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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    The K2 Campaign 10 data set includes a large number of galaxies
    (north galactic pole) and the well-known quasar 3C 273.

    A tradičně hned po Novém roce přichází další informační kruto-nářez!!
    229th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society | American Astronomical Society

    TESS Mission and K2 Mission joint splinter meeting at AAS 229!

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    ANU helps find supercluster of galaxies near Milky Way | ANU

    ANU Professor Matthew Colless is part of an international team of astronomers that found one of the Universe's biggest superclusters of galaxies near the Milky Way.

    Professor Colless said the Vela supercluster, which had previously gone undetected as it was hidden by stars and dust in the Milky Way, was a huge mass that influenced
    the motion of our Galaxy. "This is one of the biggest concentrations of galaxies in the Universe - possibly the biggest in the neighbourhood of our Galaxy, but that
    will need to be confirmed by further study," said Professor Colless from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics. "The gravity of the Vela supercluster
    may explain the difference between the measured motion of the Milky Way through space and the motion predicted from the distribution of previously mapped galaxies."

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    High-redshift quasar discovered by Pan-STARRS

    A new luminous high-redshift quasar has been detected by one of the telescopes of the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System
    (Pan-STARRS). The newly discovered quasi-stellar object received designation PSO J006.1240+39.2219 and is the seventh highest redshift quasar
    known to date. The findings are presented in a paper published Dec. 19 on arXiv.org.

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    It’s confirmed, Proxima b has three suns - NCCR PlanetS
    A team of astronomers including Christophe Lovis, member of PlanetS, confirmed in a press release
    distributed by ESO that Proxima is gravitationally bound to its neighbors Alpha Centauri A and B.

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    Vlastně je ta zima v Praze hodně pohodová...

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    Hematite-Rich Deposits in Capri Chasma - Astrobiology Magazine

    Capri Chasma is located in the eastern portion of the Valles Marineris canyon system on Mars, the largest known canyon system in the Solar System.
    Deeply incised canyons such as this are excellent targets for studying the Martian crust, as the walls may reveal many distinct types of bedrock.

    This section of the canyon was targeted by HiRISE based on a previous spectral detection of hematite-rich deposits in the area. Hematite, a common
    iron-oxide mineral, was first identified here by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES). In this TES image, red pixels
    indicate higher abundances of hematite, while the blue and green pixels represent different types of volcanic rocks (e.g., basalt).

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    NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL): Facts & Information
    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) was building spacecraft before NASA even existed,
    and today it's the space agency's go-to center for the robotic exploration of worlds beyond Earth.

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    A Japanese Startup Will Try to Land on the Moon Next Year

    On Tuesday, Google Lunar X-Prize contestant Team HAKUTO, a product of the Japanese startup ispace Inc, announced
    it’ll be partnering with the India-based Team Indus to get its lunar rover to the Moon. Team Indus already has
    a contract to launch its own rover, aboard a rocket developed by the Indian Space Research Organization, in December 2017.

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    Pandora ve velkém rozlišení z posledního (třetího) průletu Cassini kolem vnějšího okraje prstenců
    (18/12/16) kamerou ISS se zůženou klopkou ze vzdál. 40 500 km (rozlišení 240 m/pix).

    Cassini: Mission to Saturn: Pandora Up Close

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    Humanity’s great leap into the space between the stars has, in a sense, already begun. NASA's Voyager 1 probe
    broke through the sun’s magnetic bubble to touch the interstellar wind. Voyager 2 isn’t far behind. New Horizons
    shot past Pluto on its way to encounters with more distant dwarf worlds, the rubble at the solar system’s edge.

    VIRGO --- ---
    YaleNews | Searching a sea of ‘noise’ to find exoplanets — using only data as a guide

    Yale researchers have found a data-driven way to detect distant planets and refine the search for worlds similar to Earth.

    The new approach, outlined in a study published Dec. 20 in The Astronomical Journal, relies on mathematical methods that have their
    foundations in physics research. Rather than trying to filter out the signal “noise” from stars around which exoplanets are orbiting,
    Yale scientists studied all of the signal information together to understand the intricacies within its structure.

    “It requires nothing but the data itself, which is a game changer,” said senior author John Wettlaufer, the A.M. Bateman Professor
    of Geophysics, Mathematics and Physics at Yale. “Moreover, it allows us to compare our findings with other, traditional approaches
    and improve whatever modeling assumptions they use.”
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    2016 year in particle physics | symmetry magazine

    Scientists furthered studies of the Higgs boson, neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy and
    cosmic inflation and continued the search for undiscovered particles, forces and principles.
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    Jill Tarter and Neil deGrasse Tyson Intelligent Life in the Universe
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    VLA, ALMA Team Up to Give First Look at Birthplaces of Most Current Stars - NRAO: Revealing the Hidden Universe

    Astronomers have gotten their first look at exactly where most of today's stars were born. To do so, they used the National Science Foundation's Karl G. Jansky
    Very Large Array (VLA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to look at distant galaxies seen as they were some 10 billion years ago.

    At that time, the Universe was experiencing its peak rate of star formation. Most stars in the present Universe were born then.

    "We knew that galaxies in that era were forming stars prolifically, but we didn't know what those galaxies looked like, because they are shrouded in so much dust
    that almost no visible light escapes them," said Wiphu Rujopakam, of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe at the University of
    Tokyo and Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, who was lead author on the research paper.

    Radio waves, unlike visible light, can get through the dust. However, in order to reveal the details of such distant -- and faint -- galaxies, the astronomers
    had to make the most sensitive images ever made with the VLA.

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    Watching solstices, equinoxes from space | Earth | EarthSky

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    Winter Solstice today, at 10:44 UT
    APOD: 2016 December 21 - Traces of the Sun

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    PANIC lander could revolutionize asteroid research - SpaceFlight Insider

    A U.S.-German team of researchers has proposed to develop a micro-scale, low-cost surface lander for the in situ characterization of an asteroid.
    The tiny spacecraft, called the Pico Autonomous Near-Earth Asteroid In Situ Characterizer (PANIC), could be a breakthrough for the scientific
    community, offering simple and cheap solutions for asteroid research.

    The concept of the PANIC mission envisions a tetrahedron-shaped lander with an edge length of just 13.78 inches (35 centimeters) and a total mass
    of some 26.5 pounds (12 kilograms). The spacecraft’s size and structure will allow it to host four scientific instruments. The lander itself will
    be delivered to an asteroid aboard an interplanetary probe, and once on the surface of a space rock, it will utilize hopping as a locomotion
    mechanism in microgravity. According to the authors of the paper describing the PANIC mission concept, one of the biggest advantages of the project
    would be its simplicity and cost-effectiveness.

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    China's space science centre unveils new missions after a breakthrough year | gbtimes.com

    Operating in the new field of transient astronomy, the Einstein Probe will survey large portions
    of the universe for exotic space phenomena using very sensitive X-ray cameras.

    EP will also aim to locate the electromagnetic wave counterparts of gravitational wave events,
    and survey the skies for phenomena including supernovae, neutron stars and transient activity
    in galactic centres.

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    4 asteroids are set to make a 'close approach' to Earth on Wednesday - and one is twice the size of the London Eye
    The closest will miss Earth by around 2.4 million kilometres. Experts say they do not consider the asteroids an immediate risk to our planet

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