDT.

    VIRGO --- ---
    A quick handbook of orbital mechanics:
    Lagrange Points

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    Interview: See NASA's asteroid-chasing satellite through the eyes of its principal investigator

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    Upcoming asteroid close approaches to Earth (less than 5 Lunar Distance) within the coming year:

    VIRGO --- ---
    A New Chapter In History: LHC To Reveal Possible Parallel Universe Next Week
    Despite critics all over the world, earth has not yet been sucked into a black hole or another dimension for that matter.
    In reality the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland has produced spectacular results instead.

    First scientists proved the existence of the elusive Higgs boson ‘God particle’ and they’re seemingly well on the way to
    nailing ‘dark matter’ also. But all of it pales in comparison to next week’s experiment.

    Fired up to its highest energy level possible, the LHC might possibly create even miniature black holes. If the parallel
    universe springs into existence it will not only be outside of our own, but it could also be filled with some of our gravity.
    This will surely lead to another red alert aboard the USS LHC Critics (may be even rightfully so).

    However, if successful CERN’s LHC will not only remain intact, but will open up a new chapter in history, eventually rewriting
    physics and philosophy books altogether.
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