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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Space in Images - 2017 - 08 - Asteroid 2012 TC4 will fly past Earth in October 2017

    A small asteroid flying past Earth on 12 October will provide scientists with a valuable opportunity to learn more about its orbit and
    composition. The campaign will exercise the international network of observatories and research organisations working on planetary defence.

    Astronomers recently spotted asteroid 2012 TC4 under a collaboration between ESA and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to locate faint
    objects that might strike Earth. This is the first observation since 2012, when the asteroid was discovered by the Pan-STARRS observatory in
    Hawaii. It was found this time by ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile.

    The original observations revealed the asteroid’s next approach to our vicinity would be in October 2017 but its orbit meant that it could
    not be tracked during the last five years, leaving astronomers unsure on how close it would come.

    The new observations reveal it will miss Earth by 44 000 km. While it remains visible, astronomers will study the 15–30 m object in as much
    detail as possible, such as obtaining information on its composition.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA Selects Proposals to Study Galaxies, Stars, Planets

    NASA has selected six astrophysics Explorers Program proposals for concept studies. The proposed missions would study gamma-ray and X-ray emissions
    from clusters of galaxies and neutron star systems, as well as infrared emissions from galaxies in the early universe and atmospheres of exoplanets,
    which are planets outside of our solar system.

    The selected proposals, three Medium-Class Explorers missions and three Explorers Missions of Opportunity, call for focused scientific investigations
    and developments of instruments that fill the scientific gaps between the agency’s larger missions.

    “The Explorers Program brings out some of the most creative ideas for missions to help unravel the mysteries of the universe,” said Thomas Zurbuchen,
    associate administrator of the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “The program has resulted in great missions that have returned
    transformational science, and these selections promise to continue that tradition.”

    The proposals were selected based on potential science value and feasibility of development plans. After concept studies and detailed evaluations,
    one of each mission type will be selected by 2019 to proceed with construction and launch. The earliest launch date would be in 2022. Medium-Class
    Explorer mission costs are capped at $250 million each, excluding the launch vehicle, and Mission of Opportunity costs are capped at $70 million each.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Four Earth-sized planets detected orbiting the nearest sun-like star

    A new study by an international team of astronomers reveals that four Earth-sized planets orbit the nearest sun-like star, tau Ceti,
    which is about 12 light years away and visible to the naked eye. These planets have masses as low as 1.7 Earth mass, making them among
    the smallest planets ever detected around nearby sun-like stars. Two of them are super-Earths located in the habitable zone of the star,
    meaning they could support liquid surface water.

    The planets were detected by observing the wobbles in the movement of tau Ceti. This required techniques sensitive enough to detect
    variations in the movement of the star as small as 30 centimeters per second.

    "We are now finally crossing a threshold where, through very sophisticated modeling of large combined data sets from multiple independent
    observers, we can disentangle the noise due to stellar surface activity from the very tiny signals generated by the gravitational tugs from
    Earth-sized orbiting planets," said coauthor Steven Vogt, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz.

    VIRGO --- ---
    The Fate of Merging Neutron Stars

    When two neutron stars collide, the new object that they make can reveal information about the interior
    physics of neutron stars. New theoretical work explores what we should be seeing, and what it can teach us.

    So far, the only systems from which we’ve detected gravitational waves are merging black holes. But other
    compact-object binaries exist and are expected to merge on observable timescales — in particular, binary
    neutron stars. When two neutron stars merge, the resulting object falls into one of three categories:

    - a stable neutron star,
    - a black hole, or
    - a supramassive neutron star, a large neutron star that’s supported by its rotation
    but will eventually collapse to a black hole after it loses angular momentum.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Lunar dynamo’s lifetime extended by at least 1 billion years | MIT News

    Findings suggest two mechanisms may have powered the moon’s ancient churning, molten core.

    New evidence from ancient lunar rocks suggests that an active dynamo once churned within the molten metallic core of the moon,
    generating a magnetic field that lasted at least 1 billion years longer than previously thought. Dynamos are natural generators
    of magnetic fields around terrestrial bodies, and are powered by the churning of conducting fluids within many stars and planets.

    In a paper published today in Science Advances, researchers from MIT and Rutgers University report that a lunar rock collected by
    NASA’s Apollo 15 mission exhibits signs that it formed 1 to 2.5 billion years ago in the presence of a relatively weak magnetic
    field of about 5 microtesla. That’s around 10 times weaker than Earth’s current magnetic field but still 1,000 times larger than
    fields in interplanetary space today.

    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    VIRGO: tady se to nepíše tak kategoricky, příští měsíc má padnout oficiální rozhodnutí, byť zástupci NASA připouštějí, že několikaměsíční odklad JWST neublíží :)
    VINCENT_BU --- ---
    VIRGO: tenhle chlapík se obvykle drží při zemi, ale tentokrát přidal pár úvah k možnosti Dyson sphere:
    KIC 8462852 Update for 07/15/2017
    VIRGO --- ---

    In this animation, we are at the centre looking out. Each dot is a galaxy that has been mapped by various surveys.
    The orange region contains the galaxies the Dark Energy Survey team observed. The sparkling in the long gold regions
    are supernova explosions. The empty spaces aren’t truly empty, they are just places we haven’t looked yet. Credit:
    Samuel Hinton, University of Queensland.

    DES+OzDES, WiggleZ, GAMA, 2dF, 6dF, & SDSS - 3D Galaxy Visualization

    What a new map of the universe tells us about dark matter
    VIRGO --- ---
    Bennu alert! OSIRIS-REx's target asteroid was recently spotted for the first time
    since 2013 by the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope on Maui. The Minor Planet Center keeps records
    of all published observations of Bennu.

    IAU Minor Planet Center

    Shape model from radar observations at The Arecibo Observatory, work led by Mike Nolan.

    VIRGO --- ---
    2014 MU69 shadow traces its most likely binary shape, as seen in the stellar occultation that occurred over
    Argentina on July 17, 2017. The best-fit red circles reveal MU69's possible doubled-lobed – or binary – nature.

    Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI/Alex Parker

    VIRGO --- ---
    The light from KIC 8462852 faded again, and scientists have some new
    theories about what's behind astronomy's most mysterious star.

    We’re STILL Not Saying It’s Aliens, But Tabby’s Star Is Getting Weirder

    The new dip is significant enough to be given a name.
    Tabby and team have dubbed the current dip "Skara Brae", and this thread
    is for discussion of the data, observations and closely related matters.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Superbubbles in the Interstellar Medium of the Antennae Galaxies

    A team of scientists led by members of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM),
    have detected and measured a complete "carpet" of expanding bubbles in the interstellar medium of the "Antennae", a pair of galaxies in interaction which will
    eventually merge. The work, published in Monthy Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society is based on observations with GHaFaS on the William Herschel Telescope
    (WHT). This instrument is capable of making a map of the velocities of a complete galaxy using the emission from the ionized hydrogen in its interstellar medium.

    To detect the huge bubbles in the combined galaxy disc, the team has used BUBBLY, a method developed by some of the current authors which has already been published
    in the same journal in 2015. These huge bubbles in galaxy discs are caused by the stellar winds and supernova explosions in clusters of very hot very massive stars.
    They can range in size from a couple of light years to a thousand light years, depending on the number of stars in the cluster and how massive they are. The larger
    ones are often called "superbubbles".

    SLAPPY --- ---
    Probíhající, budoucí a plánované mise k planetkám:

    Malé planety neboli planetky, někdy nazývané také asteroidy, tvoří zdaleka nejpočetnější skupinu těles ve Sluneční soustavě. Od malých kamínků až po stakilometrové balvany jsou rozesety skoro po všech oblastech našeho systému. Jejich různé velikosti, odlišná složení i okolní podmínky vytváří téměř nekonečnou rozmanitost světů. Není proto divu, že se k různým typům těchto těles chystá hned několik průzkumných sond.

    Mise k blízkozemním psteroidům

    Kuiperův pás
    DARKMOOR --- ---
    JULIANNE: Tak to jsem nečekal, zvlášť když planeta musí být celkem blízko...
    Já narazil akorát na jeden starší článek, kde je řešená síla hvězdného větru a co to dělá s oběžnou drahou různě velikých objektů (ale přiznávám, že na mě už to je poněkud složité, nemám dostatečné vědomosti :))

    VIRGO: To je pech :(
    VIRGO --- ---
    Alan Stern‏ - "BIG DAY! We're kicking off the @NewHorizons2015 meetings to select flyby distance & other aim point parameters for 2014MU69 on 1 Jan 2019!"

    A quick prototype model showing New Horizons encountering the two-lobed 2014 MU69 from Kevin M. Gill.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Giant ringed planet likely cause of mysterious eclipses

    A giant gas planet – up to 50x the mass of Jupiter, encircled by a ring of dust – is likely hurtling around a star
    over 1000 light years away from Earth, according to international team of astronomers, led by University of Warwick

    Light from young star - PDS 110 in the Orion constellation - is regularly blocked by large object, thought to be an orbiting planet

    Next eclipse predicted to take place in September this year, and amateur astronomers across the world will be able to witness it

    Moons may be forming in the habitable zone around the star – leading to possibility that life could thrive within system

    VIRGO --- ---
    Physics - Viewpoint: Neutron-Star Implosions as Heavy-Element Sources

    A dramatic scenario in which a compact black hole eats a spinning neutron star from inside might explain a nearby galaxy’s unexpectedly high abundance of heavy elements.

    The lightest of the chemical elements—hydrogen, helium, and lithium—were created in the hot, early phase of the Universe, about a minute after the big bang. Heavier elements
    were forged later—in the nuclear fires of many generations of stars and during supernova explosions. But the origin of many rare chemical species, particularly the heaviest
    elements, remains uncertain. In particular, recent observations of a nearby galaxy enriched with heavy elements challenge traditional nucleosynthesis models. George Fuller
    of the University of California, San Diego, and colleagues now propose a novel scenario for the origin of the heaviest elements, including gold, platinum, and uranium. Their
    hypothesis involves tiny black holes inducing neutron-star implosions and, if viable, would in one fell swoop offer solutions to other astrophysical riddles beyond heavy element

    VIRGO --- ---
    Čištění a výměna reflexní vrstvy prim. zrcadla VLT.
    Ani jsem nedýchal, když jsem na to koukal. Největší respekt!

    ESOcast 120: Chile Chill 10 – “VLT Main Mirror Recoating” | ESO Česko

    ESOcast 120: Chile Chill 10 – “VLT Main Mirror Recoating”
    VIRGO --- ---
    JULIANNE: Kdybych nebyl v práci, tak se u toho snad rozbrečím.
    Už víc než rok plánuji výpravu na start, v práci jsem zařídil termín, a teď vše padlo.
    Ta zpráva o kolizním start. okně se objevila už před několika měsíci, ale to ještě
    vypadalo optimisticky na volbu jiného nosiče. Dnes už nahlas mluví o několikaměsíčním
    zpoždění. Katastrofa. Delay se může natáhnout klidně i na půl roku.

    Jediná limitace start. okna JWST je zvýšená sluneční aktivita, jinak můžou letět kdykoliv.
    A je mi jasné, že chtějí mít ne 100 ale 1000% jistotu, že vše klapne. Ach jo... :-(((
    JULIANNE --- ---
    VIRGO: To snad ne :(!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam