Theory redraws formation of early universe
Scientists have provided a solid foundation for an alternative theory to help explain how the early universe took shape.
This theory, first devised two decades ago, proposes that the dominant expansion in the early universe some 14 billion years ago,
known as cosmological inflation, took place in a warm environment. The idea differs from existing theories which state that this
time of change took place during a cold period.
A group of physicists, including Professor Arjun Berera from the University, who first devised the theory, has now created the first
compelling physical model of events that took place at this point in time, based on fundamental physical principles. This work contradicts
prevailing beliefs in the field that if would be near impossible to devise a compelling model, based on first principles, for this theory.
Their idea takes into account a scientific process known as the Little Higgs mechanism, which stabilises the mass of sub-atomic particles
known as Higgs bosons. Their theory combines this mechanism with the concept that energy produced in the early universe allows for
a continuous warm temperature.
Their idea showed very good agreement with satellite measurements of temperature fluctuations in the early universe.