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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Arrival (2016) - "Common Ground" - Paramount Pictures
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    LIFE - Official International Trailer (HD)
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    ISS orbital height was increased today to 406.1km with a 96 sec burn of the Zvezda thrusters.

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    A vibrant scientific culture encourages many interpretations of evidence, argues Avi Loeb.
    Good data are not enough : Nature News & Comment
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    ExoMars TGO will release the 1st images taken with CASSIS camera on December 1.
    Getting ready for a tricky task - NCCR PlanetS
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    Near-Earth Asteroid 2016 VA: very close encounter with eclipse! – 01 Nov. 2016

    The near-Earth asteroid 2016 VA was discovered by the Mt. Lemmon Sky Survey in Arizona (USA) on 1 Nov. 2016 and announced later the same day
    by the Minor Planet Center. The object was going to have a very close encounter with the Earth, at 0.2 lunar distances (about 75.000 km).
    At Virtual Telescope Project we grabbed extremely spectacular images and a unique video showing it eclipsed by the Earth.

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    Barevná mlhovina Carina podléhá náporu jasných nedalekých hvězd
    Pilíře zkázy | ESO Česko

    Pomocí přístroje MUSE a dalekohledu ESO/VLT vědci získali působivá nová pozorování mohutných pilířovitých struktur v mlhovině Carina.
    Mezinárodní tým provedl analýzu několika pilířů v různých mlhovinách a dospěl k závěru, že se v tomto případě jedná spíše o ‚pilíře zániku‘ –
    což je v kontrastu s pojmenováním známého útvaru podobného typu, který se nachází v Orlí mlhovině a je nazýván Pilíře stvoření.

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    [1611.00015] Searching for Planet Nine with Coadded WISE and NEOWISE-Reactivation Images

    A distant, as yet unseen ninth planet has been invoked to explain various observations of the outer solar system. While such a 'Planet Nine',
    if it exists, is most likely to be discovered via reflected light in the optical, it may emit much more strongly at 3−5μm than simple blackbody
    predictions would suggest, depending on its atmospheric properties (Fortney et al. 2016). As a result, Planet Nine may be detectable at 3.4μm
    with WISE, but single exposures are too shallow except at relatively small distances (d9≲430 AU).
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    Large amounts of beryllium-7, an element that decays into lithium, have been found inside nova Sagittarii 2015 N.2
    Study confirms that novae, a type of explosive phenomenon in stars, are main source of lithium in the universe | Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC

    Lithium, the lightest solid element in existence, plays an important role in our lives, both at the biological and the technological level.
    Like the majority of chemical elements, its origins stem back to astrophysical phenomena, but its point of genesis was so far unclear.
    Recently, a group of researchers detected enormous quantities of beryllium-7 –an unstable element which decays into lithium in 53.2 days–
    inside nova Sagittarii 2015 N.2, which suggests that novae are the main source of lithium in the galaxy.
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    The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor
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    Brown dwarf WISE 0855 found to have clouds of water in its atmosphere.

    Just 7 light-years away from the Sun—practically in our laps in galactic terms—lies an amazing object. Called WISE 0855, it’s not really a star,
    because it is far too low in mass to ignite nuclear fusion in its core. That’s the gold standard for stardom, and WISE 0855 falls far, far short of it.

    Objects like that are generally called brown dwarfs, but even then it’s not clear; WISE 0855 has between three and 10 times the mass of Jupiter, and
    brown dwarfs fade down into planets near the top of that range. So it may very well be a very massive planet.

    But it doesn’t orbit a star. If it’s a planet, it’s a rogue planet. Amazed yet? There’s more: The temperature of this borderline object is only about
    250 Kelvins, which is -25° or so C. That means the surface temperature is below the freezing point of water.

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    The Relationships Between Chemicals on Comets - SpaceRef
    A new study has revealed similarities and relationships between certain types of chemicals found
    on 30 different comets, which vary widely in their overall composition compared to one another.

    The research is part of ongoing investigations into these primordial bodies, which contain
    material largely unchanged from the birth of the solar system some 4.6 billion years ago.
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    Scientists confirm a structural similarity found in both human cells and neutron stars

    We humans may be more aligned with the universe than we realize. According to research published in the journal Physical Review C,
    neutron stars and cell cytoplasm have something in common: structures that resemble multistory parking garages.

    In 2014, UC Santa Barbara soft condensed-matter physicist Greg Huber and colleagues explored the biophysics of such shapes—helices
    that connect stacks of evenly spaced sheets—in a cellular organelle called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Huber and his colleagues
    dubbed them Terasaki ramps after their discoverer, Mark Terasaki, a cell biologist at the University of Connecticut.

    Huber thought these "parking garages" were unique to soft matter (like the interior of cells) until he happened upon the work of
    nuclear physicist Charles Horowitz at Indiana University. Using computer simulations, Horowitz and his team had found the same
    shapes deep in the crust of neutron stars.

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    Hearing Update 10/31 - Maunakea & TMT

    Day Six of the contested case hearings in Hilo today had expert witness James Hayes taking
    the stand again to answer various questions about the TMT project’s Environmental Impact Statement.

    Hayes, a planner who helped prepare the project’s EIS, briefly discussed the telescope design, in
    which the size of the Thirty Meter Telescope’s dome exterior was reduced to create less visual impact.

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    The Life, the Sea and the Space Viking, trailers released | SETI Institute

    In the coming weeks, the SETI Institute will release some of the short videos and trailers developed
    in house at the SETI Institute by our Designer of Experiences Nelly Ben Hayoun as part of the project
    The Life, the Sea and the Space Viking which deals with the contemporary debates on astrobiology and
    terraforming. Two areas of expertise developed at the SETI Institute by our world class scientists.

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    Layered Bedrock in the Center of a 15-Kilometer Diameter Impact Crater
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    A Periodic Table for Black Hole Orbits
    Physicist Janna Levin last year published a paper where she offers a way to understand what happens to objects trapped
    in the intense gravitational field around rotating black holes. As this chart shows, there are many paths to the singularity.

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    Virgin Galactic Postpones 1st Glide Test with New SpaceShipTwo

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