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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Solved: One of the mysteries of globular clusters | EurekAlert! Science News

    A study shows that the most massive stars in the last stages of their lives are those which contaminate the interstellar
    medium with new chemical elements, giving rise to successive generations of stars in these 'astronomical fossils'

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    Researchers discover UGC 3672 galaxy to be an unusual merging triplet of gas-rich dwarf galaxies

    Astronomers from India and Russia revealed new information about the composition of the galaxy UGC 3672. According to a paper published
    Nov. 4 on the arXiv pre-print server, UGC 3672 is actually a triplet of very gas-rich dwarf galaxies in the process of merging.

    UGC 3672 is located near the center of the nearby Lynx-Cancer intergalactic void. This void, which is about 59 million light years away
    from Earth, was recently a subject of detailed surveys due to its relative proximity. Lynx-Cancer gives scientists the opportunity to
    study galaxies to a much fainter mass and luminosity limit than have been done in more distant voids.

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    New Theory of Gravity Might Explain Dark Mattter - Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics

    A new theory of gravity might explain the curious motions of stars in galaxies. Emergent gravity, as the new theory is called,
    predicts the exact same deviation of motions that is usually explained by inserting dark matter in the theory. Prof. Erik Verlinde,
    renowned expert in string theory at the University of Amsterdam and the Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics, published a new
    research paper today in which he expands his groundbreaking views on the nature of gravity.
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    Ajaj... :-/
    'Millions' needed to continue Europe's Mars mission: ESA chief | Bangkok Post: news
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    Giant Radio Telescope Turns to New-Found Nearby Planet - Astrobiology Magazine

    Breakthrough Listen, the 10-year, $100-million astronomical search for intelligent life beyond Earth launched in 2015 by Internet entrepreneur
    Yuri Milner and Stephen Hawking, today announced its first observations using the Parkes Radio Telescope in New South Wales, Australia.

    Parkes joins the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia, USA, and the Automated Planet Finder (APF) at Lick Observatory in California, USA, in
    their ongoing surveys to determine whether civilizations elsewhere have developed technologies similar to our own. Parkes radio telescope is part
    of the Australia Telescope National Facility, owned and managed by Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO).

    Drawing on over nine months of experience in operation of the dedicated Breakthrough Listen instrument at GBT, a team of scientists and engineers
    from the University of California, Berkeley’s SETI Research Center (BSRC) deployed similar hardware at Parkes, bringing Breakthrough Listen’s
    unprecedented search tools to a wide range of sky inaccessible from the GBT. The Southern Hemisphere sky is rich with targets, including the center
    of our own Milky Way galaxy, large swaths of the galactic plane, and numerous other galaxies in the nearby Universe.
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    How Did the Milky Way Get Its Name?

    The earliest mentions of the Milky Way can be traced back to the ancient Greeks (800 B.C. to 500 B.C.),
    according to Matthew Stanley, a professor of the history of science at the Gallatin School of Individualized
    Study at New York University. But it's unclear exactly when the name emerged, he told Live Science.

    "The term was in common use in Western astronomy 2,500 years ago," Stanley said, referring to stargazers in
    European countries. "So there's no way of knowing who first coined it and how it first came to be. It's one
    of those terms that's so old that its origin is generally forgotten by now."

    In fact, Stanley added, the Milky Way provided astronomers with the Greek root for the astronomical term "galaxy."

    "'Galactos' literally means 'the milky thing in the sky,'" Stanley said.

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    James Webb Space Telescope Update
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    A Pulsar and White Dwarf in an Unexpected Orbit
    Astronomers have discovered a binary system consisting of a low-mass white dwarf and a millisecond
    pulsar — but its eccentric orbit defies all expectations of how such binaries form.

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    To je bourák! :)

    Ryan Chester, from North Royalton in Ohio, sent his video for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, which offers students aged 13-18 to share
    their interest for math and science with the world. The competition got over 2,000 submissions from 86 countries. After being pointed down
    to 15 qualifiers, Ryan accomplished to wrangle the prize and brilliance. Ryan composed the script, filmed, edited, and produced all the visual
    effects and motion graphics for this video. Overall, he acquired $400,000 – $250,000 of which will go towards a scholarship, $50,000 to his
    teacher Richard Nestoff and $100,000 for his school to fund a science lab. Not bad!

    Breakthrough Junior Challenge: Some Cool Ways of Looking at the Special Theory of Relativity
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    Starší, ale pořád parádní!
    The Most Detailed Map to Date of Our Place in the Universe
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    ScienceCasts: 2016 Ends with Three Supermoons

    We’re about to see a record-breaking supermoon - the biggest in nearly 70 years - ScienceAlert
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    Are you ready to discover new worlds? Become a Planet Hunter. As a Planet Hunter, you can inspect stars'
    brightness measurements called light curves to find planets missed by automated detection algorithms.
    No training required is required -- all you need is your keen eyes and a web browser to join the hunt.


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    Top Ten Facts about the James Webb Space Telescope
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    Human Population Through Time

    Watching Humans Take Over the Earth in 200,000 Years Is Pretty Relaxing | Motherboard
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    Supercomputer calculation suggests hypothesized particle may be heavier than thought.
    Axion alert! Exotic-particle detector may miss out on dark matter : Nature News & Comment

    An ambitious supercomputer calculation has brought good and bad news for physicists hunting the ‘axion’ —
    a hypothetical particle that is considered a leading candidate for dark matter.

    The result shows that the axion, if it exists, could be at least ten times heavier than previously thought.
    If true, that’s a useful clue on how to find the particle. But it also suggests that an experiment that has
    been hunting the axion for two decades might be unlikely to find it, because the detector was designed to
    search for a lighter version.
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    Here's how high you can jump on other planets and moons in the solar system

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