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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Comet C/1506 O1 in a very rare German pamphlet by Johan Virdung (Bavarian State Library) - one of the earliest printed comets.

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    "Planet Nine from Outer Space" - Konstantin Batygin, Assistant Professor of Planetary Science, Caltech
    Planet Nine from Outer Space - K. Batygin - 12/7/2016
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    Na to jsem čekal od neděle:
    Unlocking the Secrets of Nearby Exoplanets with the TESS Mission - George Ricker
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    loki-fizeau-2015 - Large Binocular Telescope Observatory
    With the first detailed observations through imaging interferometry of a lava lake on a moon of Jupiter, the Large
    Binocular Telescope Observatory places itself as the forerunner of the next generation of Extremely Large Telescopes.

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    Here we go again.

    An international team of astronomers have spotted something mysterious blocking the light of a young star known as RIK-210,
    which lies roughly 472 light-years from Earth.

    The dimming was first spotted by researchers working on NASA’s Kepler mission, which uses the Kepler space observatory to hunt
    down exoplanets by monitoring the light of many distant stars. This data was then handed off for further evaluation to the
    current team, which is led by Trevor David from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

    As they report, RIK-210’s light dims up to 15 percent every 5.67 Earth days, lasting just a short period of time. Also, this
    timeframe accurately falls in line with the star’s rotation, meaning that as it rotates, the strange source of the dimming
    rotates with it.

    Astronomers have found another star that's mysteriously dimming - ScienceAlert

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    Hubblecast 97: Hubble, exoplanets and the hunt for life
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    Surviving the Journey: Spacecraft on a Chip

    If Breakthrough Starshot can achieve its goal of delivering small silicon chip payloads to Proxima Centauri or other nearby stars, it will be because we’ve solved
    any number of daunting problems in the next 30 years. That’s the length of time the project’s leaders currently sketch out to get the mission designed, built and
    launched, assuming it survives its current phase of intense scrutiny. The $100 million that currently funds the project will go into several years of feasibility
    analysis and design to see what is possible.

    That means scientists will work a wide range of issues, from the huge ground-based array that will propel the payload-bearing sails to the methods of communications
    each will use to return data to the Earth. Also looming is the matter of how to develop a chip that can act as all-purpose controller for the numerous observations
    we would like to make in the target system.

    If the idea of a spacecraft on a chip is familiar, it’s doubtless because you’ve come across the work of Mason Peck (Cornell University), whose work on the craft
    he calls ‘sprites’ has appeared many times in these pages (see, for example, Sprites: A Chip-Sized Spacecraft Solution). Both Peck and Harvard’s Zac Manchester,
    who worked in Peck’s lab at Cornell, have been active players in Breakthrough Starshot’s choice of single-chip payloads and continue to advise the project.

    Meanwhile, NASA itself has been working with the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) on the design of single-chip spacecraft. A key issue, discussed
    at the International Electron Devices Meeting in San Francisco in early December, is how to keep such a chip healthy given the hazards of deep space. For Starshot,
    the matter involves not just the few minutes of massive acceleration (over 60,000 g’s) of launch from Earth orbit, but the 20 years of cruise time at 20 percent
    of the speed of light before reaching the target star.

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    Blackhole Hunting with NuSTAR (live public talk)

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    Every day, bits of outer space rain down on the Earth.
    In the Past 24 Hours, 60 Tons of Cosmic Dust Have Fallen to Earth — NOVA Next | PBS

    Leftover from our solar system’s birth 4.6 billion years ago, cosmic dust is pulled into our atmosphere as the planet passes through
    decayed comet tails and other regions of chunky space rock. Occasionally, it arrives on Earth in the form of visible shooting stars.

    But the amount of space dust that Earth accumulates is maddeningly difficult to determine. Some measures taken from spacecraft solar
    panels, polar ice cores, and meteoric smoke have attempted an answer, but the estimates vary widely, from 0.4 to 110 tons per day.

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    3D Map of Distant Galaxies Completed | ESO Česko
    VLT survey shows distribution in space of 90 000 galaxies

    For nearly eight years, the VIsible MultiObject Spectrograph (VIMOS) on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile has been piecing together a three-dimensional map of
    galaxies in two patches of the southern sky. A total of 440 hours of observing time has gone into measuring the spectra of more than 90 000 distant galaxies, producing
    a map of a 24-square-degree region on the sky, out to a distance corresponding to when the Universe was around half its current age.

    In 2013, ESO reported that the international team of astronomers behind the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Survey (VIPERS) had collected data for around 60% of their target
    galaxies. With the full set of observations now completed, this is the largest redshift survey ever undertaken with ESO telescopes and it provides a view of structures
    in the younger Universe with an unprecedented combination of detail and spatial extent. By surveying how galaxies were distributed in space several billion years ago,
    astronomers are able to learn more about the distribution of matter on the largest scales in the cosmos, as well as to further probe the effect that the mysterious
    dark energy had on the young Universe, when it acquired some of the properties we see today.

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    IC 5201 sits over 40 million light-years away from us. As with two thirds of all the spirals we see in the Universe —
    including the Milky Way — the galaxy has a bar of stars slicing through its center.

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    Astronomers observe mysterious dimming of a young nearby star

    Astronomers have spotted transient, transit-like dimming events of a young star named RIK-210 located some 472 light years away in the Upper
    Scorpius OB association. However, what puzzles the scientists is the mystery behind this dimming as it can not be caused by an eclipsing stellar
    or brown dwarf companion. They describe their search for plausible explanations in a paper published Dec. 12 on the arXiv pre-print server.

    RIK-210 is around five to 10 million years old, about half as massive as the sun and has a radius of approximately 1.24 solar radii. The star
    has been recently observed by NASA's prolonged Kepler mission, known as K2, during its Campaign 2, lasting from Aug. 22 to Nov. 11, 2014.
    A team of researchers led by Trevor David of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has analyzed the data provided by K2.

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    A SETI Researcher Thinks Astrobiologists are Searching For Alien Life Incorrectly | Inverse

    Experts agree that Mars was habitable at one point in history. The thing is, searching for habitable environments is a far cry from actually
    searching for signs of past or present life. To do that, scientist at SETI explains, we need to get much more specific and look for actual habitats.

    According to Nathalie Cabrol, a senior research scientist and director of the Carl Sagan Center, our current level of observation and astrobiological
    focus is only geared towards broad questions of potential habitability. That’s not good enough. In a marquee lecture at the American Geophysical Union
    in San Francisco on Wednesday, Cabrol explained how we need to take a more subtle, gradual view of the way the planet changed over time, rather than
    just categorizing them into three geological periods — the Noachian, Hesperian, and Amazonian periods.

    “It’s a gross caricature of what happened,” Cabrol said. “You don’t understand how one went to the next.”

    That’s important because early life would have been under “incredible environmental stress” as the Martian environment is historically less stable
    than Earth’s. Microbial life probably existed (if it ever did) in heated lakes created by impact craters and warmed by volcanic activity.

    “The life will have to organize around oasis where they have resources,” she said.

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    Výtečná debata T. Darnella se specialisty na kosmické teleskopy:
    The Evolvable Space Telescope - There is More Than One Way to Build a Telescope!
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    Number of known black holes expected to double in two years with new detection method | Waterloo News

    Researchers from the University of Waterloo have developed a method that will detect roughly 10 black holes per year, doubling
    the number currently known within two years, and it will likely unlock the history of black holes in a little more than a decade.

    Avery Broderick, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo, and Mansour Karami, a PhD
    student also from the Faculty of Science, worked with colleagues in the United States and Iran to come up with the method that has
    implications for the emerging field of gravitational wave astronomy and the way in which we search for black holes and other dark
    objects in space. It was published this week in The Astrophysical Journal.

    “Within the next 10 years, there will be sufficient accumulated data on enough black holes that researchers can statistically analyze
    their properties as a population,” said Broderick, also an associate faculty member at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
    “This information will allow us to study stellar mass black holes at various stages that often extend billions of years.”

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    Each year, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory helps celebrate American Archive
    Month by releasing a collection of images using X-ray data in its archive.

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    Microlensing Study Suggests Most Common Outer Planets Likely Neptune-mass

    A new statistical study of planets found by a technique called gravitational microlensing suggests that Neptune-mass worlds are likely
    the most common type of planet to form in the icy outer realms of planetary systems. The study provides the first indication of the types
    of planets waiting to be found far from a host star, where scientists suspect planets form most efficiently.

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    The Greatest Unsolved Problem In Theoretical Physics: Why Gravity Is So Weak

    Our standard model of elementary particles and forces has recently become as close to “complete” as we could conceivably ask for. Every single one
    of the elementary particles — in all their different conceivable incarnations — has been created in the lab, measured, and had its properties determined.
    The last holdouts, the top quark and antiquark, the tau neutrino and antineutrino, and finally the Higgs boson, have all fallen prey to our detection
    capabilities at last.

    That last one, in particular — the Higgs — solved a long-standing problem in physics:
    finally, we can confidently explain where these elementary particles each get their rest mass from!

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