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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    A Brief Primer on What It Would Take to Build a Dyson Sphere

    Should We Build a Dyson Sphere? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
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    News | Spitzer Space Telescope Begins 'Beyond' Phase
    Celebrating the spacecraft's ability to push the boundaries of space science and technology, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope team has dubbed the next phase of its journey "Beyond."

    "Spitzer is operating well beyond the limits that were set for it at the beginning of the mission," said Michael Werner, the project scientist for Spitzer at NASA's Jet Propulsion
    Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "We never envisioned operating 13 years after launch, and scientists are making discoveries in areas of science we never imagined exploring with
    the spacecraft." NASA recently granted the spacecraft a two-and-a-half-year mission extension. This Beyond phase of the Spitzer mission will explore a wide range of topics in
    astronomy and cosmology, as well as planetary bodies in and out of our solar system.

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    In the Keeler Gap with Daphnis from Kevin Gill. Titan lurks in the background beyond Saturn. Rendered with Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop.

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    Planet Found in Habitable Zone Around Nearest Star | ESO
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    The devastation of the Italy earthquake in Pescara del Tronto from Deimos2 satellite

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    Exploring plausible formation scenarios for the planet candidate orbiting Proxima Centauri

    Effects of Proxima Centauri on Planet Formation in Alpha Centauri

    The habitability of Proxima Centauri b

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    YaleNews | A better way to learn if alien planets have the right stuff
    A new method for analyzing the chemical composition of stars may help scientists winnow the search for Earth 2.0.

    Yale University researchers Debra Fischer and John Michael Brewer, in a new study that will appear in the Astrophysical Journal, describe
    a computational modeling technique that gives a clearer sense of the chemistry of stars, revealing the conditions present when their planets
    formed. The system creates a new way to assess the habitability and biological evolution possibilities of planets outside our solar system.

    “This is a very useful, easy diagnostic to tell whether that pale blue dot you see is more similar to Venus or the Earth,” said Fischer,
    a Yale professor of astronomy. “Our field is very focused on finding Earth 2.0, and anything we can do to narrow the search is helpful.”

    Lead author Brewer, a postdoctoral researcher at Yale, has used the technique previously to determine temperature, surface gravity, rotational
    speed, and chemical composition information for 1,600 stars, based on 15 elements found within those stars. The new study looks at roughly 800
    stars, focusing on their ratio of carbon to oxygen, and magnesium to silicon.
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    NASA Discovers Distant Planet Located Outside Funding Capabilities - The Onion - America's Finest News Source

    Ti nemůžou chybět... :D
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    Can one cosmic enigma help solve another? Astrophysicists argue fast radio bursts could provide clues to dark matter
    Astrophysicists from the Johns Hopkins University have proposed a clever new way of shedding light on the mystery of dark matter, believed
    to make up most of the universe. The irony is they want to try to pin down the nature of this unexplained phenomenon by using another,
    an obscure cosmic emanation known as "fast radio bursts."

    In a paper published online by the journal Physical Review Letters the team of astrophysicists argues that these extremely bright and brief
    flashes of radio-frequency radiation can provide clues about whether a particular kind of ancient black hole is what makes up dark matter.
    Julian Munoz, a Johns Hopkins graduate student and the paper's lead author, said fast radio bursts, or FRBs, provide a direct and specific
    way of detecting black holes of a specific mass, which are the suspect dark matter.
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    Gemini Images Galaxy That Is 99.99 Percent Dark Matter | Gemini Observatory
    Using the world’s most powerful telescopes, an international team of astronomers has discovered a massive galaxy that consists
    almost entirely of Dark Matter. Using the W. M. Keck Observatory and the Gemini North telescope – both on Maunakea, Hawai‘i –
    the team found a galaxy whose mass is almost entirely Dark Matter. The findings are being published in The Astrophysical Journal.

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    OSIRIS-REx: 2 týdny do startu!

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    ALMA Finds Unexpected Trove of Gas Around Larger Stars - NRAO: Revealing the Hidden Universe
    Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) surveyed dozens of young stars – some Sun-like
    and others approximately double that size – and discovered that the larger variety have surprisingly rich reservoirs of
    carbon monoxide gas in their debris disks. In contrast, the lower-mass, Sun-like stars have debris disks that are virtually gas-free.

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    BLACKHEAD: Přes lepící pásky jsou na ISS největší odborníci! :)

    [ VIRGO @ Dobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika ]
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    HADIAK: Taky jsem se tomu vbcera podivoval,co to tam visi.. :-D
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    NEBULA & VIRGO: IMHO to maj prilepeny na nejaky oboustrance (ty bily pasky)... Ale ta stojici lzice se fakt povedla... ;-)
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    Rosetta captures comet outburst / Rosetta / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

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