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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    This German Town Is Embedded with Millions of Tiny Diamonds | Travel | Smithsonian

    Uppon first glance, Nördlingen has all the hallmarks of a classic German town. At its epicenter sits St.-Georgs-Kirche,
    a medieval church with an imposing tower that dominates the skyline, which itself is punctuated by the red pitched roofs
    of hundreds of timberframe homes and shops. But on closer inspection, it’s these very buildings that set Nördlingen apart
    from other towns, and for one very curious reason: These structures are embedded with millions of microscopic diamonds.

    The diamonds are the result of an asteroid, which struck this area of Bavaria, a federal state in southern Germany, some 15
    million years ago. The resulting impact left behind the Nördlingen Ries (or Ries crater), a massive depression that stretches
    more than nine miles across the German countryside, and is the site upon which Nördlingen sits today. The impact also created
    suevite—an impact breccia or course-grained rock comprised of angular fragments that can include glass, crystal and diamonds,
    and is commonly found at impact sites such as this one.

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    Catalog Page for PIA20513

    This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 51 degrees above the ring plane. The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft
    wide-angle camera on Sept. 9, 2016 using a spectral filter which preferentially admits wavelengths of near-infrared light centered at 728 nanometers.
    The view was obtained at a distance of approximately 1.2 million kilometers from Saturn. Image scale is 74 kilometers per pixel.

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    A cosmic megamaser | ESA/Hubble

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    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope shows no signs of damage after an “anomaly”
    during a vibration test earlier in the month, the agency announced Dec. 23.
    No damage to JWST after vibration test anomaly - SpaceNews.com

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    M31 - Andromeda Galaxy, Michael Pusatera, Lake St Louis, MO.

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    RIP Vera Rubin. :((
    Her work on galactic rotation revealed a fundamental problem, is strong evidence for Dark Matter.
    Vera Rubin's death is confirmed by a public Facebook note from her granddaughter.

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    When viewed at the largest scales, the distribution of galaxies in the Universe resembles a complex, tangled web:
    an interconnected network of filaments of galaxies that surround vast, empty voids. Simulations and theory have
    established that filaments – the largest, most densely populated structures in the Universe - have formed in the
    billions of years after the Big Bang, and serve as conduits for transporting gas into galaxies, which they then
    turn into stars. Thanks to advances in telescope instrumentation the current generation of galaxy surveys is
    finally able to observe the night sky in sufficient detail as to accurately map the Cosmic Web for the first time,
    and begin to understand the role it plays in influencing the evolutionary fate of galaxy.

    In this talk, Dr. Alpaslan will review advances in mapping out the filamentary network of the Universe using data
    from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey, as well as discuss some recent advances in understanding how
    the galaxies that live in dense filament differ from those that exist alone in isolated voids.

    How galaxies are influenced in the Universe - Mehmet Alpaslan (SETI Talks 2016)
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    What is Life? | The BLOG of the cosmos

    Is there a definition for life? The great physicist, Erwin Schrodinger, in his influential 1944 book What is Life? posed this question and remarked
    that “the obvious inability of present-day physics and chemistry to account for such events is no reason at all for doubting that they can be accounted
    for by those sciences”. But, indeed, can the “events in time and space which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted
    for by physics and chemistry” as Schrodinger so earnestly posed? How do the fundamental laws of physics and chemistry converge to produce biological
    systems of seemingly ordered complexity?
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    Mountains of ALMA | ESO United States

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    Scientists plan to send greetings to other worlds

    After decades of fruitless scanning the skies for alien messages, scientists say it's time to try a basic rule of etiquette: Say "hello" first.

    A new San Francisco-based organization called METI, or Messaging Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, plans to send signals to distant planets,
    rather than waiting for them to call Earth. By the end of 2018, the project aims to send some conversation-starters via radio or laser signals
    to a rocky planet circling Proxima Centauri, the nearest star other than the sun, and then to more distant destinations, hundreds or thousands
    of light years away. It would be the first effort to send powerful, repeated and intentional messages into space, targeting the same stars over
    months or years.

    "If we want to start an exchange over the course of many generations, we want to learn and share information," said Douglas Vakoch, president of
    METI and former director of Interstellar Message Composition at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute in Mountain View, Calif.,
    known as SETI.

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    2017 Will Bring Us More Earth-Like Alien Worlds Than We Ever Dreamed

    Since 1992, astronomers have found and confirmed a total of 3,431 exoplanets, star-orbiting planets beyond Earth's solar system. With several high-tech telescopes
    and observatories on the way in the next year, we have a better-than-ever chance of finding exoplanets with the potential to host extraterrestrial life.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Dal jsem si na pozadí HDEV, a má to doslova ozdravné účinky. :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? - Scientific American
    High-profile physicists and philosophers gathered to debate whether we are real or virtual—and what it means either way

    A popular argument for the simulation hypothesis came from University of Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrum in 2003, when he suggested that members
    of an advanced civilization with enormous computing power might decide to run simulations of their ancestors. They would probably have the ability
    to run many, many such simulations, to the point where the vast majority of minds would actually be artificial ones within such simulations, rather
    than the original ancestral minds. So simple statistics suggest it is much more likely that we are among the simulated minds.

    And there are other reasons to think we might be virtual. For instance, the more we learn about the universe, the more it appears to be based on
    mathematical laws. Perhaps that is not a given, but a function of the nature of the universe we are living in. “If I were a character in a computer
    game, I would also discover eventually that the rules seemed completely rigid and mathematical,” said Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at the Massachusetts
    Institute of Technology (MIT). “That just reflects the computer code in which it was written.”
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    Exploring Pluto and a Billion Miles Beyond | Pluto New Horizons

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    Variability in the Atmosphere of the Hot Giant Planet HAT-P-7b
    New World Weather | astrobites

    Climate and weather are hot topics in the news lately, as much on Earth as in astronomy. As we look past our own atmosphere,
    we’re beginning to find atmospheres all over the galaxy. A new look at data from NASA’s Kepler mission, reveals the first
    detection of a variable atmosphere – indicating weather – on another exoplanet.

    The hot Jupiter, known as HAT-P-7 b, was first discovered in 2008 via the transit method, which looks for drops in a star’s
    brightness due to the planet passing in front of the star from our line of sight, much like an eclipse. HAT-P-7 b is only
    40% larger than Jupiter but much closer to its own star – it completes an orbit in just 2.2 days (in comparison, Mercury has
    an 88 day orbit). Like the moon, it is tidally locked, meaning the same side of the planet always faces its host star. At
    such a close proximity, this makes the dayside temperatures reach as high as 2860 K.
    Using four years of archival Kepler data, the scientists combined data from multiple orbits to look for subtle differences
    in brightness. Their results showed definite variations over time, which could not be explained by any changes in
    the instruments or in the star. The likely cause? Weather.


    We Can Now Predict Weather On Alien Worlds
    VIRGO --- ---
    Dráha Proximy Centauri | ESO Česko

    Zájem o náš sousední hvězdný systém Alfa Centauri se výrazně zvýšil od nedávného objevu planety Proxima b s hmotností podobnou Zemi, která obíhá kolem Proximy Centauri, třetí -
    a Slunci nejbližší - hvězdy systému. Ačkoli se zdá, že pár větších hvězd, Alfa Centauri A a B, má vlastní pohyb podobný menší a slabší Proximě Centauri, nikdy nebylo dokázáno,
    že tyto tři hvězdy opravdu tvoří jeden, gravitačně vázaný trojitý systém.

    V současnosné době tři astronomové, Pierre Kervella, Frédéric Thévenin a Christophe Lovis, došli k závěru, že ony tři hvězdy skutečně tvoří vázaný systém. Ve století, které
    následovalo po objevu Proximy, bylo kvůli nízké jasnosti hvězdy velmi obtížné spolehlivě změřit její radiální rychlost (rychlost, se kterou se pohybuje od Země). Ale přístroj
    ESO HARPS, určený pro detekci planet, poskytl extrémně přesná měření radiální rychlosti Proximy Centauri. A ještě větší přesnost se dá dosáhnout při započtení dalších slabých

    Ve výsledku byli astronomové schopni odvodit velmi podobné hodnoty radiálních rychlostí pro dvojici Alfa Centauri a pro Proximu Centauri, což podporuje teorii o vázaném systému.
    Výpočet dráh tří hvězd systému s použitím nejnovějším měření ukazuje, že relativní rychlost mezi Proximou a dvojicí Alfa Centauri je hluboko pod limitem, nad kterým by systém
    nebyl gravitačně vázaný.

    Tento výsledek má podstatné důsledky pro naše porozumění systému Alfa Centauri a jeho tvorbě planet. Je velmi pravděpodobné, že Proxima Centauri a dvojice hvězd Alfa Centauri
    mají stejný věk (asi 6 miliard let) a to je na oplátku dobrý odhad stáří planety Proxima b.

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    TANTRAMAN: To je hodně zeširoka položená otázka.
    Pokud myslíš technicky, tak víceméně ano. Celý projekt sice počítá s procesy a technologiemi, které je nutno vyvíjet v budoucnu
    takzvaně "za chodu", ale to nevidím jako problém, ba naopak. Kdybys před 25 lety prohlásil, že budeme přímo opticky pozorovat
    planety u jiných hvězd, a soukromník bude lítat na LEO, tak by sis koledoval o pobyt v Bohnicích. Dnes se nad tím už skoro
    nikdo nepozastavuje (sice to zase až taková rutina není, obzvláště s oběžnou dráhou Země, ale v příštích +/- 15 letech už bude
    situace jiná). Technologie jdou dopředu doslova raketovým tempem.

    Jestli k tomu skutečně dojde je věc jiná. Jde o spoustu faktorů, které to můžou ovlivnit (finanční nestabilita, válečné konflikty,
    konkurenční boj, případné právní problémy v případě Milnerova úmrtí, atd.....). Snad alespoň ty politické tlaky můžeme ignorovat,
    když jde o soukromě financovaný projekt.

    Ale abych se moc nerozkecával - ano, myslím si, že je to reálné. Přinejmenším fyzikálně a technicky.
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    VIRGO: myslis, ze je to realne ?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam