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    ztracené heslo?
    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Včera večer jsem si předsevzal, že se dnes pokusím vyhledat problém, který mi leží v hlavě už pár měsíců (sobotní večer, klid a pohoda).
    Už jsem jej tady i před časem zmiňoval - proč FAST při tak komplexní architektuře nemá aktivní radarovou jednotku, která by mu umožnila
    monitorovat asteroidy a vůbec zajímavé dění kolem Země. Projíždět čínské ofiko materiály bylo dosti frustrující, protože se mi nepodařilo
    najít informaci, které bych se chytnul. Nezbylo než o5 otravovat profesionály (což dělám opravdu nerad, když vím, v jakém nonstop kalupu
    jsou), ovšem dnes to bylo rychlé a jednoduché, protože Rhysy byl online, a nevím o nikom lepším (číňanů se fakt ptát nebudu),
    a má za sebou práci na Arecibo... Odpověď je moc zajímavá, pastuji bez úprav. A hned se jdu pořádně kouknout na podrobnosti. Pro úplnost
    uvádím i otázku. Není to poprvé, kdy jsem od něj dostal pořádnou tech-nalejvárnu ohledně srovnání F/A
    Díky nebesům za tak skvělé, erudované a zároveň otevřené lidi!

    Wondering why there is no active radar unit at FAST. It´s probably not a question of budget, is it?
    How they can give up of such a chance to monitor NEOs and other interesting rocks while having such a big and complex architecture?

    RT: I believe it's a question of weight and design. FAST has a very different, much lighter instrument platform than Arecibo.
    This means it can be moved laterally and vertically, so as the dish is deformed to change the focal point the whole instrument
    platform moves too - which gives it a much larger field of view than Arecibo. The disadvantage is that the platform is too light
    to hold many instruments at once - especially radar transmitters which are heavy, bulky things (because of the ~1 MW of power
    being transmitted they need large cooling systems).

    In fact rather than taking new instruments up to the platform, FAST's approach is to be able to lower the platform to the ground.
    Arecibo's heavier design has an advantage here : it has the receivers installed on a turntable which can be rotated to select
    whichever instrument is required for the observations at the push of a button. I forget the exact numbers, but Arecibo has
    around 10 available receivers at any one time whereas FAST will have something closer to 1.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomy Magazine - How the Hubble Space Telescope changed the cosmos | Astronomy Magazine

    VIRGO --- ---
    Datum oznámeno!
    MAST K2 - Trappist-1

    The raw cadence data for the K2 observations of the TRAPPIST-1 system are expected
    to be made available on Tuesday March 7th at noon US Eastern time.

    VIRGO --- ---

    This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image showcases the remarkable galaxy UGC 12591. UGC 12591 sits somewhere between a lenticular and a spiral.
    It lies just under 400 million light-years away from us in the westernmost region of the Pisces–Perseus Supercluster, a long chain of galaxy clusters
    that stretches out for hundreds of light-years — one of the largest known structures in the cosmos.

    The galaxy itself is also extraordinary: it is incredibly massive. The galaxy and its halo together contain several hundred billion times the mass
    of the sun; four times the mass of the Milky Way. It also whirls round extremely quickly, rotating at speeds of up to 1.8 million kilometers per hour.

    VIRGO --- ---
    ALMA adds a new dimension to a Hubble Space Telescope result

    An international team of astronomers, led by Hyosun Kim in Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA, Taiwan),
    has found a way of deriving the orbital shape of binary stars that have orbital periods too long to be directly measured. This new
    technique was possible thanks to an observation toward the old star LL Pegasi (also known as AFGL 3068) using the state-of-the-art
    telescope, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).

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    Sice starší, ale tento trojlístek stojí za to.
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    Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Opportunity Reaches Top of Endeavour Rim, Wraps Cape Tribulation | The Planetary Society
    Oppo Sols 4631 - 4657

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    Analogues of primeval galaxies two billion years after the Big Bang : Nature Astronomy

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    Už jedou :)
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    Začíná WSH s Alanem Sternem! Zkusil jsem se pozeptat na detaily ohledně hibernačního modu.
    Weekly Space Hangout - Mar 3, 2017: Dr. Alan Stern
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    There's Going to Be a Traffic Jam at Mars in 2020
    With so many spacecraft launching in 2020, NASA needs to set up an air traffic control plan for when they arrive.
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    Exploring the dark Universe : Nature Astronomy

    Joshua Frieman, co-founder and director of the Dark Energy Survey collaboration,
    tells us about the ambitious project aiming to probe the origin of cosmic acceleration.

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    Ever wondered what it looks like inside Curiosity?

    This is a photo of the rover, during assembly before being launched to Mars. It's placed upside down with its belly plate removed so we can see
    the equipment and instruments that are normally hidden from our view. The front of the rover is on the left side of this photo. The image was
    shared today by Emily Lakdawalla of the Planetary Society and will be one of the featured images in a book she is writing about Curiosity Rover.

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    VIRGO --- ---

    This close-up view of Jupiter captures the turbulent region just west of the Great Red Spot in the South Equatorial Belt,
    with resolution better than any previous pictures from Earth or other spacecraft.

    NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured this image with its JunoCam citizen science instrument when the spacecraft was a mere 8,700
    kilometers above Jupiter’s cloudtops on Dec. 11, 2016 at 9:14 a.m. PT (12:14 p.m. ET). Citizen scientist Sergey Dushkin
    produced the sublime color processing and cropped the image to draw viewers’ eyes to the dynamic clouds.

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    Proba-2 partial eclipses, 26 February 2017
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    Our Universe is too vast for even the most imaginative sci-fi | Aeon Ideas

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    Our constantly-changing sun sometimes erupts with bursts of light, solar material, or ultra-fast energized particles — collectively,
    these events contribute to space weather. In a study published Jan. 30, 2017, in Space Weather, scientists from NASA and the National
    Center for Atmospheric Research, or NCAR, in Boulder, Colorado, have shown that the warning signs of one type of space weather event
    can be detected tens of minutes earlier than with current forecasting techniques – critical extra time that could help protect
    astronauts in space.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Remnants of a mega-flood on Mars / Mars Express / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    ESA’s Mars Express has captured images of one of the largest outflow channel networks on the Red Planet.

    The Kasei Valles channel system extends around 3000 km from its source region in Echus Chasma – which lies east of the bulging
    volcanic region Tharsis and just north of the Valles Marineris canyon system – to its sink in the vast plains of Chryse Planitia.

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