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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    News | NASA's NEOWISE Mission Spies One Comet, Maybe Two

    NASA's NEOWISE mission has recently discovered some celestial objects traveling through our neighborhood, including one
    on the blurry line between asteroid and comet. Another--definitely a comet--might be seen with binoculars through next week.

    An object called 2016 WF9 was detected by the NEOWISE project on Nov. 27, 2016. It's in an orbit that takes it on a scenic
    tour of our solar system. At its farthest distance from the sun, it approaches Jupiter's orbit. Over the course of 4.9 Earth-
    years, it travels inward, passing under the main asteroid belt and the orbit of Mars until it swings just inside Earth's own
    orbit. After that, it heads back toward the outer solar system. Objects in these types of orbits have multiple possible origins;
    it might once have been a comet, or it could have strayed from a population of dark objects in the main asteroid belt.
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    New Year's Eve Comet 45P Honda–Mrkos–Pajdušáková
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    Mannequin challenge - International Space Station
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    Kosmické observatoře k lednu 2017 od Olafa Frohna. Síla!

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    New Horizons: Going Deep in the Kuiper Belt

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    Map of the Galaxy - Objectivity #99
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    Meteor falling to Earth captured on phone above Sweden From flight Gatwick-Rovaniemi on Dec 26, 2016
    Meteor Falling to Earth Captured on Phone Above Sweden From Plane
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    1 - Fireball spotted over Guatemala on Dec 28, 2016
    Meteoro en El Salvador, Nicaragua y Guatemala

    2 - Apparently the video shows a fireball disintegrating over Guatemala on December 28, 2016.
    Meteorito visto en Guatemala, Nicaragua y El Salvador - 28 / 12 / 2016
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    The Atacama desert of Chile is able to boast some of the clearest skies in world, almost completely free from artificial light pollution. It's perhaps no surprise then that
    the astronomers and engineers who work at ESO's Paranal Observatory find themselves gazing out into the beautiful sky, which here is a brilliant blend of orange and blue.

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    OSIRIS-REx Executes First Deep Space Maneuver

    NASA's Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer,
    OSIRIS-REx, spacecraft executed its first deep space maneuver Dec. 28, 2016, putting it on course
    for an Earth flyby in September 2017. The team will continue to examine telemetry and tracking
    data as it becomes available at the current low data rate and will have more information in January.
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    A Novel Approach to OSETI - Eliot Gillum(SETI Talks 2016)
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    Astronomy Cast Ep. 431: The Search for Life on Mars
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    No need for alien mega-structures around the WTF star | astrobites
    Mysterious eclipses in the light-curve of KIC 8462852: a possible explanation by L.
    Neslusan & J. Budaj, Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic

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    Ancient Rocks Suggest Meteorites Brought Life’s Phosphorus To Earth | Geology IN

    Meteorites that crashed onto Earth billions of years ago may have provided the phosphorous essential to the biological systems of terrestrial life.
    The meteorites are believed to have contained a phosphorus-bearing mineral called schreibersite, and scientists have recently developed a synthetic
    version that reacts chemically with organic molecules, showing its potential as a nutrient for life.

    Phosphorus is one of life's most vital components, but often goes unheralded. It helps form the backbone of the long chains of nucleotides that
    create RNA and DNA; it is part of the phospholipids in cell membranes; and is a building block of the coenzyme used as an energy carrier in cells,
    adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

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    Next Big Future: Exoplanet space telescope will launch in December 2017
    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a planned space telescope for NASA's Explorers program,
    designed to search for exoplanets using the transit method. It is planned for launch in December 2017.

    TESS: A New Era of Exoplanet Discovery
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    Northolt Branch Observatories - Confirmation image of possible supernova AT2016iyw.
    The object right next to it is the host galaxy. The magnitude of 16.2 suggests a distance of the order of 500 M light years.

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    A Clue to Earth's Formation From Deep Beneath Its Surface - The Atlantic
    Geochemical signals from near the planet’s core are beginning to shed light on its first 50 million years, a period long viewed as inaccessible to science.

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    Technique could yield hyperprecise gravitational measurements | MIT News
    New atom interferometer could measure inertial forces with record-setting accuracy.

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    Fireball spotted over West Michigan on December 26, 2016
    Meteor falls through West Michigan Sky
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    This German Town Is Embedded with Millions of Tiny Diamonds | Travel | Smithsonian

    Uppon first glance, Nördlingen has all the hallmarks of a classic German town. At its epicenter sits St.-Georgs-Kirche,
    a medieval church with an imposing tower that dominates the skyline, which itself is punctuated by the red pitched roofs
    of hundreds of timberframe homes and shops. But on closer inspection, it’s these very buildings that set Nördlingen apart
    from other towns, and for one very curious reason: These structures are embedded with millions of microscopic diamonds.

    The diamonds are the result of an asteroid, which struck this area of Bavaria, a federal state in southern Germany, some 15
    million years ago. The resulting impact left behind the Nördlingen Ries (or Ries crater), a massive depression that stretches
    more than nine miles across the German countryside, and is the site upon which Nördlingen sits today. The impact also created
    suevite—an impact breccia or course-grained rock comprised of angular fragments that can include glass, crystal and diamonds,
    and is commonly found at impact sites such as this one.

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