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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Why is NASA going to visit the giant metal asteroid 16 Psyche? - Science News - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

    Hiding in the belt of frozen rocks between Mars and Jupiter is a body like nothing else in the solar system. The odds of it even existing are tiny.
    Its name is 16 Psyche. At 210 kilometres wide, it is easily one of the bigger asteroids, but Psyche's stand-out feature is that it is made almost entirely of metal.
    That is so unusual that NASA is funding a seven-year mission to visit the asteroid with a robotic spacecraft and study it in detail.

    VIRGO --- ---

    This view looks toward the anti-Saturn hemisphere of Enceladus. North on Enceladus is up and rotated 4 degrees to the right.
    The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Nov. 27, 2016.

    The view was obtained at a distance of approximately 41,000 miles (66,000 kilometers) from Enceladus. Image scale is 1,310 feet (398 meters) per pixel.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Star clusters discovery could upset the astronomical applecart

    The discovery of young stars in old star clusters could send scientists back to the drawing board for one of the Universe's most common objects.

    Dr Bi-Qing For, from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Perth, said our understanding of how stars evolve is a cornerstone of astronomical science.

    "There are a billion trillion stars in the Universe and we've been observing and classifying those we can see for more than a century," she said.
    "Our models of stellar evolution are based on the assumption that stars within star clusters formed from the same material at roughly the same time."

    VIRGO --- ---
    Congrats! Kepler observatory was launched today in 2009 to find signs of other Earth-like planets.

    How many exoplanets has Kepler discovered?
    Kepler mission:

    Candidate exoplanets: 4 696
    Confirmed exoplanets: 2 331
    Confirmed exoplanets less than twice Earth-size in the habitable zone: 21

    K2 mission:

    Candidate exoplanets: 520
    Confirmed exoplanets: 145


    VIRGO --- ---
    Gravity Wave Detection with Atomic Clockssu201709 | www.cfa.harvard.edu/

    The recent detection of gravitation waves (GW) from the merger of two black holes of about thirty solar-masses each with the ground-based LIGO facility
    has generated renewed enthusiasm for developing even more sensitive measurement techniques. Ground-based GW instruments have widely spaced sensors
    that can detect sub-microscopic changes in their separation -- better than one part in a billion trillion, They suffer, however, from the noise produced by
    small ground tremors -- vibrations from natural or man-made sources that ripple through the precisely tuned detectors. The vibrations most difficult to
    compensate for are those that change relatively slowly, at frequencies around once a second or less, yet astronomers predict that GW sources producing
    these slow variations should be interesting and abundant, from compact stellar-mass binary stars to gravitational events in the early universe.
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    Home to a hypergiant | ESA/Hubble

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    Synthetic biology to help colonize Mars

    Shannon Dangle finished her PhD ready to take on a new challenge and set her sights on research to help make Mars colonization possible.
    But she isn't pursuing research on rocket fuels or space suits. She's using synthetic biology to improve biomanufacturing of needed resources
    using simple inputs like sunlight, water, and CO2.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Hmm, zřejmě vzniká přímá úměra mezi vzrůstajícím počtem objevených exoplanet a pomateností jinak vcelku seriózních pozemšťanů... :DD

    Whole New Worlds: An Aladdin History of Exoplanets | A Capella Science, Trudbol, SamRobson, Gia Mora
    VIRGO --- ---
    Exoplanets, 4 billion-year-old life, Fermi’s paradox and zero-one laws « Math Scholar
    What do exoplanets, four-billion-year-old life, Fermi’s paradox and zero-one laws of probability
    theory have to do with each other? Quite a bit, actually. Let us review these developments, one by one
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    Scientists believe they have found fossils dating back at least 3.8bn years – and they might even help us find life on other planets
    Do the Quebec fossils prove that life begin much earlier than we thought? | Science | The Guardian
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    8 things we know about Proxima b | Supernova Condensate

    VIRGO --- ---
    An excerpt from the Coursera class Science of the Solar System by Mike Brown.
    The class is free and online runs once every three months.

    Planet Nine
    VIRGO --- ---
    Konečně pořádek a jasno ohledně kvantové fyziky! Krásný zbytek neděle všem. :))

    Jim Carrey's Hilarious Sophisticated Coversation With Conan O'Brien
    VIRGO --- ---
    JULIANNE: Přesně. V takových chvílích je největší problém u mně doma
    mezi klávesnicí a židlí, protože si těch lidí vážím, a nechci je otravovat. Ale právě u nich je
    ta reakce takřka okamžitá, jsou opravdu úžasní! :) Pokora je to správné slovo.
    JULIANNE --- ---
    VIRGO: Díky za zjištění vysvětlení! Je super, že ses zeptal a že mohla okamžitě přijít odpověď. Ukázka skvělých technologií i lidí :).
    TOXYGEN --- ---
    James Webb Space Telescope Launch and Deployment

    zaujimavych 12 minut
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Neskutečné. Objevy už se kupí tak, že snad promění pesimistu v nadšence.. :))
    Not one but TWO (and maybe four) transiting rocky exoplanets around the nearby star HD 219134
    Two massive rocky planets transiting a K-dwarf 6.5 parsecs away : Nature Astronomy

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    New Worlds, New Discoveries: A major leap in the search for life beyond our solar system
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    Astronomers grapple with new era of fast radio bursts : Nature News & Comment
    Signals have progressed from astronomical peculiarity to mainstream research area.

    One of the most perplexing phenomena in astronomy has come of age. The fleeting blasts of energetic cosmic radiation of unknown cause,
    now known as fast radio bursts (FRBs), were first detected a decade ago. At the time, many astronomers dismissed the seemingly random
    blasts as little more than glitches. And although key facts, such as what causes them, are still largely a mystery, FRBs are now
    accepted as a genuine class of celestial signal and have spawned a field of their own.

    The passage was marked this month by the first major meeting on FRBs, held in Aspen, Colorado, on 12–17 February. As well as celebrating
    a fleet of searches for the signals, the meeting’s 80 delegates grappled with how best to design those hunts and pin down the signals’
    origins and precise distances. The trajectory mirrors that of astronomers 20 years ago when they were getting to grips with γ-ray bursts,
    which are now a staple of astronomical observation, says Bing Zhang, a theoretical astrophysicist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

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