Subaru telescope detects shadow of gas cloud in ancient proto-supercluster
A team led by researchers from Osaka Sangyo University, with members from Tohoku University, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and others, has used the Suprime-Cam
on the Subaru Telescope to create the most-extensive map of neutral hydrogen gas in the early universe. This cloud appears widely spread out across 160 million light-years
in and around a structure called the proto-supercluster. It is the largest structure in the distant universe, and existed some 11.5 billion years ago. Such a huge gas cloud
is extremely valuable for studying large-scale structure formation and the evolution of galaxies from gas in the early universe, and merits further investigation.
"We are surprised because the dense gas structure is extended much more than expected in the proto-supercluster," said Dr. Mawatari. "Wider field observations with
narrow-band filters are needed to grasp full picture of this largest structure in the young Universe. This is exactly the type of strong research that can be done with
Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) recently mounted at the Subaru Telescope. We intend to study the gas - galaxy relation in various proto-superclusters using the HSC."