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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Exploring Pluto and a Billion Miles Beyond | Pluto New Horizons

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    Variability in the Atmosphere of the Hot Giant Planet HAT-P-7b
    New World Weather | astrobites

    Climate and weather are hot topics in the news lately, as much on Earth as in astronomy. As we look past our own atmosphere,
    we’re beginning to find atmospheres all over the galaxy. A new look at data from NASA’s Kepler mission, reveals the first
    detection of a variable atmosphere – indicating weather – on another exoplanet.

    The hot Jupiter, known as HAT-P-7 b, was first discovered in 2008 via the transit method, which looks for drops in a star’s
    brightness due to the planet passing in front of the star from our line of sight, much like an eclipse. HAT-P-7 b is only
    40% larger than Jupiter but much closer to its own star – it completes an orbit in just 2.2 days (in comparison, Mercury has
    an 88 day orbit). Like the moon, it is tidally locked, meaning the same side of the planet always faces its host star. At
    such a close proximity, this makes the dayside temperatures reach as high as 2860 K.
    Using four years of archival Kepler data, the scientists combined data from multiple orbits to look for subtle differences
    in brightness. Their results showed definite variations over time, which could not be explained by any changes in
    the instruments or in the star. The likely cause? Weather.


    We Can Now Predict Weather On Alien Worlds
    VIRGO --- ---
    Dráha Proximy Centauri | ESO Česko

    Zájem o náš sousední hvězdný systém Alfa Centauri se výrazně zvýšil od nedávného objevu planety Proxima b s hmotností podobnou Zemi, která obíhá kolem Proximy Centauri, třetí -
    a Slunci nejbližší - hvězdy systému. Ačkoli se zdá, že pár větších hvězd, Alfa Centauri A a B, má vlastní pohyb podobný menší a slabší Proximě Centauri, nikdy nebylo dokázáno,
    že tyto tři hvězdy opravdu tvoří jeden, gravitačně vázaný trojitý systém.

    V současnosné době tři astronomové, Pierre Kervella, Frédéric Thévenin a Christophe Lovis, došli k závěru, že ony tři hvězdy skutečně tvoří vázaný systém. Ve století, které
    následovalo po objevu Proximy, bylo kvůli nízké jasnosti hvězdy velmi obtížné spolehlivě změřit její radiální rychlost (rychlost, se kterou se pohybuje od Země). Ale přístroj
    ESO HARPS, určený pro detekci planet, poskytl extrémně přesná měření radiální rychlosti Proximy Centauri. A ještě větší přesnost se dá dosáhnout při započtení dalších slabých

    Ve výsledku byli astronomové schopni odvodit velmi podobné hodnoty radiálních rychlostí pro dvojici Alfa Centauri a pro Proximu Centauri, což podporuje teorii o vázaném systému.
    Výpočet dráh tří hvězd systému s použitím nejnovějším měření ukazuje, že relativní rychlost mezi Proximou a dvojicí Alfa Centauri je hluboko pod limitem, nad kterým by systém
    nebyl gravitačně vázaný.

    Tento výsledek má podstatné důsledky pro naše porozumění systému Alfa Centauri a jeho tvorbě planet. Je velmi pravděpodobné, že Proxima Centauri a dvojice hvězd Alfa Centauri
    mají stejný věk (asi 6 miliard let) a to je na oplátku dobrý odhad stáří planety Proxima b.

    VIRGO --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: To je hodně zeširoka položená otázka.
    Pokud myslíš technicky, tak víceméně ano. Celý projekt sice počítá s procesy a technologiemi, které je nutno vyvíjet v budoucnu
    takzvaně "za chodu", ale to nevidím jako problém, ba naopak. Kdybys před 25 lety prohlásil, že budeme přímo opticky pozorovat
    planety u jiných hvězd, a soukromník bude lítat na LEO, tak by sis koledoval o pobyt v Bohnicích. Dnes se nad tím už skoro
    nikdo nepozastavuje (sice to zase až taková rutina není, obzvláště s oběžnou dráhou Země, ale v příštích +/- 15 letech už bude
    situace jiná). Technologie jdou dopředu doslova raketovým tempem.

    Jestli k tomu skutečně dojde je věc jiná. Jde o spoustu faktorů, které to můžou ovlivnit (finanční nestabilita, válečné konflikty,
    konkurenční boj, případné právní problémy v případě Milnerova úmrtí, atd.....). Snad alespoň ty politické tlaky můžeme ignorovat,
    když jde o soukromě financovaný projekt.

    Ale abych se moc nerozkecával - ano, myslím si, že je to reálné. Přinejmenším fyzikálně a technicky.
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    VIRGO: myslis, ze je to realne ?
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    Astronomers observe rise and fall of the dust shell of nova V339 Delphini

    A team of astronomers led by Aneurin Evans of the Keele University, U.K., has observed the classical nova V339 Delphini (V339 Del for short)
    and spotted some peculiar changes in its dust shell. These observations could improve our knowledge about dust formation around stellar remnants.
    The results of the observational campaign are presented in a paper published Dec. 19 on the arXiv pre-print repository.

    Discovered in August 2013, V339 Delphini is a bright nova in the constellation Delphinus. It is the first nova that has been observed to synthesize
    lithium, providing the first direct evidence of the supply of lithium to the interstellar medium by an astronomical object. Interestingly, follow-up
    observations after the discovery of V339 Delphini showed that one month after its detection, dust formation commenced in this nova.

    To better understand the dust formation process in V339 Delphini, Evans and his colleagues have analyzed sets of data provided by the Stratospheric
    Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), the Mt. Abu Infrared Observatory in India, the O'Brien Observatory in Marine on St Croix, Minnesota,
    NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF), Hawaii, and the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT), located on Mt. Hopkins, Arizona.

    The data collected from over two years of observations allowed the researchers to distinguish an apparent rise and decline of the mass and radius of
    dust grains around this stellar remnant. The team noted that the rapid dust formation occurs around 34th day of observations and afterward, the
    infrared emission became dominated by the dust. They also found that the dust is graphitic and its condensation temperature was 1 480 K at that moment.

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    NASA | The Search for New Worlds is Here
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    A billionaire-funded plan aims to send a probe to another star. But can it be done?

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    AR Sco — The First White Dwarf Pulsar | astrobites
    Polarimetric evidence of a white dwarf pulsar in the binary system AR Scorpii

    AR Scorpii, or AR Sco, is a binary system containing a white dwarf and a main sequence star. Earlier this year, it was discovered to
    pulsate incredibly strongly — its brightness can increase or decrease by as much as a factor of four in as little as thirty seconds!

    These pulsations are seen across the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio all the way up to ultraviolet. There are three time periods
    we see in the pulsations. Two are the orbital period of the system (3.5 hours) and the rotation period of the white dwarf (2 minutes,
    which is much faster than a white dwarf normally spins). The third period we see, which is also around 2 minutes long, is a so-called
    ‘beat’ period that comes from interference between the orbital and rotation periods.

    The beat period implies some interaction between the white dwarf itself and the main sequence star, such as pulses from the white dwarf
    reflecting from the other star’s surface. Strangely, this beat period is the most pronounced period in the data. If it is indeed a reflection
    effect, we see more of the reflected light than we see light from the white dwarf itself, a state of affairs which is hard to explain.
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    Mayall 4-meter Telescope at Kitt Peak, the future home of the ambitious DESI Survey. Over the coming years,
    this telescope is going to observe 35 million galaxies to make the best 3D map of our universe ever.
    Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument - Wikipedia

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    Two interesting amateur SETI projects use visualization to explain key concepts
    Citizen SETI

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    More fast radio bursts detected from same location | Science News
    Repeated wave blasts suggest nondestructive event as source

    A chatty source of radio waves from deep space has a little more to say. Six more blasts of radio energy, each lasting just a few milliseconds,
    erupted from some phenomenon outside of our galaxy, researchers report in the Dec. 20 Astrophysical Journal. This detection follows 11 previously
    recorded outbursts of radio waves from the same location, the only known repeater in a class of enigmatic eruptions known as fast radio bursts.

    The origins of these radio bursts, 18 of which have been reported since 2007, are an ongoing puzzle (SN: 8/9/14, p. 22). The continuing barrage
    from this repeating source, roughly 3 billion light-years away in the constellation Auriga, implies that whatever is causing some radio bursts is
    not a one-time destructive event such as a collision or explosion. Flares from a young neutron star, the dense core left behind after a massive
    star explodes, are a promising candidate. https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08880

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    Solar System's Next Close Encounter Will Be With Gliese 710, Say Astronomers

    New data from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Gaia mission has given astronomers unprecedented accuracy in predicting that Gliese 710, a K-spectral
    type star a little more than half the size of our Sun, will cross into our solar system’s Oort Cloud of comets some 1.35 million years from now.

    According to a paper recently published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, Gliese 710 will swipe through a swath of the Oort Cloud’s estimated
    few trillion comets, which in turn circle our solar system at distances of up to a light year.

    The co-authors, Filip Berski and Piotr Dybczński, write that their calculations indicate that Gliese 710, currently estimated to be some 64 light years
    away in the constellation of Serpens, will have the strongest influence on the Oort Cloud objects in the next ten million years. They note that their
    calculations also indicate that Gliese 710 will pass 13,365 astronomical units (or Earth-Sun distances) from the Sun.

    At its minimum distance, the paper’s co-authors note that of objects formed outside the solar system, Gliese 710 will appear as the brightest and the
    fastest object on the night sky. The resulting Gliese 710 flyby, they write, will generate a large flux of new long-period Oort Cloud comets , many
    of which will be able to reach the inner part of the solar system.

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    The K2 Campaign 10 data set includes a large number of galaxies
    (north galactic pole) and the well-known quasar 3C 273.

    A tradičně hned po Novém roce přichází další informační kruto-nářez!!
    229th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society | American Astronomical Society

    TESS Mission and K2 Mission joint splinter meeting at AAS 229!

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    ANU helps find supercluster of galaxies near Milky Way | ANU

    ANU Professor Matthew Colless is part of an international team of astronomers that found one of the Universe's biggest superclusters of galaxies near the Milky Way.

    Professor Colless said the Vela supercluster, which had previously gone undetected as it was hidden by stars and dust in the Milky Way, was a huge mass that influenced
    the motion of our Galaxy. "This is one of the biggest concentrations of galaxies in the Universe - possibly the biggest in the neighbourhood of our Galaxy, but that
    will need to be confirmed by further study," said Professor Colless from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics. "The gravity of the Vela supercluster
    may explain the difference between the measured motion of the Milky Way through space and the motion predicted from the distribution of previously mapped galaxies."

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    High-redshift quasar discovered by Pan-STARRS

    A new luminous high-redshift quasar has been detected by one of the telescopes of the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System
    (Pan-STARRS). The newly discovered quasi-stellar object received designation PSO J006.1240+39.2219 and is the seventh highest redshift quasar
    known to date. The findings are presented in a paper published Dec. 19 on arXiv.org.

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    It’s confirmed, Proxima b has three suns - NCCR PlanetS
    A team of astronomers including Christophe Lovis, member of PlanetS, confirmed in a press release
    distributed by ESO that Proxima is gravitationally bound to its neighbors Alpha Centauri A and B.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Vlastně je ta zima v Praze hodně pohodová...

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    Hematite-Rich Deposits in Capri Chasma - Astrobiology Magazine

    Capri Chasma is located in the eastern portion of the Valles Marineris canyon system on Mars, the largest known canyon system in the Solar System.
    Deeply incised canyons such as this are excellent targets for studying the Martian crust, as the walls may reveal many distinct types of bedrock.

    This section of the canyon was targeted by HiRISE based on a previous spectral detection of hematite-rich deposits in the area. Hematite, a common
    iron-oxide mineral, was first identified here by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES). In this TES image, red pixels
    indicate higher abundances of hematite, while the blue and green pixels represent different types of volcanic rocks (e.g., basalt).

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