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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    ALMA Eyes Icy Ring Around Young Planetary System

    An international team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
    has made the first complete millimeter-wavelength image of the ring of dusty debris surrounding
    the young star Fomalhaut. This remarkably well-defined band of rubble and gas is likely the result
    of exocomets smashing together near the outer edges of a planetary system 25 light-years from Earth.
    Observations Suggest Chemical Kinship to Comets in Our Own Solar System.

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    The combined power of three space observatories, including NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, has helped astronomers uncover a moon
    orbiting the third largest dwarf planet, catalogued as 2007 OR10. The pair resides in the frigid outskirts of our solar system
    called the Kuiper Belt, a realm of icy debris left over from our solar system's formation 4.6 billion years ago.

    With this discovery, most of the known dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt larger than 600 miles across have companions.
    These bodies provide insight into how moons formed in the young solar system.

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    The Future of SETI w/ Ground-Based Telescopes

    Where are we in our search for extraterrestrial life? What is the future and how will ground-based telescopes help?

    The first modern SETI experiment was created by Frank Drake in 1960 with Project Ozma. Over 50 years later, we still
    haven't heard a radio signal from an intelligent extraterrestrial species.

    What is the future of SETI with ground-based telescopes? What percentage of the radio frequencies have we surveyed?
    Are there new developments in AI and data processing on the horizon that will make it easier to search through SETI
    data? With new funding sources from the Breakthrough Foundation be the extra funding needed to uncover a SETI signal?

    Join Tony Darnell, Dr. Andrew Siemion, Dr. Franck Marchis, Jon Richards and Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina as we delve into
    these topics.

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    SKA SA presents first Array Release 1.5 images taken with MeerKAT 32 to Minister Naledi Pandor – SKA SA

    The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, delivered the Budget Vote of the Department of Science and Technology in
    Parliament on Tuesday, 16 May 2017. Students sponsored by SKA SA and staff members were invited to attend in the gallery. Prior
    to the Budget Vote, the Minister embarked on a tour of the exhibition at the Iziko Museum, where SKA SA joined other exhibitors
    for the showcase.

    During the Minister’s visit to the exhibition, SKA SA Chief Scientist Dr Fernando Camilo and SKA SA Head of Science Commissioning
    Dr Sharmila Goedhart, released to the Minister the recent AR1.5 results, images achieved by using various configurations of the 32
    antennas currently operational in the Karoo. This milestone of the integration of 32 antennas with single polarisation correlator
    was achieved on schedule by the end of March 2017. The 32 antennas are part of the eventual 64 instruments which are being built
    at the Losberg site in the Northern Cape.

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    You can’t see them, but swarms of electrons are buzzing through the magnetic environment — the magnetosphere — around Earth.
    The electrons spiral and dive around the planet in a complex dance dictated by the magnetic and electric fields. When they
    penetrate into the magnetosphere close enough to Earth, the high-energy electrons can damage satellites in orbit and trigger
    auroras. Scientists with NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale, or MMS, mission study the electrons’ dynamics to better understand
    their behavior. A new study, published in Journal of Geophysical Research revealed a bizarre new type of motion exhibited
    by these electrons.

    Exploring Reconnection - Guide Field Off
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    National Optical Astronomy Observatory Press Release: Punching Above Its Weight, a Brown Dwarf Launches a Parsec-Scale Jet

    Astronomers using the SOAR telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory report the discovery of a spectacular extended jet
    from a young brown dwarf. With masses too low to sustain hydrogen fusion in their interiors, brown dwarfs occupy the mass range between
    stars and giant planets. While young stars are commonly found to launch jets that extend over a light year or more, this is the first
    jet with a similar extent detected from a brown dwarf. The result lends new insight into how substellar objects form.

    Intrinsically faint, brown dwarfs have been more elusive and difficult to study than stars. Although they are often portrayed as exotic
    creatures as a result, brown dwarfs are actually far more numerous in our Galaxy than stars like the Sun. The discovery, accepted for
    publication in the Astrophysical Journal, supports the emerging picture that brown dwarfs form similarly to stars.

    The image shows the jet, HH 1165, launched by the brown dwarf Mayrit 1701117 in the outer periphery of the 3 million year old sigma Ori
    cluster. Traced by emission from singly ionized sulfur, which appears green in the image, the jet extends 0.7 light years (equivalent to
    0.2 parsecs) northwest of the brown dwarf. The emission knots along the jet reveal that the mass loss is time variable, probably a result
    of episodic accretion onto the brown dwarf. The red nebulosity southeast of the brown dwarf is a reflection nebula that traces the outflow
    cavity in the direction of the counterjet.

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    Snowball Earth melting led to freshwater ocean 2 kilometres deep | New Scientist

    A little more than 600 million years ago, you could have drunk from the ocean.

    After an extreme ice age known as snowball Earth, in which glaciers extended to the tropics and ice up to a kilometre thick covered the oceans,
    the melt formed a thick freshwater layer that floated on the super-salty oceans.

    Those freshwater surface seas lasted far longer than thought, according to research by Dorian Abbot, a geologist at the University of Chicago,
    and his colleagues. Their mathematical models showed that it took around 50,000 years for the two layers to fully merge.

    “This is interesting because the modern ocean mixes on a timescale of only about 1000 years,” says Abbot.

    The much slower mixing was due to the huge density and temperature differences between the layers. During the snowball phase, half the oceans’
    water ended up as snow and ice. The remaining seas were twice as salty as today, and near their freezing point.

    Once the ice melted, driven by a runaway greenhouse effect caused by volcanic eruptions, it formed a freshwater layer up to 2 kilometres thick.
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    Our View of the Cosmos Is About to Get a Tremendous Upgrade

    Nasa's Kepler Telescope has confirmed 3486 exoplanets, 361 of which it considers terrestrial:
    how are scientists responding to the question of how to detect life on these promising but distant worlds?

    Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)
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    Podpořte "Planetární stezka údolím Vltavy" na Startovači - Projekty | Startovač
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    Humans have long been shaping Earth’s landscape, but now scientists know we can shape our near-space environment as well.
    A certain type of communications — very low frequency, or VLF, radio communications — have been found to interact with particles
    in space, affecting how and where they move. At times, these interactions can create a barrier around Earth against natural high
    energy particle radiation in space. These results, part of a comprehensive paper on human-induced space weather, were recently
    published in Space Science Reviews.

    NASA's Van Allen Probes Find Human-Made Bubble Shrouding Earth
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    Vzpomínáte loni na tu přeukrutnou pátračku? :)

    Nálezce přiznal meteorit od Hradce skoro po roce, teď ho má s rodokmenem - iDNES.cz

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    Astronaut Mike Massimino: Scariest moment of my life... Today in 2009, NASA
    instructed me to rip the handrail off +Hubble Space Telescope, to save STIS.

    Astronauts Use Brute Force to Rip Handrail Off Hubble

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    Astronomers Found Spirals Inside a Dust Gap of a Young Star Forming Disk

    Planets form within disks composed of dust grains and gas. Planets can gather dust grains from their orbits, resulting in dust gaps or cavities,
    and can also cause spiral waves within the parental disks based on theoretical predictions. To understand where and when planets can form at early
    stages, ALMA’s capability of seeing disk material with high resolution can depict smoking-gun evidence of infant planets hidden in disks.

    Both dust gaps and spirals have been seen separately in a handful of disks. The new ALMA images of AB Aurigae clearly depict gas spirals inside
    a wide dust gap. These first reported gas spirals within a dust gap might indicate that there are at least 2 planets within this system. One planet
    at a distance of 80 astronomical units (au; the distance between the Sun and Earth) from the star is required to create the sharp dust ring.
    An additional planet at 30 au or closer from the star is required to produce such spirals.

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    Anna Bilous & Vlad Kondratiev: LOFAR's view on pulsar sky
    ASTRON JIVE Daily Image

    Imagine you are a sentient alien creature with a pair of superb radio eyes, capable of discerning
    even the most minute splashes of radio emission... how would the night sky look to you? The image
    above may give a clue to that. On top of the diffuse black-and-white Galactic background, the swarm
    of color dots provides a one-second glimpse into the life of 158 northern pulsars, with the course
    of time slowed down by a factor of 10.

    These pulsars were observed within the LOFAR Pulsar HBA Census -- a large project which aims at
    creating the first uniform low-frequency (110-188 MHz) portrait of all known non-recycled pulsars
    in certain regions of the sky. All 196 pulsars with well-known positions within the grey lines were
    observed, regardless of their estimated brightness and scattering level. Only 38 of those pulsars
    escaped detection (still dots with black edges).

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    JWST getting ready for it's end-to-end system testing at NASA Johnson Center. Via Alberto Conti‏.

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    FADO—a ground-breaking tool to reconstruct the history of galaxies

    FADO is a new analysis tool developed by Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) astronomers Jean Michel Gomes and
    Polychronis Papaderos, which uses light emitted by both stars and ionized gas in a galaxy to reconstruct its formation history by
    means of genetic algorithms. This tool was presented in a recent article, accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

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    Cassini: The Grand Finale: Hall of Fame

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    A highly advanced and specialized university-built camera has been successfully tested at the International Space Station (ISS).
    The instrument, known as the Charge Injection Device (CID), is designed to capture light from distant faint objects such as extrasolar worlds.

    CID cameras, originally developed by General Electric Co. in 1972, measure light from individual pixels without affecting the surrounding pixels.
    This enables the capture of pictures with extremely bright as well as extremely faint objects. CID is able to capture images of very bright and
    very dim objects in a single scene. Therefore, it could be useful in acquiring images of exoplanets orbiting bright host stars. Moreover, it
    could become a relatively simple and inexpensive tool for identifying potential Earth-like planets beyond our solar system.

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    Astronomers characterize two 'super-Earths' in a distant planetary system

    An international team of astronomers led by Eike W. Guenther of the Thuringian State Observatory in Tautenburg, Germany,
    has characterized two "super-Earth" exoplanets orbiting a distant star designated K2-106, determining their size, mass
    and density. The new findings were presented in a paper published May 11 on the arXiv pre-print server.

    Located approximately 825 light years away from the Earth, K2-106 is a 5 billion-year-old star of spectral type G5. With
    a radius of about 0.83 solar radii, the star is 7 percent less massive than the sun. In 2016, researchers detected two
    planets transiting this star with orbital periods of 0.57 and 13.3 days.

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    Featured news - Scientists take first tentative steps to explore potential climate of Proxima B - University of Exeter

    Scientists take first tentative steps to explore potential climate of Proxima B

    The quest to discover whether a planet orbiting our closest neighbouring star, Proxima Centauri (4.2 light
    years or 25 trillion miles from Earth), has the potential to support life has taken a new, exhilarating twist.
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