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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Recap: September 11-16 2016
    This was the first week of the last year of the Cassini mission. Here's what happened:
    Cassini: Mission to Saturn: Recap: September 11-16 2016

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    A raw colour image of the latest drill / sample hole on Mars at a location called 'Quela'. For scale the diameter of the hole is 16 millimeters.
    Unlike many of the rocks that Curiosity has drilled this one has a reddy / brown colour. This combined with the results of the mineral / chemical
    content identified by the rovers on-board instrument suite will provide many clues to its origin. The image was acquired with the MAHLI camera which
    is located on the turret at the end of the rover's 2-meter long robotic arm which was extended and placed above the hole to capture this image.
    Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

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    Life may have emerged not once, but many times on Earth | New Scientist
    Far from being a miracle that happened just once in 4 billion years, life's beginnings could have been so commonplace that it began many times over
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    NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will not only investigate the Red Planet, searching for evidence of past life on Mars, but it also expected to lay foundations for future
    human exploration of the planet. One of the mission’s instrument called MOXIE will have a special task, testing technology essential for Mars colonization.
    “MOXIE is one of nine instruments but it is the only one that is relevant to human exploration,” Donald Rapp, one of the co-investigators of MOXIE, told Astrowatch.net.

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    The warps in space that make Einstein's perfect cosmic accident | New Scientist

    Picture a glimmering arc of light, the artefact of a lens made of warped space-time instead of glass. Einstein thought there was “no hope” of observing
    these bizarre cosmic illusions, predicted by his theory of general relativity – but we’ve been collecting so-called “Einstein rings” since 1987.

    An Einstein ring is not a place to visit but a trick of perspective. Two distant galaxies have to line up just so, or we won’t see it. At its most perfect,
    it’s a big, unbroken circle: beautiful and scientifically valuable in equal measure.

    A complete Einstein ring is one of the universe’s most accurate bathroom scales – the circle it draws around a galaxy lets us add up the mass of everything
    inside. This means they can help solve mysteries as diverse as dark matter and the ancient universe.

    We know of only a few dozen arcs that approach a full circle, though. So it seems fair to ask: of the Einstein rings we’ve found hidden in the sky so far,
    is there one that rules them all?

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    Hvězdná laboratoř ve Střelci | ESO Česko

    Malý shluk jasných modrých hvězd v levém horním rohu tohoto snímku, jehož mamutí originální verze má rozlišení 615 megapixelů, je pro vědce dokonalou kosmickou laboratoří,
    ve které mohou zkoumat život a smrt různých typů hvězd. Hvězdokupa známá pod označením M18 (Messier 18) je složena ze stálic, které vznikly společně, ze stejného mohutného
    oblaku plynu a prachu. Záběr, který zachycuje rovněž červeně zářící oblaky vodíku a temné prachové filamenty, byl pořízen pomocí dalekohledu VST (VLT Survey Telescope) na
    observatoři ESO/Paranal v Chile.

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    Feed Cabin Installation of World's Largest Radio Telescope Completes in Southwest China
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    The Telescope That Spans Continents
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    Prospects for Characterizing the Atmosphere of Proxima Centauri b
    In a paper uploaded to the arXiv repository, Laura Kreidberg and Abraham Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics argue
    the JWST is the instrument with the “potential to put the first constraints on the possibility of life around the nearest star to the
    Solar System.” The simulations the pair ran indicate that the telescope will be able to reliably distinguish a planet with bare rock
    from one with the kind of night-time heat redistribution we’re looking for.

    [1608.07345] Prospects for Characterizing the Atmosphere of Proxima Centauri b
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    Physics in the Days of Einstein and Feynman
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    High school students build dry ice engine for Mars colonisers | Cosmos
    Two North Carolina high school freshmen have created an engine that runs on dry ice to aid Martian exploration and colonisation.

    Chase Bishop and James Thompson developed the project as part of the TIME 4 Real Science Program, a research platform in North
    Carolina which teams high school students with teachers and volunteer scientists.

    Through this program, Bishop and Thompson spent more 250 hours thinking: could dry ice, as it sublimates from solid to gas,
    create enough energy to drive a piston?
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    Galaxy Cluster Discovered Over 11 Billion Light Years Away
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    HOWKING: Paráda, pak pls hned pošli sem. :))
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    Slibuje další :-)
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    HOWKING: Parádní!
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    Využil toho vysokého rozlišení a zkusil jsem pomocí Registaxu ty záběry, konkrétně z Apolla 17, stabilizovat. Celé video je 8x zrychlené a proložené záběry prvních kroku Cernana a celé té měsíční krajiny.
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    Pěkná práce Jana Masera - z uvolněných hd videi přistání na Měsíci vyrobil pomoci registaxu jedno stabilozované
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam