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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce

    For every complex question, there's a simple answer that's completely wrong.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    XCHAOS: haha, i tak se to da vnimat.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: naopak: to, že s námi nekomunikují, je právě důkaz toho, že jsou inteligentní :-)
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    VIRGO: to je presne ted duvod, proc v okoli nikdo neni. a jestli ano, tak bez moznosti signal prijmout a odvysilat odpoved.
    jednoduche jako facka.
    VIRGO --- ---
    The reach of Earth's radio signals in space

    VIRGO --- ---
    This image is combined from separate exposures acquired by HST's ACS/WFC instrument in one filter,
    F550M (narrow V). Color was applied using a colormap assigning a different color to each brightness value.
    HubbleSite - NewsCenter - A Death Star's Ghostly Glow (10/27/2016) - Release Images

    Image Credit: NASA and ESA
    Acknowledgment: M. Weisskopf (NASA Marshall)
    Release Date: October 27, 2016

    VIRGO --- ---
    News | Catalog of Known Near-Earth Asteroids Tops 15,000

    The number of discovered near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) now tops 15 000, with an average of 30 new discoveries added each week.
    This milestone marks a 50 percent increase in the number of known NEAs since 2013, when discoveries reached 10,000 in August of that year.

    Surveys funded by NASA's Near Earth Object (NEO) Observations Program (NEOs include both asteroids and comets) account for more than 95 percent of discoveries so far.

    The 15 000th near-Earth asteroid is designated *2016 TB57*. It was discovered on Oct. 13 by observers at the Mount Lemmon Survey, an element of the NASA-funded Catalina
    Sky Survey in Tucson, Arizona. 2016 TB57 is a rather small asteroid - about 16 to 36 meters in size - that will come closest to Earth on Oct. 31 at just beyond five times
    the distance of the moon. It will safely pass Earth.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Boyajians Star from Breakthrough Listen at 10.4 GHz. Axes are frequency (vertical) vs time (horizontal)

    VIRGO --- ---
    Bright fireball captured by a dashcam over Denver, Colorado on October 27, 2016
    VIRGO --- ---
    Shocks in the early universe could be detectable today

    Physicists have discovered a surprising consequence of a widely supported model of the early universe: according to the model, tiny
    cosmological perturbations produced shocks in the radiation fluid just a fraction of a second after the big bang. These shocks would have
    collided with each other to generate gravitational waves that are large enough to be detected by today's gravitational wave detectors.

    The physicists, Ue-Li Pen at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics in Toronto, and Neil Turok at the Perimeter Institute
    for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, have published a paper on the shocks in the early universe and their aftermath in a recent issue
    of Physical Review Letters.

    As the scientists explain, the most widely supported model of the early universe is one with a radiation-dominated background that is
    almost perfectly homogeneous, except for some tiny waves, or perturbations, in the radiation.

    In the new study, Pen and Turok have theoretically shown that some of these early, tiny perturbations, which are small-amplitude waves,
    would have spiked to form large-amplitude waves, or shocks. These shocks would have formed only at very high temperatures, like those
    that occur immediately after the big bang.

    The physicists also showed that, when two or more shocks collide with each other, they generate gravitational waves.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Auroras. Taken by Chad Blakley on October 26, 2016 @ Abisko National Park, Sweden

    VIRGO --- ---
    15 000 space rocks and counting / Space Situational Awareness / Operations / Our Activities / ESA

    The number of catalogued asteroids approaching Earth has grown rapidly since the count reached 10 000 only three years ago.
    “A few decades back, 30 were found in a typical year, now we have been discovering on average 30 new ones per week."

    VIRGO --- ---
    Physicists make it possible to 3-D print your own baby universe

    Researchers have created a 3D printed cosmic microwave background -
    a map of the oldest light in the universe - and provided the files for download.

    "Representing these differences as bumps and dips on a spherical surface allows anyone to appreciate the structure of the early universe.
    For example, the famous 'CMB cold spot', an unusually low temperature region in the CMB, can be felt as a small but isolated depression."

    The CMB can be printed from a range of 3D printers, and two files types have been created by the team: one for simple single-colour structures and
    one that includes the temperature differences represented as colours as well as bumps and dips. The files for both types are free to download.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Orex status ke 27/10

    Vzdál. sonda-Země: 27.7 M km
    vzdál. od Slunce: 0.84 au
    Jednosměrné zpoždění signálu: 92.3 s

    Délka dráhy od startu do čt. večera: 131 M km

    Rychlost vůči Zemi: 9.35 km/s
    Rychlost vůči Slunci: 34.5 km/s

    modrá - dráha od startu po dnešek
    šedaá přerušovaná - budoucí dráha
    zelená - oběžnice Země
    červená - oběžnice asteroidu
    VIRGO --- ---
    Possible meteor observed by a dashcam over Salt Lake City on October 27th, 2016
    Salt Lake City Meteor Oct 27th 2016
    VIRGO --- ---
    Watch The Shocking Moment Lightning Strikes an Airplane Mid-Flight

    Drone Lightning Strike
    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers using observations from NASA's Kepler and Swift missions have discovered a group of rapidly spinning stars
    that produce X-rays at more than 100 times the peak levels ever seen from the sun. The stars, which spin so fast they've
    been squashed into pumpkin-like shapes, are thought to be the result of close binary systems where two sun-like stars merge.

    The 18 stars rotate in just a few days, on average, compared to the sun's nearly one month rotation. Their rapid rotation greatly
    amplifies the same kind of activity we see on the sun, such as sunspots and solar flares, resulting in enhanced X-ray output.

    NASA's Kepler, Swift Missions Harvest ‘Pumpkin’ Stars
    VIRGO --- ---

    ExoMars Lander's Impact Site Revealed In Better Resolution | Video
    XCHAOS --- ---
    [1610.08043] On the stability of a space vehicle riding on an intense laser beam
    VIRGO --- ---
    Slow cometary fireball spotted over Southern Spain on October 26, 2016
    Slow cometary fireball on Oct. 26 (at 23:57 UT)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Space Station Fisheye Fly-Through 4K (Ultra HD)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Tak je tu čtvrtek a s ním hi res snímky MRO, jak ESA slibovala:

    Detailed images of Schiaparelli and its descent hardware on Mars / ExoMars / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    A high-resolution image taken by a NASA Mars orbiter this week reveals further details of the area where the ExoMars Schiaparelli
    module ended up following its descent on 19 October.

    The latest image was taken on 25 October by the high-resolution camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and provides close-ups
    of new markings on the planet’s surface first found by the spacecraft’s ‘context camera’ last week.

    Both cameras had already been scheduled to observe the centre of the landing ellipse after the coordinates had been updated following
    the separation of Schiaparelli from ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter on 16 October. The separation manoeuvre, hypersonic atmospheric entry and
    parachute phases of Schiaparelli’s descent went according to plan, the module ended up within the main camera’s footprint, despite
    problems in the final phase.

    The new images provide a more detailed look at the major components of the Schiaparelli hardware used in the descent sequence.

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