Massive holes 'punched' through a trail of stars likely caused by dark matter
The discovery of two massive holes punched through a stream of stars could help answer
questions about the nature of dark matter, the mysterious substance holding galaxies together.
Researchers have detected two massive holes which have been 'punched' through a stream of stars just outside the Milky Way,
and found that they were likely caused by clumps of dark matter, the invisible substance which holds galaxies together and
makes up a quarter of all matter and energy in the universe.
The scientists, from the University of Cambridge, found the holes by studying the distribution of stars in the Milky Way.
While the clumps of dark matter that likely made the holes are gigantic in comparison to our Solar System – with a mass between
one million and 100 million times that of the Sun – they are actually the tiniest clumps of dark matter detected to date.