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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    What Happens if We Detect Extraterrestrial Intelligence? - Science Friday
    Finding communicative aliens is a long shot, but if we do, here are a few next steps to consider.
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    How an Earth-sized telescope will 'see' a supermassive black | Cosmos
    Jake Port explains how a global network of radio telescopes will image, for the first time, the event horizon of a black hole.

    ALMA Joins in the Hunt to Image the Edge of a Black Hole
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    Data from ISS Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer suggests possibility of unknown source of positrons

    A team of researchers known as the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) Collaboration has found evidence of a possible unknown source of positrons
    making their way through the universe to Earth. In their paper published in Physical Review Letters, the team offers a report on cosmic ray strikes
    that have been reported by the AMS aboard the International Space Station and why they believe the data suggests that some of the recorded strikes
    could not be attributed to primary cosmic rays colliding with gas atoms in space.

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    První známky podivných kvantových vlastností prázdného prostoru? | ESO Česko
    Pozorování neutronové hvězdy pomocí VLT mohou potvrdit 80 let starou předpověď vlastností vakua

    Týmu astronomů pracujícímu s dalekohledem ESO/VLT se ve světle vyzařovaném mimořádně hustou neutronovou hvězdou se silným magnetickým polem zřejmě podařilo
    zachytit první známky kvantového efektu, jehož předpověď pochází již z roku 1930. Stupeň polarizace pozorovaného světla naznačuje, že v jinak prázdném prostoru v okolí
    neutronové hvězdy by se mohl projevovat kvantový jev známý jako dvojlom vakua.

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    ESOcast 89: Chile Chill 8 – “A Bird’s Eye View of ESO Observatories”
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    Astronomers discover a dense 'hot Jupiter' exoplanet orbiting a sun-like star

    Astronomers have detected a so-called "hot Jupiter" exoplanet transiting a distant sun-like star located some 1,800 light years from the Earth.
    The newly discovered planet, designated EPIC 220504338b, was found using NASA's prolonged Kepler mission known as K2. The findings are presented
    in a paper published Nov. 23 on arXiv.org.

    EPIC 220504338b was first spotted by K2 as a planetary candidate during the spacecraft's Campaign 8 in mid-2016. To confirm it as a planet, a team
    of researchers led by Nestor Espinoza of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile conducted follow-up observations using ESO's Fibre-fed, Extended
    Range, Échelle Spectrograph (FEROS) at La Silla Observatory in Chile. FEROS observational campaign was carried out in August and November 2016.
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    First views of Mars show potential for ESA’s new orbiter / ExoMars / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    Space in Images - 2016 - 11 - Mars close-up

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    Violent collision of massive supernova with surrounding gas powers superluminous supernovae

    In a unique study, an international team of researchers including members from the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)
    simulated the violent collisions between supernovae and its surrounding gas— which is ejected before a supernova explosion, thereby giving off an extreme brightness.

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    Mystery of ultra-diffuse faint galaxies solved – Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen

    Over the last year, researchers have observed some very faint, diffuse galaxies. The galaxies are as faint as dwarf galaxies, but are distributed over an area
    just as large as the Milky Way. It has been a mystery, how galaxies so faint - containing up to 1000 times fewer stars than the Milky Way could still be just
    as large. Now new research from the Niels Bohr Institute shows that if a lot of supernovae explode during the star formation process, it can result in both the
    stars and the dark matter being pushed outwards, causing the galaxy to expand. The results are published in the scientific journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal
    Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press.

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    Today in 1967, Jocelyn Bell & Antony Hewish discovered the first pulsar PSR B1919+21.

    Sensing the Radio Sky

    Pulsars: How The First 'False Alien' Signal Opened Up A New World In Astronomy

    Time-Lapse Movie Of Crab Pulsar Wind

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    Project to map the history of the Milky Way

    Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains at least 100 billion stars. Over the centuries, astronomers have scoured the skies, developing
    a thorough understanding of the lives of those stars, from their formation in vast nebulae to their fiery and spectacular deaths.

    But how has our galaxy changed over time? Where did the stars we see today form, and which of them are siblings, formed together
    from the same cloud of material?

    To answer these questions we need to perform Galactic archaeology. To do this, an ambitious Australian-led observing survey, called
    Galah, is undertaking the immense task of capturing millions of rainbows to disentangle our galaxy's story.

    HOWKING --- ---
    Has dogma derailed the scientific search for dark matter?
    vysloveně vzrušující!
    Yes, we are being punished by not being granted some research money, but in our computers we are discovering a universe full of galaxies that look just like the real things – and this is awfully exciting. MOND could be the next great advance in gravitational research, building on the work of Newton and Einstein.
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    Next Big Future: Near Term Planet photographing exoplanet telescopes

    Exoplanets are detected—by measuring the wobble their gravity causes in their host stars, or by noting the slight decline in a star’s brightness
    as a planet passes in front of it—yield little detail. Using them, astronomers can infer such basics as a planet’s size, mass and orbit. Occasionally,
    they can interrogate starlight that has traversed a planet’s atmosphere about the chemistry of its air.

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    Timing the Shadow of a Potentially Habitable Extrasolar Planet Paves the Way to Search for Alien Life | NAOJ: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan - English

    A group of researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), the University of Tokyo, and the Astrobiology Center
    among others has observed the transit of a potentially Earth-like extrasolar planet known as K2-3d using the MuSCAT instrument on the Okayama
    Astrophysical Observatory 188-cm telescope. A transit is a phenomenon in which a planet passes in front of its parent star, blocking a small
    amount of light from the star, like a shadow of the planet. While transits have previously been observed for thousands of other extrasolar
    planets, K2-3d is important because there is a possibility that it might harbor extraterrestrial life.

    By observing its transit precisely using the next generation of telescopes, such as TMT, scientists expect to be able to search the atmosphere
    of the planet for molecules related to life, such as oxygen.

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    How we study space | Playlist | TED.com
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    Theory that challenges Einstein's physics could soon be put to the test
    Scientists behind a theory that the speed of light is variable - and not constant as Einstein suggested - have made a prediction that could be tested.

    Einstein observed that the speed of light remains the same in any situation, and this meant that space and time could be different in different situations.

    The assumption that the speed of light is constant, and always has been, underpins many theories in physics, such as Einstein's theory of general relativity.
    In particular, it plays a role in models of what happened in the very early universe, seconds after the Big Bang.

    But some researchers have suggested that the speed of light could have been much higher in this early universe. Now, one of this theory's originators,
    Professor João Magueijo from Imperial College London, working with Dr Niayesh Afshordi at the Perimeter Institute in Canada, has made a prediction that
    could be used to test the theory's validity.

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    Hubble rounds up the first worlds we’ll check for alien life | New Scientist

    The search for alien life is taking a shortcut. The Hubble Space Telescope is set to spend hundreds of hours
    over the next year running reconnaissance on a shortlist of worlds to identify those we should scour for life first.

    This latest effort aims to take advantage of Hubble’s successor, the James Webb Space Telescope. Set to launch in 2018,
    JWST will have unprecedented power to detect the atmospheres of faraway planets for biosignature gases that would suggest
    they host living, breathing organisms.
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    Did comets kick-start life on Earth? (video) | EurekAlert! Science News

    The origins of life on Earth are still shrouded in mystery. One compelling possibility is
    that comets delivered the building blocks for life eons ago. This week, Speaking of Chemistry
    explains the chemistry behind how these icy, lumpy space rocks might have seeded life on Earth.

    Did Comets Kickstart Life on Earth? — Speaking of Chemistry
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    LEGO Ideas - Lunar Rover (LRV - Lunar Roving Vehicle)
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