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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Did comets kick-start life on Earth? (video) | EurekAlert! Science News

    The origins of life on Earth are still shrouded in mystery. One compelling possibility is
    that comets delivered the building blocks for life eons ago. This week, Speaking of Chemistry
    explains the chemistry behind how these icy, lumpy space rocks might have seeded life on Earth.

    Did Comets Kickstart Life on Earth? — Speaking of Chemistry
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    LEGO Ideas - Lunar Rover (LRV - Lunar Roving Vehicle)
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    Úžasné výsledky Sentinelů..

    Satellites confirm sinking of San Francisco tower / Sentinel-1 / Copernicus / Observing the Earth / Our Activities / ESA
    The Sentinel-1 satellites have shown that the Millennium Tower skyscraper in the centre of San Francisco is sinking by a few centimetres a year.
    Studying the city is helping scientists to improve the monitoring of urban ground movements, particularly for subsidence hotspots in Europe.

    Completed in 2009, the 58-storey Millennium Tower has recently been showing signs of sinking and tilting. Although the cause has not been
    pinpointed, it is believed that the movements are connected to the supporting piles not firmly resting on bedrock.

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    Fireball seen over Galway, Ireland on November 23, 2016 at ~1715UT.
    Produce 0

    Fireball trajectory over Ireland based on 61 observations. Nov 23, 2016 ~17:21 UTC.

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    A new study says that the dinosaur-killing asteroid not only killed the breed but also punched a hole in Earth's crust
    that remains visible until today. Reports say that a six-mile wide asteroid that impacted the Earth about 65 million
    years ago created an 18-mile deep hole in the Earth's crust. This mark still bore evidence of the impact until today.

    Recreating Asteroid Strike That Killed Dinosaurs
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    Srovnání stavu vrtací hlavice MSL:
    Sol 172 (29/01/13 před vrtem "John Klein") vs Sol 1578 (23/11/16 před vrtem "Precipice")

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    How to take pictures of exoplanets | The Economist
    Finding exoplanets has become routine. The next step is to try to photograph them.

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    X-Ray Background from Early Binaries

    What impact did X-rays from the first binary star systems have on the universe around them?
    A new study suggests this radiation may have played an important role during the reionization of our universe.

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    The surface of Saturn's moon Mimas imaged by Cassini on Nov. 19, via Jason Major.

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    Is the universe a sponge? - physicsworld.com

    Does the large-scale universe look more like meatballs, like Swiss cheese or like a sponge? A meatball universe would be composed of isolated,
    disconnected regions of high density embedded in a connected low-density background. The Swiss cheese universe would be precisely the opposite:
    low-density isolated voids embedded in a high-density connected background. A sponge is neither of the above or, if you prefer, a compromise
    between the two. In a sponge both the low-density and high-density regions are each connected, and ideally both the sponge and its “complement”
    (the network of holes) are identical in character, at least from a topological point of view.

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    Shear brilliance: Computing tackles the mystery of the dark universe

    Scientists from The University of Manchester working on a revolutionary telescope project have harnessed the power of distributed computing
    from the UK's GridPP collaboration to tackle one of the Universe's biggest mysteries – the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

    Researchers at The University of Manchester have used resources provided by GridPP – who represent the UK's contribution to the computing grid
    used to find the Higgs boson at CERN – to run image processing and machine learning algorithms on thousands of images of galaxies from
    the international Dark Energy Survey.

    The Manchester team are part of the collaborative project to build the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), a new kind of telescope currently
    under construction in Chile and designed to conduct a 10-year survey of the dynamic Universe. LSST will be able to map the entire visible sky.

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    Thomas Pesquet: "The view of our Soyuz from the Cupola. Isn’t she a beauty?"

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    The Starship in our Future
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    It's been a long road...

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    N4RC0T1C: Zdravím, díky moc. :)

    K odstavci 1: je to možné, koneckonců naše civilizace také využívá fyzikálních zákonů,
    viz třeba gravitační manévry sond v blízkosti planet (taková mládežnická verze
    benefitů díky gravitaci hmotných těles). Otázkou je, jak by se daná civilizace
    vypořádala s turbulentním prostředím, zářením, teplotama...
    Ale podstatné je, že žádné fyz. zákony využití dilatace nezakazují.

    U odstavce 2 je už vše "vachrlatější", protože jde o čiré dohady, navíc týkající se i ""psychologie""
    dané civilizace. A tady bohužel neznáme nic jiného, než tu naši, a ta nás přesvědčuje o opaku.
    Navíc "vyčůraně čekat" se nemusí vyplácet, protože dřív než shrábneme technol. vychytávky, můžeme
    schytat nějakou hodně nepříjemnou událost (výbuch blízké supernovy, asteroid, kolize těles
    u vícečetných hvězdných/planetárních systémů atp...)

    Jenže při těchto úvahách zase vycházíme jen a jen z našich zkušeností, což nemusí být směrodatné.
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    Hned ta naše domovinka vypadá...tak nějak větší! :))

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    ESA dnes vydala update k vyšetřování příčin havárie. Po úspěšném otevření brzdícího padáku a odhození tep.
    štítu nastal problém s gyroskopem. Palubní počítač zpracoval jeho výstup tak, že sonda je už na povrchu..

    Schiaparelli landing investigation makes progress / ExoMars / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA
    Schiaparelli investigation update; crash site in color from HiRISE | The Planetary Society

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    The European Data Relay System began servicing Europe’s Earth observing Copernicus programme yesterday, transferring observations
    in quasi-real time using cutting-edge laser technology.

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    FSU researcher targeting mysteries of deep Earth | EurekAlert! Science News
    New study finds water deeper in planet than scientists previously believed
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