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    ztracené heslo?
    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: * pardon: jsou takové modulace běžné. :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: Po více než 20 letech exoplanetárního výzkumu nejsou takové modulace běžné.
    Dělají se denně pro tělesa, která jsou mnohonásobně dál, a rovněž (jako u P9) můžeme pozorovat pouze nepřímé fyzikální důsledky jejich existence.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Planetary Names: Crater, craters: Degana on Mars

    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    VIRGO: jo, Blesk. nemaji vubec nic, ale uz maj povrchovou teplotu, dyt je to blbost.
    zatim je to 50:50, uvidime casem. jestli ma opravdu nejakou extremni eliptickou drahu tak objeveni muze jeste trvat, nez zacne neco gravitacne ovlivnovat.
    VIRGO --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: Myslíš Blesk s velkým "B"? :-))
    Ale to vůbec! Švýcaři to detailně rozpracovali v na Un. v Bernu.
    Angláni už dělaj modelace. A před pár dny skončilo první hledání optikou.
    Sám jsem v tomto ohledu spíš pesimista, ale přijde mi to moc zajímavé. :)
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    VIRGO: k cemu jako tohle je ? dyt je to dobry tak do blesku.

    ale dik za vsechny ostatni co sem davas. super.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Study predicts next global dust storm on Mars

    Global dust storms on Mars could soon become more predictable—which would be a boon
    for future astronauts there—if the next one follows a pattern suggested by those in the past.

    A published prediction, based on this pattern, points to Mars experiencing a global dust storm in the next few months. "Mars will reach the midpoint of its
    current dust storm season on October 29th of this year. Based on the historical pattern we found, we believe it is very likely that a global dust storm will
    begin within a few weeks or months of this date," James Shirley, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Simulating path of ‘magma mush’ inside an active volcano | UW Today

    'Magma Mush' Simulation - Fast Speed
    VIRGO --- ---
    XJ1417+52: X-ray Telescopes Find Evidence for Wandering Black Hole
    Chandra :: Photo Album :: XJ1417+52 :: October 5, 2016

    Astronomers have used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton X-ray observatory to discover an extremely luminous,
    variable X-ray source located outside the center of its parent galaxy. This peculiar object could be a wandering black hole that came from
    a small galaxy falling into a larger one.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Blue Origin successfully tests capsule safety, lands booster
    VIRGO --- ---
    Dnes v roce 1995!
    51 Pegasi b - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    VIRGO --- ---

    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: Protože kdyby to dopadlo nějak takhle, nebylo by to jen "nudných" 150 mega navíc, ale bylo by utrum na 20 - 40 let. To si nikdo nelajzne.

    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING --- ---
    Proč s tím musí proboha furt zacházet tak opatrně? Vždyť to stejně při startu musí vydržet brutální pelklo vibrací a přetížení?
    VIRGO --- ---
    Začalo naklánění

    VIRGO --- ---
    The local spiral structure of the Milky Way
    The local spiral structure of the Milky Way | Science Advances

    The nature of the spiral structure of the Milky Way has long been debated. Only in the last decade have astronomers been able
    to accurately measure distances to a substantial number of high-mass star-forming regions, the classic tracers of spiral structure
    in galaxies. We report distance measurements at radio wavelengths using the Very Long Baseline Array for eight regions of massive
    star formation near the Local spiral arm of the Milky Way. Combined with previous measurements, these observations reveal that the
    Local Arm is larger than previously thought, and both its pitch angle and star formation rate are comparable to those of the Galaxy’s
    major spiral arms, such as Sagittarius and Perseus. Toward the constellation Cygnus, sources in the Local Arm extend for a great
    distance along our line of sight and roughly along the solar orbit. Because of this orientation, these sources cluster both on the sky
    and in velocity to form the complex and long enigmatic Cygnus X region. We also identify a spur that branches between the Local and
    Sagittarius spiral arms.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Breakthrough focuses on planet roxima Centauri b

    Extraterrestrial Life Finding Telescopes - PLANETS Foundation
    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers find a planet through a never-before-used method
    They used pulsation to confirm a long-period planet around a Kepler candidate world.
    Astronomers find a planet through a never-before-used method | Astronomy.com

    Astronomers find most exoplanets from indirect signals, noticing changes in the light of the planet’s host star instead of by seeing the planet itself.
    But some stars’ light changes all on its own, making these methods tricky at best. KIC 7917485b is the first exoplanet identified around a main sequence
    A-type star from its orbital motion, and the first found near an A -typestar’s habitable zone.

    A-type stars are bigger and hotter than most stars in the Kepler catalog and tend to be noisy, changing brightness at regular intervals. This dimming and
    brightening can be hard to untangle from, for instance, a planet transiting and dimming its light. As such, while there’s no reason for A-type stars not
    to have planets, it’s been difficult for astronomers to identify them. So far, the few exoplanets found around A-type stars are either from direct imaging
    (which can only, where the planets are very far from their star, or from transits where the planets are very close to the star, where the signal is strong.
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