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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    SPS se nám také podařilo navštívit. :)
    Heavy ions and quark-gluon plasma | CERN

    Tomorrow we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the heavy ions research in colliders. Indeed, on 18 November 1986, the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS)
    delivered its first heavy ion beam at CERN in order to study the possibility that quark-gluon plasma was more than just a theory. The aim was to “deconfine”
    quarks by smashing the heavy ions into targets. This image shows an oxygen ion collision in a lead target at an energy of 3.2 TeV. The photograph was taken
    in a detector known as a streamer chamber.

    Nowadays, heavy ion research continues at CERN. To recreate conditions similar to those of the very early universe, the LHC makes head-on collisions between
    massive ions travelling with velocities close to the velocity of light. The extreme temperature and density at the point of collision of hundreds of protons
    and neutrons smashing into one another forms a minuscule fireball in which everything “melts” into a quark-gluon plasma.

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    Incredible Spinning Star Rotates At A Million Miles Per Hour! - Universe Today
    160 000 light years away, a star named VFTS 102 is spinning at a mind-numbing speed of 2 million km per hour (Sun
    spins at 2 km/s at its equator), this hot blue giant has reached the edge where centrifugal forces could tear it apart.

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    Did the Spirit Mars Rover Find a Biosignature of Past Life?

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    Walking the Snow Line | astrobites
    Time evolution of snow regions and planet traps in an evolving protoplanetary disk

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    NGC 2207 & IC 2163 are sprinkled with many star systems known as X-ray binaries
    Montage of images of NGC~2207/IC~2163 taken with HST, Galex (FUV), and Spitzer (3.6 and 24 μμm). The distance to these galaxies is ∼∼39 Mpc.
    Spatially resolved star formation image and the ULX population in NGC2207/IC2163 - INSPIRE-HEP

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    Leonids Meteor Shower Peak today

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    Photographer Snaps Streaking Meteor Above an Erupting Volcano
    While shooting recently in Kamchatka, Russia, Dutch photographer Tomas van der Weijden
    captured this remarkable photo of an erupting volcano and a streaking meteor being reflected in a lake.

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    Pluto's 'heart' may be cold as ice, but it's in the right place, according to research

    Sputnik Planitia, a 1,000-kilometer wide basin within the iconic heart-shaped region observed on Pluto's surface,
    could be in its present location because accumulation of ice made the dwarf planet roll over, creating cracks and
    tensions in the crust that point towards the presence of a subsurface ocean.

    Published in the Nov. 17 issue of Nature, these are the conclusions of research by James Keane, a doctoral student
    at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, and his adviser, assistant professor Isamu Matsuyama.
    They propose evidence of frozen nitrogen pileup throwing the entire planet off kilter, much like a spinning top
    with a wad of gum stuck to it, in a process called true polar wander.

    "There are two ways to change the spin of a planet," Keane said. "The first—and the one we're all most familiar
    with—is a change in the planet is a change in the planet's obliquity, where the spin axis of the planet is reorienting
    with respect to the rest of the solar system. The second way is through true polar wander, where the spin axis remains
    fixed with respect to the rest of the solar system, but the planet reorients beneath it."

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    ESOcast 88: Fulldome Specialists visit Chile
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    Lucianne Walkowicz: I got to meet LSST for the first time today, after 10 years of working to make it happen!

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    Docela slušný úlet... Vypadá to jako promo vtípek ke 39. výročí uvedení "Blízkých setkání..."

    Mystery over Dutch WW2 shipwrecks vanished from Java Sea bed - BBC News
    Three Dutch World War Two ships considered war graves have vanished
    from the bottom of the Java Sea, the Dutch defence ministry says.

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    Scientists have discovered a new large valley on Mercury that may be the first evidence of buckling of the planet’s outer silicate shell
    in response to global contraction. The researchers discovered the valley using a new high-resolution topographic map of part of Mercury’s
    southern hemisphere created by stereo images from NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft. The findings were reported in a new study published in
    Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016GL070205/abstract

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    Šíbři z JPL!
    News | NASA Microthrusters Achieve Success on ESA's LISA Pathfinder
    The Space Technology 7 Disturbance Reduction System (ST7-DRS) is a system of thrusters, advanced avionics and software
    managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. It has been flying on the European Space Agency's
    LISA Pathfinder spacecraft, which launched from Kourou, French Guiana on Dec. 3, 2015 GMT (Dec. 2 PST). As of Oct. 17,
    the system had logged roughly 1,400 hours of in-flight operations and met 100 percent of its mission goals.

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    Team discovers major supercluster of galaxies hidden by Milky Way

    An international team of astronomers has discovered a previously unknown major concentration of galaxies in the constellation Vela,
    which they have dubbed the Vela supercluster. The gravitational attraction from this large mass concentration in our cosmic neighbourhood
    may have an important effect on the motion of our Local Group of galaxies including the Milky Way. It may also help to explain the direction
    and amplitude of the Local Group's peculiar velocity with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background.

    The discovery was based on multi-object spectroscopic observations of thousands of partly obscured galaxies. Observations in 2012 with
    the refurbished spectrograph of the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) confirmed that eight new clusters reside within the Vela area.
    Subsequent spectroscopic observations with the Anglo-Australian Telescope in Australia provided thousands of galaxy redshifts and revealed
    the vast extent of this new structure.

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    Distant star is roundest object ever observed in nature | Max Planck Society
    Scientists measure the shape of Kepler 11145123 with unprecedented precision

    Stars are not perfect spheres. While they rotate, they become flat due to the centrifugal force. A team of researchers around Laurent Gizon from the Max Planck
    Institute for Solar System Research and the University of Göttingen has now succeeded in measuring the oblateness of a slowly rotating star with unprecedented
    precision. The researchers have determined stellar oblateness using asteroseismology – the study of the oscillations of stars. The technique is applied to
    a star 5000 light years away from Earth and revealed that the difference between the equatorial and polar radii of the star is only 3 kilometers – a number
    that is astonishing small compared to the star’s mean radius of 1.5 million kilometers; which means that the gas sphere is astonishingly round.

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    'Project Blue' Space Telescope Launches Crowdfunding Campaign

    Project Blue: A Space Telescope to Find Another Earth by Project Blue —Kickstarter

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    Settling the Proxima Centauri Question | astrobites

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