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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Supermassive black holes found in two tiny galaxies | UNews

    Formation of the dwarf galaxy M60-UCD1

    Three years ago, a University of Utah-led team discovered that an ultra-compact dwarf galaxy contained a supermassive black hole, then the smallest known galaxy to harbor such a giant
    black hole. The findings suggested that the dwarfs were likely tiny leftovers of larger galaxies that were stripped of their outer layers after colliding into other, larger galaxies.

    Now, the same group of U astronomers and colleagues have found two more ultra-compact dwarf galaxies with supermassive black holes. Together, the three examples suggest that black holes
    lurk at the center of most of these objects, potentially doubling the number of supermassive black holes known in the universe. The black holes make up a high percentage of the compact
    galaxies’ total mass, supporting the theory that the dwarfs are remnants of massive galaxies that were ripped apart by larger galaxies.

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    This view was taken from a vantage point about 28 degrees above Saturn's equator. The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera
    on Dec. 2, 2016, with a combination of spectral filters which preferentially admits wavelengths of near-infrared light centered at 728 nanometers.
    The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 953 000 kilometers from Saturn. Image scale is 57 kilometers per pixel.

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    Blowing cosmic bubbles | ESA/Hubble

    This entrancing image shows a few of the tenuous threads that comprise Sh2-308,
    a faint and wispy shell of gas located 5200 light-years away in the constellation of Canis Major (The Great Dog).

    Sh2-308 is a large bubble-like structure wrapped around an extremely large, bright type of star known as a Wolf-Rayet Star —
    this particular star is called EZ Canis Majoris. These type of stars are among the brightest and most massive stars in the Universe,
    tens of times more massive than our own Sun, and they represent the extremes of stellar evolution. Thick winds continually poured off
    the progenitors of such stars, flooding their surroundings and draining the outer layers of the Wolf-Rayet stars. The fast wind of
    a Wolf-Rayet star therefore sweeps up the surrounding material to form bubbles of gas.

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    Penn Researchers Provide New Insight Into Dark Matter Halos | Penn News

    Research from the University of Pennsylvania could shed light on the distribution of one of the most mysterious substances in the universe.

    In the 1970s, scientists noticed something strange about the motion of galaxies. All the matter at the edge of spiral galaxies was rotating just
    as fast as material in the inner part of the galaxy. But according to the laws of gravity, objects on the outskirts should be moving slower.

    Many scientists now believe that more than 80 percent of the matter of the universe is locked away in mysterious, as yet undetected, particles of
    dark matter, which affect everything from how objects move within a galaxy to how galaxies and galaxy clusters clump together in the first place.

    This dark matter extends far beyond the reach of the furthest stars in the galaxy, forming what scientists call a dark matter halo. While stars
    within the galaxy all rotate in a neat, organized disk, these dark matter particles are like a swarm of bees, moving chaotically in random
    directions, which keeps them puffed up to balance the inward pull of gravity.

    VIRGO --- ---
    A Search For the Theory of Everything - The Great Courses Daily

    The unifying theories of physics are among the greatest and most complex in all of science; their progression toward ever-grander
    insights will transform our understanding of the universe, and is nothing less than a search for the theory of everything.
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    Great Cold Spot discovered on Jupiter | ESO Australia

    Velká rudá skvrna na Jupiteru je ohromná bouře, která po staletí víří rychlostmi převyšujícími 600 km za hodinu. Do ní by se vešlo několik Zemí.
    Ale teď má rivala: astronomové objevili, že Jupiter má druhou velkou skrvnu, tentokrát chladnou.

    V polárních oblastech planety objevili astronomové pomocí přístroje CRIRES na dalekohledu ESO VLT a také pomocí jiných zařízení tmavou skvrnu
    v horní atmosféře Jupiteru (na obrázku vlevo pod polární září). Je asi o 200 °C chladnější než její okolí. Tento zajímavý jev - příhodně nazvaný
    "velká chladná skvrna" - je velikostně podobná velké rudé skvrně. Má asi 24 000 km napříč a 12 000 km na výšku. Ale data pořízená během patnácti
    let ukazují, že velká chladná skvrna je mnohem nestálejší než její téměř neměnná společnice. V rámci dnů a týdnů se výrazně mění její tvar a
    velikost, ale nikdy nemizí a vždy zůstává na přibližně stejném místě.

    O velké chladné skvrně se předpokládá, že je způsobena silnou polární září planety, která přenáší energii do atmosféry v podobě tepla proudícího
    kolem Jupiteru. Tím vytváří chladnější oblast v horní atmosféře, což je tím pádem první povětrnostní systém či jev způsobený polární září, který
    byl kdy pozorován.

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    Comet Lovejoy Seen From International Space Station
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    The Lifetimes of Massive Star-Forming Regionssu201714 | www.cfa.harvard.edu/

    Astronomers can roughly estimate how long it takes for a new star to form: it is the time it takes for material in a gas cloud to collapse in free-fall,
    and is set by the mass, the size of the cloud, and gravity. Although an approximation, this scenario of quick, dynamic star formation is consistent with
    many observations, especially of sources where new material can flow into the cloud, perhaps along filaments, to sustain steady activity. But this simple
    picture might not apply in the largest systems with star clusters and high-mass stars. Rather than a quick collapse, the process there might be inhibited
    by pressure, turbulence, or other activities that slow it down.

    CfA astronomer Cara Battersby and two colleagues studied the formation, early evolution, and lifetimes of high-mass star-forming regions and their earliest
    evolutionary phases in dense, molecular regions. These clumps have densities of gas as high as ten million molecules per cubic centimeter (tens of thousands
    of times higher than typical in gas clouds); the dust associated with this gas blocks the external starlight, leaving the material very cold, only a few tens
    of degrees above absolute zero. The usual method for identifying these clumps is with submillimeter telescopes, which take images of the sky; automated
    algorithms can then process the images to identify and characterize cold clumps. The problem is that even a quiescent clump can contain subregions of activity
    that are not spotted with the relatively poor spatial resolutions of the submillimeter telescopes used to assemble catalogs of these regions.

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    Interesting textures spotted by Curio MAHLI at target Morancy Stream on Sol 1668 (Apr 16, 2017, 4:10 AM UTC).
    Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Malin Space Science Systems

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    The Possibility of Silicon-Based Life Grows

    Science fiction has long imagined alien worlds inhabited by silicon-based life,
    such as the rock-eating Horta from the original Star Trek series. Now, scientists
    have for the first time shown that nature can evolve to incorporate silicon into
    carbon-based molecules, the building blocks of life on Earth.

    Bringing Silicon to Life: Scientists Persuade Nature to Make Silicon-Carbon Bonds
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    Tak to si dám živě!

    NASA, in coordination with United Launch Alliance (ULA) and Orbital ATK, will broadcast the world’s first live 360-degree stream
    of a rocket launch. The live 360 stream of the cargo resupply mission liftoff to the International Space Station may be viewed
    on the NASA Television YouTube channel starting 10 minutes prior to lift off at:

    NASA - YouTube
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    An Earth-Sized Telescope Just Snapped Two Pictures

    Right now, astronomers are attempting to take the first image of the event horizon of
    the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way — but what exactly are black holes?
    Taking the First Picture of a Black Hole | ESO Australia

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    NASA Approves Instruments for ESA’s ‘JUICE’ Mission to Jupiter System

    NASA’s partnership in a future European Space Agency (ESA) mission to Jupiter and its moons has cleared a key milestone,
    moving from preliminary instrument design to implementation phase.

    The April 6 milestone, known as Key Decision Point C (KDP-C), is the agency-level approval for the project to enter building phase.
    It also provides a baseline for the mission’s schedule and budget. NASA’s total cost for the project is $114.4 million. The next
    milestone for the NASA contributions will be the Critical Design Review (CDR), which will take place in about one year. The CDR
    for the overall ESA JUICE mission is planned in spring 2019.

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    Eclipse Webcast 6: Eclipsing Exoplanets
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    Dnes ve 20h
    Nastavit připomenutí — Hyde Park Civilizace: Fabiola Gianotti — Česká televize
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    Ajaj, SPdA je blizounko observatořím...
    Strong M6.2 earthquake hits Chile at intermediate depth
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    On April 13, 2017 (yesterday) Cassini took this likely image of the Earth during Orbit 269.
    Original pic included in the link, pictured here is the one processed with levels in PS.

    Cassini: Mission to Saturn: Image of Earth

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    French Guiana: The part of South America facing a total shutdown - BBC News
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    Large asteroid to hurtle past Earth on April 19

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