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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Hubble Directly Images Possible Plumes on Europa
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    Pluto’s Frozen Heart. Space News.
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    New low-mass objects could help refine planetary evolution | Carnegie Institution for Science

    When a star is young, it is often still surrounded by a primordial rotating disk of gas and dust from which planets can form.
    Astronomers like to find such disks because they might be able to catch the star partway through the planet-formation process,
    but it’s highly unusual to find such disks around brown dwarfs or stars with very low masses. New work from a team led by Anne
    Boucher of Université de Montréal, and including Carnegie’s Jonathan Gagné and Jacqueline Faherty, has discovered four new
    low-mass objects surrounded by disks. The results will be published by The Astrophysical Journal.

    Three of the four objects discovered by these researchers are quite small, somewhere between only 13 and 18 times the mass of
    Jupiter. The fourth has about 120 times Jupiter’s mass. (For comparison the Sun is just over 1,000 times more massive than Jupiter.)

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    Pulsar discovered in an ultraluminous X-ray source

    A team of European astronomers has discovered a new pulsar in a variable ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) known as NGC 7793 P13.
    The newly found object is the third ultraluminous X-ray pulsar detected so far, and also the fastest-spinning one. The findings
    are detailed in a paper published Sept. 21 in the arXiv pre-print server.

    ULXs are point sources in the sky that are so bright in X-rays that each emits more radiation than a million suns emit at all
    wavelengths. Although they are less luminous than active galactic nuclei, they are more consistently luminous than any known
    stellar process.

    NGC 7793 P13 (also known as XMMU J235751.1–323725) is located in the spiral galaxy NGC 7793 in the Sculptor constellation, about
    12.7 million light years from the Earth. According to a new study, which was conducted by a team of researchers led by Gianluca
    Israel of the Astronomical Observatory of Roma, Italy, this ULX hosts a 0.42-second pulsar.

    "Here, we report on the discovery of coherent pulsations at a period of 0.42 s in the EPIC pn lightcurves of XMMU J235751.1–323725,"
    the team wrote in the paper.

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    This will be the resting place of the intrepid Rosetta after 12 years, 6 months & 28 days in space.
    CometWatch 18 September – a new view of Rosetta’s impact site | Rosetta - ESA's comet chaser

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    How to merge two black holes in a simple way / News / SINC - Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas
    The merger of two black holes, such as the one which produced the gravitational waves discovered by the LIGO Observatory,
    is considered an extremely complex process that can only be simulated by the world’s most powerful supercomputers. However,
    two theoretical physicists from the University of Barcelona have demonstrated that what occurs on the space-time boundary of
    the two merging objects can be explained using simple equations, at least when a giant black hole collides with a tiny black hole.

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    Astronomers image newly discovered comet
    Earlier this week, Slooh member Bernd Lütkenhöner and Slooh astronomer Paul Cox were able to image the newly discovered
    Comet C/2016 R3 (Borisov) under extraordinary conditions. The comet had been close to the Sun since its discovery on
    September 11, 2016, by Gennady Borisov, making it extremely difficult to observe.

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    Teleconference on Findings From Jupiter's Moon Europa: Visuals

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    HubbleSite - NewsCenter - NASA's Hubble Spots Possible Water Plumes Erupting on Jupiter's Moon Europa (09/26/2016) - Release Images

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    The hidden dark side of NGC 24 | ESA/Hubble
    This shining disc of a spiral galaxy sits approximately 25 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Sculptor.
    Named NGC 24, the galaxy was discovered by British astronomer William Herschel in 1785, and measures some 40 000 light-years across.

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    Amazing pic by Karl Battams of ESA/NASA SOHO/LASCO C2 view of Io & Calisto, when Jupiter was out of FOV.

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    Na ni bych mohl koukat od soumraku do úsvitu...
    AsteroidDay Signatories & Astronauts Ron Garan, Leland D. Melvin
    & Anousheh Ansari with actress Selma Hayek.

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    ROSAT Image of Comet Hyakutake
    A team of U.S. and German astrophysicists have made the first ever detection of X-rays coming from a comet.
    Their discovery of a strong radiation signal -- about 100 times brighter than even the most optimistic predictions -
    was made March 27, 1996, during observations of Comet Hyakutake using Germany's orbiting ROSAT satellite.

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    HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE: Galaxies Across Space And Time 4K short video

    Hubble Telescope Images: Eta Carinae Fantastic astronomy NASA Hubble Space Telescope
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    China switches on world’s largest radio telescope "FAST" today to search for alien transmission
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    sice Forbes, ale linkuje na článek na arXiv. pozor, poněkud provokativní obsah - teorie modifikované dynamiky jsou z hlediska fyziky kategorie "všechno je jinak" :-)
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    Zatím jen demoverze. Ale působivá...
    100,000 Stars
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    Archives: See Pluto Now! 2014-11-09

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