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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Raw data for K2 Campaign 12 and TRAPPIST-1 now available - Kepler & K2

    The raw, uncalibrated data files for K2 Campaign 12 are now available for download from the data archive at MAST.

    VIRGO --- ---
    What can K2 tell us about the TRAPPIST1 planetary system? | Astrobio

    NASA’s K2 Mission observed TRAPPIST1 during an ~80 day campaign from December 15, 2016 – March 4, 2017 at short (1 minute) cadence.
    On March 8 the raw data will be released and made publicly available on the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) at the Space
    Telescope Science Institute in Maryland. Because the data will be in a raw format (normally this type of data would be released weeks
    or months after internal teams have had time to process it) members of the K2 Mission Guest Observers Office and the MAST team are
    preparing to help support users. On the MAST website (http://archive.stsci.edu/k2/trappist1/) you can access the data and in the comments
    section (shown below, Scott Fleming represents the MAST support and Geert Barentsen is from the K2 Mission) users are encouraged to share
    their tools and results. It should be a fun day!

    VIRGO --- ---
    Two new tidal disruption events discovered

    In two recently published scientific papers, an international team of astronomers has presented the detection
    of two new tidal disruption events (TDEs). Using the Palomar Observatory located near San Diego, California,
    the researchers discovered flares of radiation which turned out to be TDEs. Their findings were described in
    papers published online March 2 and 3 on the arXiv pre-print server.

    TDEs are astronomical phenomena which occur when a star passes close enough to a supermassive black hole
    and is pulled apart by the black hole's tidal forces, causing the process of disruption. Such tidally disrupted
    stellar debris starts raining down on the black hole and radiation emerges from the innermost region of
    accreting debris, which is an indicator of the presence of a TDE.

    For astronomers and astrophysicists, TDEs are potentially important probes of strong gravity and accretion
    physics, providing answers about the formation and evolution of supermassive black holes.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Rev263-264 (Preview of Cassini Spacecraft Activities Around Saturn)

    Cassini continues its exploration of the Saturn system with the 7.2-day Rev 263, which begins on February 25 at its farthest distance from the planet.
    This is also called the orbit’s apoapse. At this point, Cassini is 1.22 million kilometers (0.76 million miles) from Saturn’s cloud tops. Rev 263 is
    the 13th of 20 F-ring orbits that will take place between November 2016 and April 2017 where Cassini will approach Saturn just outside the main ring
    system. Ten ISS observations are planned for Rev 261 with the majority focused on Saturn’s atmosphere and rings.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Elusive triangulene created by moving atoms one at a time : Nature News & Comment

    Researchers at IBM have created an elusive molecule by knocking around atoms using a needle-like microscope tip. The flat, triangular fragment
    of a mesh of carbon atoms, called triangulene1, is too unstable to be made by conventional chemical synthesis, and could find use in electronics.

    This isn't the first time that atomic manipulation has been used to create unstable molecules that couldn’t be made conventionally — but this one
    is especially desirable. “Triangulene is the first molecule that we’ve made that chemists have tried hard, and failed, to make already,” says Leo
    Gross, who led the IBM team at the firm’s laboratories in Zurich, Switzerland.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    What Are Fast Radio Bursts? - Scientific American
    What are fast radio bursts? Why are astronomers so excited about them?

    Since 2007, astronomers have added 17 more bursts to the list of known FRBs. However, their origins are still a bit of a mystery
    because their defining characteristics, the very reasons they are so interesting, also make them challenging to study.
    VIRGO --- ---

    The physicist and author argues that cosmologists should take the concept of time
    more seriously and talks about becoming a “converted skeptic” on climate change.
    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: A ještě btw: možná ne letos, ani příští tok,
    ale do 10 let bude detekce oceněna (prostě jim to trvá, a to už se táhne století,
    ale jeden z důvodů je právě ten, že už to nikomu zpětně nemůžou vzít).

    Za vše mluví kauza strýčka Alberta. Z druhé strany je ten postoj pochopitelný.
    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: Tak s tímhle tvrzením by měli zpětně vzít nobelovku tak polovině laureátů...a těmhle jako prvním:
    The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics - Press Release

    Že ty si už při tom čekání na Jpiter úplně promrznul?... :))
    VIRGO --- ---
    New Survey Finds “Peter Pan” Radio Galaxies That May Never Grow Up - Dunlap Institute

    A team of astronomers has doubled the number of known young, compact radio galaxies—galaxies powered by newly energized black holes.
    The improved tally will help astronomers understand the relationship between the size of these radio sources and their age, as well
    as the nature of the galaxy itself.

    In particular, it will help astronomers understand why there are so many more young radio galaxies than old.

    “We do not understand how radio galaxies evolve,” says Joseph Callingham, a postdoctoral fellow from the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy
    (ASTRON) and lead author on the paper describing the result.

    “For a long time, we thought all small galaxies evolved into massive galaxies. However, we have now found far too many small galaxies relative to
    the large ones. This suggests some never make it to the ‘adult phase’.”

    In a survey of ninety thousand radio galaxies, the astronomers identified 1500 compact galaxies among them. The results are described in a paper
    published 20 February in the Astrophysical Journal.

    HOWKING --- ---
    VIRGO: Podle mě za tohle nobelovka být nemá. Byl to jen experiment potvrzující teorii někoho jiného.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Simulated view from stand on Pan, a moonlet inbetween Saturn's rings that has cleared the path of its orbit from George Ioannidis.

    VIRGO --- ---
    HOWKING: Bohužel už je méně fajn, že ne nobelovky... :/
    HOWKING --- ---
    VIRGO: Je fajn, že se stihl dožít těch měření.
    VIRGO --- ---
    RIP Ron Drewer.. :(((

    Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - BBC News
    Ronald Drever, co-founder of LIGO, has died | Science | AAAS

    VIRGO --- ---
    News | Dawn Identifies Age of Ceres' Brightest Area

    The bright central area of Ceres' Occator Crater, known as Cerealia Facula, is approximately 30 million years younger than the crater in which it lies,
    according to a new study in the Astronomical Journal. Scientists used data from NASA's Dawn spacecraft to analyze Occator's central dome in detail,
    concluding that this intriguing bright feature on the dwarf planet is only about 4 million years old -- quite recent in terms of geological history.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Prastarý hvězdný prach odhaluje tajemství prvních hvězd | ESO Česko
    Nejvzdálenější objekt pozorovaný pomocí radioteleskopu ALMA

    ESOcast 99 Light: ALMA Sheds Light on the First Stars (4K UHD)

    Astronomové využili radioteleskop ALMA k detekci značného množství prachu ve velmi vzdálené galaxii, kterou pozorujeme tak, jak vypadala krátce po svém vzniku –
    v období, kdy byl vesmír starý pouze 4 % současného věku. Jedná se o zatím nejvzdálenější galaxii, ve které byl prach úspěšně detekován. Pozorování rovněž přineslo
    objev kyslíku v dosud největší vzdálenosti. Tyto výsledky poskytují zcela nový pohled na zrod a explozivní zánik prvních hvězd ve vesmíru.

    Nicolas Laporte (University College London) a mezinárodní tým jeho kolegů využili radioteleskop ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) ke sledování
    objektů s katalogovým označením A2744_YD4, což je nejmladší a nejvzdálenější galaxie, jaká byla dosud pozorována pomocí tohoto zařízení. K jejich překvapení se jim
    podařilo odhalit, že tato mladinká galaxie obsahuje značné množství mezihvězdného prachu – částic, které vznikly v závěrečném stádiu vývoje hvězd.

    Následná pozorování provedená pomocí přístroje X-shooter, který pracuje ve spojení s dalekohledem ESO/VLT (Very Large Telescope), potvrdila enormní vzdálenost
    sledovaného objektu. Galaxii vidíme tak, jak vypadala, když byl vesmír pouze 600 milionů let starý, tedy v období, kdy vznikaly první hvězdy a galaxie.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA's Kepler Provides Another Peek At Ultra-cool Neighbor

    On Feb. 22, astronomers announced that the ultra-cool dwarf star, TRAPPIST-1, hosts a total of seven Earth-size planets that are likely rocky,
    a discovery made by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope in combination with ground-based telescopes. NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope also
    has been observing this star since December 2016. Today these additional data about TRAPPIST-1 from Kepler are available to the scientific community.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Iota Orionis: Pulsating beacon of a constellation

    Astronomers from the BRITE (BRight Target Explorer) Constellation project and Ritter Observatory have discovered a repeating one-per-cent spike
    in the light of a very massive star which could change our understanding of such stars. Iota Orionis is a binary star system and is easily visible
    with the naked eye, being the brightest star in the constellation Orion's sword. Its unique variability, reported in the journal Monthly Notices
    of the Royal Astronomical Society, was discovered using the world's smallest astronomical space satellites, referred to as "nanosats". "As the first
    functional nanosatellite astronomy mission, the BRITE-Constellation is at the vanguard of this coming space revolution," said Canadian BRITE-
    Constellation principal investigator Gregg Wade, of Royal Military College of Canada, Ont.

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