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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    SKA - Great news! On 7 October ASKAP - one of two Australian SKA precursor telescopes - formally began early science operations using 12 of its 36 antennas.

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    Researchers Predict Possible Birthplace of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko | Planetary Science, Space Exploration | Sci-News.com

    Using statistical analysis and computing, a duo of researchers at Western University in Canada has charted a path
    that likely pinpoints the origins of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the target comet of ESA’s recent Rosetta mission.

    Possible Birthplace of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
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    NASA's MAVEN Mission Gives Unprecedented Ultraviolet View of Mars

    New global images of Mars from the MAVEN mission show the ultraviolet glow from the Martian atmosphere in unprecedented detail, revealing dynamic,
    previously invisible behavior. They include the first images of "nightglow" that can be used to show how winds circulate at high altitudes.
    Additionally, dayside ultraviolet imagery from the spacecraft shows how ozone amounts change over the seasons and how afternoon clouds form over giant
    Martian volcanoes. The images were taken by the Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission (MAVEN).

    Ultraviolet Mars Reveals Cloud Formation
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    Pandora is seen here, in isolation beside Saturn's kinked and constantly changing F ring.

    Pandora (near upper right) is 50 miles (81 kilometers) wide. The moon has an elongated, potato-like shape (see PIA07632).

    Two faint ringlets are visible within the Encke Gap, near lower left. The gap is about 202 miles (325 kilometers) wide.
    The much narrower Keeler Gap, which lies outside the Encke Gap, is maintained by the diminutive moon Daphnis (not seen here).

    This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 23 degrees above the ring plane. The image was taken in visible
    light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Aug. 12, 2016.

    The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 907,000 miles (1.46 million kilometers) from Saturn and at a Sun-Saturn-
    spacecraft, or phase, angle of 113 degrees. Image scale is 6 miles (9 kilometers) per pixel.

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    Dobyvatelé sluneční soustavy a velcí "selfie" fanoušci... :)

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    Western University captures footage of Ottawa-Gatineau meteor on October 17, 2016
    Western University Captures Footage of Ottawa-Gatineau Meteor (Oct. 17, 2016)
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    Discovery Channel - Large Asteroid Impact Simulation
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    Wayward Field Lines Challenge Solar Radiation Models

    In addition to the constant emission of warmth and light, our sun sends out occasional bursts of solar radiation that propel
    high-energy particles toward Earth. These solar energetic particles, or SEPs, can impact astronauts or satellites. To fully
    understand these particles, scientists must look to their source: the bursts of solar radiation.

    Wayward Field Lines Challenge Solar Radiation Models
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    European Mars lander released from ExoMars mothership – Spaceflight Now

    A saucer-shaped entry, descent and landing demonstrator separated from Europe’s ExoMars orbiter Sunday,
    beginning a three-day approach aiming to become the first European-built craft to set down on the red planet and return data.

    Named for Giovanni Schiaparelli, the Italian astronomer who charted the first rudimentary maps of Mars in the 19th century,
    the landing probe is heading for a target in Meridiani Planum, an expansive plain near the Martian equator.

    Schiaparelli deployed from a pod on its carrier craft, an instrument-laden satellite heading into orbit around Mars,
    as scheduled at 1442 GMT (10:42 a.m. EDT) Sunday, and each spacecraft is heading off on separate missions.

    Both elements — built by Thales Alenia Space — are part of the European Space Agency’s ExoMars program in partnership with Russia,
    which was responsible for launching the mission. The next phase of the ExoMars mission will come in 2020 with the launch of
    a European-built rover on another Russian rocket.
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    Pár infografik o EHT:
    10 Fascinating Facts About the World's Most Powerful Telescope | Perimeter Institute

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    Died a famous Ukrainian astronomer Klim Churyumov | Latest news

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    NASA’s Juno spacecraft has a problem with its engine | Ars Technica

    Science not affected yet, but if problem isn’t fixed Juno will fly fewer orbits.
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    This image taken in August at The University of Arizona Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab shows the progress on GMT Segment 2
    with the edging and beveling operations. "Polishing" will come later, as this is the diamond machining phase.

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    The Stage Is Set For Tuesday’s Thirty Meter Telescope Hearing (Civil Beat) | Sacred Mauna Kea
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    NASA's 'Large Strategic' Science Missions Under the Microscope | American Institute of Physics
    On Oct. 5 and 6, a National Academies committee studying NASA’s large strategic science missions held a meeting at which NASA officials
    and current and former congressional staff members presented. Committee members and presenters confronted pressing questions concerning
    what role the missions play in accomplishing the agency’s science goals and in sustaining broader scientific communities.
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    Trying to be more specific about the distance between us and Sombrero galaxy
    (Messier 104) with a help from HST. Present distance: 31 million lightyears.
    [1610.03857] The Distance to M104

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    A number of extrasolar planets have been found in the past two decades and now researchers agree that planets can have a wide variety of characteristics.
    However, it is still unclear how this diversity emerges. Especially, there is still debate about how the icy giant planets, such as Uranus and Neptune, form.

    To take a close look at the planet formation site, a research team led by Takashi Tsukagoshi at Ibaraki University, Japan, observed the young star TW Hydrae.
    This star, estimated to be 10 million years old, is one of the closest young stars to the Earth. Thanks to the proximity and the fact that its axis of rotation
    points roughly in the Earth's direction, giving us a face-on-view of the developing planetary system, TW Hydrae is one of the most favorable targets for
    investigating planet formation.

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    A Novel Approach to Studying a Star's Environment from Light Curvessu201640 | www.cfa.harvard.edu/

    There are now about 2700 confirmed exoplanets discovered by transiting techniques including those used with the Kepler satellite.
    The transit method observes the stellar light curve (the flux versus time), and spots the slight dimming of starlight when an exoplanet
    crosses the face of the star as seen from Earth. The orbital period of the exoplanet can be determined from multiple transits, with the
    duration and details of the transit dip providing a measure of the planet's size. Light curves actually monitor a number physical processes
    including some at the stellar surface (like sunspots) as well as in their surroundings. Periodic variability of the observed stellar flux
    has long been used to measure stellar rotation periods, for example; transiting exoplanets produce a characteristic shape in the light curve.

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