Astronomers Seeking Planet 9 Hope To Soon Catch A Glimpse
Astronomers Seeking Planet 9 Hope To Soon Catch A Glimpse : The Two-Way : NPR
On the top of Hawaii's Mauna Kea mountain Thursday, astronomers will point the large Subaru Telescope toward
a patch of sky near the constellation of Orion, looking for an extremely faint object moving slowly through space.
If they find what they're looking for, it will be one of the most important astronomical discoveries in more than
a century: a new planet in our solar system.
Technically, a new planet hasn't been discovered since Neptune was spotted in 1846. Pluto, discovered in 1930, was
demoted to "dwarf planet" a decade ago. If a new planet is found, it will be the new Planet Nine.
Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., will be among the astronomers poring
over the pictures taken by Subaru to see if one provides a glimpse of the planet.