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    ztracené heslo?
    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce

    For every complex question, there's a simple answer that's completely wrong.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    VIRGO --- ---
    Uááá.. Sice už jsem zpátky v Matrixu skoro 2 týdny, ale návrat nebyl jednoduchý. Posledních +/- 5 let jsem neměl dovolenou - co hůř - neměl jsem ani potřebu
    si ji brát. Někde vevnitř jsem si dokonce říkal, že dovolená je pro lidi, co tak úplně nemají rádi svou práci a nemají silného koníčka. Než mě roznesete
    na kopytech - samozřejmě jsem zjistil, že je tomu jinak. Po návratu ze Španělska mě dokonce v práci poslali na další dovolenou, neboť jsem měl skoro 90 dní
    volna, a to už nejde dohromady s našimi zákony. Tak jsem se otočil na podpadku, a dalších 10 dní cestoval po naši nádherné zemi - bez připojení. A byl to
    úžasný zážitek. Jen jsem měl dostatek času vidět svět z jiné strany.

    O to náročnější byl návrat do "digitálního vesmíru". Novinky a publikace které před zhruba dekádou zaplnily +/- týden, jsou dnes namačkány do 24 hodin.
    Musel jsem tedy někde začít, a logicky zvolil "domovskou" platformu googlu s tím, že to tady na Nyxu zřejmě umřelo, a nikomu se nebude stýskat. O to větší
    radost jsem měl vida, že to tu funguje. Chtěl bych moc poděkovat všem, kteří se o to zasloužili (seřadil jsem to alfabeticky, nikoliv chronologicky :D)


    VINCENT_BU - tobě především, parádně ses toho ujal, a když jsem si to teď projel, tak mě to fakt potěšilo - máme hodně podobné úchylky. :)

    Teď mám bohužel hektiku i v práci, a snažím se to všechno synchronizovat tak, aby nedošlo k mentální újmě. Takže víkendy pořád trávím tak,
    že vyjíždím mimo Matrix, a v podstatě trochu pokračuji v tom, co jsem dělal o dovolené. Pokud máte chuť a čas, pokračujte v pastování, mně
    ještě určitě potrvá celkové "dosednutí na letištní plochu". Ale už jsem se rozkoukal... :)

    Ještě jednou díky moc všem!

    JAYME: :))) Já se snažil zapomenout všechna hesla. :D
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    JAYME: to ne, a budu jen rád, když se VIRGO vrátí a zase se do toho pustí. Přišlo mi ale smutné, jak to tady v jeho nepřítomnosti, poté co odjel na dovolenou či kam, zeje prázdnotou. A nikdo jiný se k postování neměl. Popravdě, já téhle problematice zas tolik nerozumím, tak jsem zkoušel dát alespoň obecné věci. Možná jsou příliš povrchní, co já vím. Jestli máš něco zajímavého, tak sem s tím. Jinak to vypadá na prázdno. :)
    JAYME --- ---
    VINCENT_BU: hele ty ses VIRGO co ztratil heslo nebo nakej nahradnik? :)
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Making Humans a Multi-Planetary Species
    Magazín New Space publikoval písemnou podobu projektu, který se pod stejným názvem objevil před 8 měsíci jako prezentace na youtube.
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Cosmic Magnifying-Glass Effect Captures Universe's Brightest Galaxies
    Boosted by natural magnifying lenses in space, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured unique close-up views of the universe's brightest infrared galaxies, which are as much as 10,000 times more luminous than our Milky Way. The galaxy images reveal a tangled web of misshapen objects punctuated by exotic patterns such as rings and arcs. The odd shapes are due largely to the foreground lensing galaxies' powerful gravity distorting the images of the background galaxies. The unusual forms also may have been produced by spectacular collisions between distant, massive galaxies in a sort of cosmic demolition derby that existed between 8 billion and 11.5 billion years ago. These ultra-luminous, massive, starburst galaxies are very rare. We can see small details that otherwise are unimaginable, features as small as about 100 light-years or less across.

    more at: Hubble hits a jackpot
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Icy Moons, Galaxy Clusters, and Distant Worlds Among Selected Targets for James Webb Space Telescope
    Mission officials for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope announced some of the science targets the telescope will observe following its launch and commissioning. These specific observations are part of a program of Guaranteed Time Observations (GTO). The broad spectrum of initial GTO observations will address all of the science areas Webb is designed to explore, from first light and the assembly of galaxies to the birth of stars and planets. Targets will range from the solar system’s outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) and icy Kuiper Belt to exoplanets to distant galaxies in the young universe. Searching for chemical fingerprints of life on Enceladus, Europa, and exoplanets like TRAPPIST-1e, Webb will be looking at some incredible things in our universe.

    more at: NASA Webb Telescope
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    General relativity passes test at Milky Way’s central black hole
    “It’s the first time that general relativity is really tested around a supermassive black hole,” says Aurélien Hees at the University of California, Los Angeles.

    These two stars (S0-2 and S0-38) speeding around Sagittarius A* (4 million times as massive as the sun) were first discovered in the 1990s, when astronomers began tracking their movements. By observing their orbits for 19 years, Hees and his colleagues found that general relativity describes the stars’ paths perfectly. The stars show no sign of a hypothetical fifth force that would cause a deviation from the theory’s predictions.

    Ordinary black holes, such as Cygnus X-1 in the constellation of the same name, are more massive than the sun, but stars that orbit them don’t provide useful tests of general relativity. This is partly because they lose gas to the black hole, which leads to their paths being altered in ways that have nothing to do with Einstein’s theory. In contrast, the two mentioned stars don’t come close enough to lose gas to the black hole.

    more at: New Scientist
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Stars are not motionless in the sky: their positions change continuously as they move through our galaxy, the Milky Way. These motions, too slow to be appreciated with the naked eye over a human lifetime, can be captured by high-precision observations like those performed by ESA’s billion-star surveyor, Gaia. A new video, based on measurements by ESA’s Gaia and Hipparcos satellites, shows how our view of the Orion constellation will evolve over the next 450 000 years.
    (The birth and demise of stars are not shown in the video.)
    The future of the Orion constellation

    full story at: www.esa.int
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    a jedno zpochybnění: WOW! signál byl neobvykle silný. signál z 266P/Christensen nikoliv, což mohlo být způsobeno ztrátou hmoty vypařováním za 40 let, ale závěry jsou prý předčasné a bude třeba si počkat na další studie. :)
    Wow! Signal Update for 06/10/17 & The Mystery of SHGb02+14a
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Waltzing Brown Dwarfs
    The image is a stack of 12 images made over the course of three years with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Using high-precision astrometry, an Italian-led team of astronomers tracked the two components of the system as they moved both across the sky and around each other.

    The observed system, Luhman 16AB, is only about six light-years away and is the third closest stellar system to Earth — after the triple star system Alpha Centauri and Barnard’s Star. Despite its proximity, Luhman 16AB was only discovered in 2013 by the astronomer Kevin Luhman. The two brown dwarfs that make up the system, Luhman 16A and Luhman 16B, orbit each other at a distance of only three times the distance between the Earth and the sun, and so these observations are a showcase for Hubble’s precision and high resolution.

    more at: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/hubble-applauds-waltzing-dwarfs
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    (kapka mediálního odlehčení)
    The Rocket That Will Eventually Take Humans to the Moon Will Launch in 4 Months
    The Falcon Heavy will be the most powerful rocket in the world, capable of launching 54 metric tons (119,000 lb) of cargo and crew into space. The rocket will be used to boost the first space tourists to the Moon in a launch expected to take place in 2018. The entire journey is expected to take about six to seven days. The Falcon Heavy will likely also play a role in preparing SpaceX for the highly anticipated first manned missions to Mars, set to happen by 2025.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    VINCENT_BU: Mě to vzdáleně připomíná hvězdu OnOff z Vernora Vinge :-)
    SLAPPY --- ---
    Oznámen objev dvou dalších měsíců Jupitera

    Přírůstky k rodině Jupiterově
    NEBULA --- ---
    HOWKING: pecka, tak to je vončo :) dík ;) zlatý iridium!!! :D když si vzpomenu jaký to pro mně bylo sci-fi, když se to plánovalo.....no ale to už bych se vracela do starejch debat ;)
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    The 40-Year Old Mystery of The "Wow!" Signal Has Just Been Solved
    In 1977, the sound of extraterrestrials was heard by human ears for the first time - or so people at the time thought. The Wow! Signal was detected by astronomer Jerry Ehman using Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope.

    However, Antonio Paris, of St Petersburg College, has now discovered the explanation: a pair of comets. The work was published in the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences.

    These comets, known as 266P/Christensen and 335P/Gibbs, have clouds of hydrogen gas millions of kilometres in diameter surrounding them. The Wow! Signal was detected at 1420MHz, which is the radio frequency hydrogen naturally emits. Notably, the team has verified that the comets were within the vicinity at the time, and they report that the radio signals from 266/P Christensen matched those from the Wow! signal.

    more here: Futurism
    HOWKING --- ---
    NEBULA: Tady http://www.heavens-above.com/ si můžeš zadat přesně svou polohu a čas a ono ti to najde, co nad tebou letělo. (samozřejmě tam nebudou nákladní lodi jako před chvíli Dragon) :-)
    NEBULA --- ---
    a abych nebyla OT

    NASA on Twitter: "People of Earth…We happily introduce you to America’s #NewAstronauts! Join us in welcoming them to the #NASA family: https://t.co/mzKW5uDsTi https://t.co/OGAJMZZfVk"
    NEBULA --- ---
    HOWKING: no hele sledovala jsem celkem dlouho nějakou (?) družici a připadala jsem si jak mimoň a furt jsem si říkala nene to nejsou mimozešťani :D :D , nevim teda ale furt jako ¨"poskakovala" asi v rozmezí 2 hodin, ale teda kolem 10tý večerní, možná teda potom nějaká korekce? jako fakt hodně divný, jiný slovo nemám, jasně je to vysoce odborný, jako se dá ode mně očekávat, ani už nemám čas sem moc chodit, spíš když ten čas je tak kouknu nahoru, ale tohle jsem si říkala tak to je konec, jsem tak přepracovaná, že jsem zralá na chocholouška, taky jsem dokonce uvažovala jestli mám oči v pořádku-ten pocit, že koukáš a říkáš si ?? nevěřím svým očím..jestli to bylo v souvislosti s tímto, tak jsem teda už klidná :)
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    "Nothing has really been ruled out yet […] but taken on its own, a lack of infrared is pretty interesting. It would imply that whatever material is blocking the star is either cold or below the threshhold of what the instrumentation can detect. That would be a strike against a warm cloud of dust or like(?) a debris disc around a young star. But that's never really been on the table to begin with…"
    KIC 8462852 Boyajian's Star Update for 06/06/2017
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Astronomers Find Planet Hotter Than Most Stars
    A newly discovered Jupiter-like world is so hot, it’s being vaporized by its own star.

    With a dayside temperature of more than 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit (4,600 Kelvin), KELT-9b is a planet that is hotter than most stars. But its blue A-type star, called KELT-9, is even hotter -- in fact, it is probably unraveling the planet through evaporation.

    "This is the hottest gas giant planet that has ever been discovered," said Scott Gaudi.

    KELT-9b is 2.8 times more massive than Jupiter, but only half as dense. Scientists would expect the planet to have a smaller radius, but the extreme radiation from its host star has caused the planet's atmosphere to puff up like a balloon.

    more at: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/astronomers-find-planet-hotter-than-most-stars
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    Hubble's Tale of Two Exoplanets: Nature vs. Nurture
    Is it a case of nature versus nurture when it comes to two "cousin" exoplanets? In a unique experiment, scientists used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to study two "hot Jupiter" exoplanets. Because these planets are virtually the same size and temperature, and orbit around nearly identical stars at the same distance, the team hypothesized that their atmospheres should be alike. What they found surprised them.

    "What we're seeing in looking at the two atmospheres is that they're not the same. One planet—WASP-67 b—is cloudier than the other—HAT-P-38 b. We don't see what we're expecting, and we need to understand why we find this difference," said lead researcher Giovanni Bruno.

    The team used Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 to look at the planets' spectral fingerprints, which measure chemical composition. "The effect that clouds have on the spectral signature of water allows us to measure the amount of clouds in the atmosphere," Bruno said. "More clouds mean that the water feature is reduced." The teams found that for WASP-67 b there are more clouds at the altitudes probed by these measurements.

    "This tells us that there had to be something in their past that is changing the way these planets look," said Bruno.

    more at: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/hubbles-tale-of-two-exoplanets-nature-vs-nurture
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