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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Gender Systematics in Telescope Time Allocation at ESO
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    Tak prozatím nic. Znovu a lépe........*

    Mike Brown: Tonight is the season finale of The Search for Planet Nine.
    Forecast is for 100% fog. Going home to make tacos for my family.

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    What can moons orbiting asteroids tell us about the formation of our solar system?

    Science Today - Asteroid Moons | California Academy of Sciences
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    YBCA: Life in Space: from Europa to Aliens

    Join SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute astronomers Dr. Jill Tarter and Dr. Franck Marchis,
    with Jet Propulsion Laboratory Europa Project Staff Scientist and Science Communications Lead Dr. Cynthia Phillips,
    for a far-reaching discussion of the possibilities of life beyond Earth. The talk will be moderated by Charles Lindsay,
    interdisciplinary artist and director of the SETI Institute’s artist in residence program.

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    Aqueous history of Mars as inferred from landed mission measurements of rocks, soils, and water ice - Arvidson - 2016 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - Wiley Online Library

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    Visitors at the FAST Opening
    ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture

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    Comet 341P Gibbs and several Galaxies - Sky & Telescope

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    Work in progress in Goddard cleanroom. Check the webbcams! http://jwst.nasa.gov/webcam.html

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    Typhoon Chaba effects in Jeju, South Korea | 05 10 2016
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    Compilation of meteors of September 2016
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    The perfectly synchronized ALMA antennas receive the radio waves that come from
    the Universe's astronomical objects. These waves are collected at a point called 'the focal point'.

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    Stretchy slabs found in the deep Earth | Geology IN

    A new study suggests that the common belief that the Earth's rigid tectonic plates
    stay strong when they slide under another plate, known as subduction, may not be universal.

    Typically during subduction, plates slide down at a constant rate into the warmer, less-dense mantle at a fairly steep angle.
    However, in a process called flat-slab subduction, the lower plate moves almost horizontally underneath the upper plate.

    The research, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, found that the Earth's largest flat slab, located beneath Peru, where
    the oceanic Nazca Plate is being subducted under the continental South American Plate, may be relatively weak and deforms easily.

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    A 360-degree panorama captured via the Mast Camera on the Curiosity Rover. The area shown is called the "Murray Buttes," on lower Mount Sharp.

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    Mark McCaughrean´s take on Rosetta Landing location, less than 200m from nominal TD point, based on Holger's "blue dot" image. Probe to scale.

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    NASA APOD: 67P interactive explorer
    APOD: 2016 October 3 - Explore Rosettas Comet

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    A huge fireball passes over ALGERIA 01/10/2016
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    On this day, in 1957, Sputnik I, the first artificial earth satellite was placed in orbit by the Soviets—the Dawn of the Space Age.
    It traveled at a speed of 18,000 mph and circled the earth about every 95 minutes. The impact that Sputnik had on mathematics was
    unbelievable. The U. S. Government was convinced that the Russians were ahead of us in mathematics and science, so they poured
    money into the schools and into teacher retraining.

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    Infrared Image of Nebula Messier 78 Reveals Hidden Stars

    A new image of Messier 78, a nebula located about 1,600 light-years away in the constellation of Orion,
    reveals stars and other features that in previous observations, had been hidden by cosmic dust.

    Messier 78 is what’s known as a reflection nebula. In visible light, images of the formation, like those taken by the ESO’s Wide Field Imager,
    look like a swirling, luminous, blue cloud, streaked with dark ribbons. Light from the stars at its center reflect off the dust and scatter
    the light. The new image from ESO’s Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA), sees near-infrared light, which passes through
    the dust, allowing the stars within to shine through. (See comparison images below.) “The telescope”, writes ESO, “is like a giant dustbuster
    that lets astronomers probe deep into the heart of the stellar environment.”

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    Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia sky - Sciencesconf.org

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