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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Scientists close in on the true mass of the Milky Way by calculating what they know, what they partially know and what is still uncertain | McMaster Daily News

    It’s a problem of galactic complexity, but researchers are getting closer to accurately measuring the mass of the Milky Way Galaxy.

    In the latest of a series of papers that could have broader implications for the field of astronomy, McMaster astrophysicist Gwendolyn Eadie,
    working with her PhD supervisor William Harris and with a Queen’s University statistician, Aaron Springford, has refined Eadie and Harris’s
    own method for measuring the mass of the galaxy that is home to our solar system.

    The short answer, using the refined method, is between 4.0 X 10^11 and 5.8 X 10^11 solar masses. In simpler terms, that’s about the mass of our Sun,
    multiplied by 400 to 580 billion. The Sun, for the record, has a mass of two nonillion (that’s 2 followed by 30 zeroes) kilograms, or 330 000 times
    the mass of Earth. This Galactic mass estimate includes matter out to 125 kiloparsecs from the center of the Galaxy (125 kiloparsecs is almost
    4 X 10^18 kilometers). When the mass estimate is extended out to 300kpc, the mass is approximately 9 X 10^11 solar masses.

    Measuring the mass of our home galaxy, or any galaxy, is particularly difficult. A galaxy includes not just stars, planets, moons, gases, dust and
    other objects and material, but also a big helping of dark matter, a mysterious and invisible form of matter that is not yet fully understood and
    has not been directly detected in the lab. Astronomers and cosmologists, however, can infer the presence of dark matter through its gravitational
    influence on visible objects.
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    Velký předěl po letech vývoje a výroby: NASA poprvé oficiální cestou oslovila vědce, aby začali podávat návrhy pro první pozorování JWST od dubna 2019.
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    News | Black Holes Hide in Our Cosmic Backyard

    Monster black holes sometimes lurk behind gas and dust, hiding from the gaze of most telescopes. But they give themselves away when material
    they feed on emits high-energy X-rays that NASA's NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) mission can detect. That's how NuSTAR recently
    identified two gas-enshrouded supermassive black holes, located at the centers of nearby galaxies.

    "These black holes are relatively close to the Milky Way, but they have remained hidden from us until now," said Ady Annuar, a graduate student
    at Durham University in the United Kingdom, who presented the results at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Grapevine, Texas. "They're
    like monsters hiding under your bed."

    Both of these black holes are the central engines of what astronomers call "active galactic nuclei," a class of extremely bright objects that
    includes quasars and blazars. Depending on how these galactic nuclei are oriented and what sort of material surrounds them, they appear very
    different when examined with telescopes.

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    Hubble Space Telescope - News

    Eerie mysteries in the universe can be betrayed by simple shadows. The wonder of a solar eclipse is produced by the moon's shadow,
    and over 1,000 planets around other stars have been cataloged by the shadow they cast when passing in front of their parent star.
    Astronomers were surprised to see a huge shadow sweeping across a disk of dust and gas encircling a nearby, young star. They have
    a bird's-eye view of the disk, because it is tilted face-on to Earth, and the shadow sweeps around the disk like the hands moving
    around a clock. But, unlike the hands of a clock, the shadow takes 16 years to make one rotation.

    Hubble has 18 years' worth of observations of the star, called TW Hydrae. Therefore, astronomers could assemble a time-lapse movie
    of the shadow's rotation. Explaining it is another story. Astronomers think that an unseen planet in the disk is doing some heavy
    lifting by gravitationally pulling on material near the star and warping the inner part of the disk. The twisted, misaligned inner
    disk is casting its shadow across the surface of the outer disk. TW Hydrae resides 192 light-years away and is roughly 8 million
    years old.

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    HOWKING: Má příští týden narozky.
    HOWKING --- ---
    Hawking presents new idea on how information could escape black holes
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    Wonderful documentary about quantum physicist Hugh Everett & his son musician Mark Everett
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    The Infinite Polaris Timelapse - Spinning (4k)
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    Grande meteoro - Fireball visible from Campina Grande, Paraíba - Jan 06, 2017
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    The Cassini Journey - A short film by Jeroen Wegh
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    Páteční momentka levého Navcamu:

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    Zítřejší (poslední) dopolední kolo prezentací naprosto skvostné! (po 16:15 SEČ)
    Press Conference: Black Holes, Green Galaxies, Old Stars & NuSTARs

    Pushing the Limits of High Contrast with Hubble
    John H. Debes (Space Telescope Science Institute)

    Two Concealed Black Holes Lurking in Our Cosmic Backyard Unveiled by NuSTAR
    Ady Annuar (Durham University, UK) & Peter Boorman (University of Southampton, UK)

    The Mass of the Milky Way from Globular Cluster Kinematics
    Gwendolyn Eadie (McMaster University)

    The Universe Going Green: Extraordinarily Strong Oxygen Emission in High-Redshift Dwarf Galaxies
    Matthew A. Malkan (University of California, Los Angeles)
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    Our Galaxy's Black Hole is Spewing Out Planet-size "Spitballs"2017-01 | www.cfa.harvard.edu/

    Every few thousand years, an unlucky star wanders too close to the black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
    The black hole's powerful gravity rips the star apart, sending a long streamer of gas whipping outward. That
    would seem to be the end of the story, but it's not. New research shows that not only can the gas gather itself
    into planet-size objects, but those objects then are flung throughout the galaxy in a game of cosmic "spitball."

    VIRGO --- ---
    Johns Hopkins APL Provides Key Instruments for NASA's New Discovery Missions

    Scientists and engineers at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory will provide instruments on NASA’s two newest missions, Lucy and Psyche,
    which will explore, respectively, six of Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids and 16 Psyche, a rare and primarily metal asteroid in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

    Both Discovery-class missions were selected to explore these relics from the earliest history of the solar system, less than 10 million years after the birth of our sun.
    APL will provide the “eagle eyes” for Lucy by developing a high-resolution telescopic camera for the mission, which will perform the first reconnaissance of the Trojans,
    a population of primitive asteroids orbiting in tandem with Jupiter.

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    VIRGO: Revised astrobiology periodic table by Charles Cockell reporting the astrophysical source & the biological use of each element.

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    A Tour of Abell 3411 & Abell 3412
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    Hubble Detects ‘Exocomets’ Taking the Plunge Into a Young Star

    HD 172555 represents the third extrasolar system where astronomers have detected doomed, wayward comets.
    All of the systems are young, under 40 million years old.

    The presence of these doomed comets provides circumstantial evidence for “gravitational stirring” by an unseen Jupiter-size planet,
    where comets deflected by its gravity are catapulted into the star. These events also provide new insights into the past and present
    activity of comets in our solar system. It’s a mechanism where infalling comets could have transported water to Earth and the other
    inner planets of our solar system.

    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: nádhera...klíč ;)
    VIRGO: tady lajk za fotku, nečetla jsem to :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Space Images | Earth and Its Moon, as Seen From Mars

    This composite image of Earth and its moon, as seen from Mars, combines the best Earth image with the best moon image from four sets
    of images acquired on Nov. 20, 2016, by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

    Each was separately processed prior to combining them so that the moon is bright enough to see. The moon is much darker than Earth and would barely
    be visible at the same brightness scale as Earth. The combined view retains the correct sizes and positions of the two bodies relative to each other.

    HiRISE takes images in three wavelength bands: infrared, red, and blue-green. These are displayed here as red, green, and blue, respectively. This is
    similar to Landsat images in which vegetation appears red. The reddish feature in the middle of the Earth image is Australia. Southeast Asia appears
    as the reddish area (due to vegetation) near the top; Antarctica is the bright blob at bottom-left. Other bright areas are clouds. These images were
    acquired for calibration of HiRISE data, since the spectral reflectance of the Moon's near side is very well known. When the component images were
    taken, Mars was about 127 million miles (205 million kilometers) from Earth.

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