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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    Meteorites Brought Water To Earth During the First Two Million Years - Astrobiology Magazine

    A new study of a rare basaltic meteorites called angrites suggests that volatiles, which are elements with relatively low boiling
    points such as water, could have been brought to our planet by meteorites during the first two million years of the Solar System.

    Since elements such as water and carbon are essential ingredients to life on Earth, researchers are keen to know when they arrived
    on our planet.

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    ESOcast 146 Light: Odd Behaviour of Star Reveals Black Hole in Giant Star Cluster (4K UHD)

    Podivné chování hvězdy prozradilo černou díru skrytou v nitru hvězdokupy | ESO Česko

    Astronomové využívající přístroj MUSE, který pracuje ve spojení s dalekohledem ESO/VLT na observatoři Paranal v Chile, objevili v nitru hvězdokupy NGC 3201
    stálici s velmi podivným chováním. Zdá se, že obíhá kolem černé díry asi čtyřikrát hmotnější než Slunce, která by tak mohla být první neaktivní černou dírou
    nalezenou v kulové hvězdokupě a první objevenou na základě přímého pozorování gravitačního působení. Tento významný objev má zásadní dopad na naše chápání
    formování tohoto typu hvězdokup, černých děr a původu jevů doprovázených emisí gravitačních vln.

    Kulové hvězdokupy (Globular star clusters) jsou mohutnými sférickými uskupeními desetitisíců hvězd a vyskytují se ve většině galaxií. Patří k nejstarším známým
    systémům hvězd ve vesmíru a jejich vznik je datován do samotných počátků vývoje galaxií. V současnosti je v naší Galaxii známo více než 150 kulových hvězdokup.

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    The density of neutron stars is enormous, as if the entire Himalayas were compressed into a beer mug. However, there are
    indications that a neutron star with a maximum mass would collapse to a black hole if even just a single neutron were added.

    Together with his students Elias Most and Lukas Weih, Professor Luciano Rezzolla, physicist, senior fellow at the Frankfurt
    Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) and professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at Goethe University Frankfurt, has now solved
    the problem that had remained unanswered for 40 years: With an accuracy of a few percent, the maximum mass of non-rotating
    neutron stars cannot exceed 2.16 solar masses.

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    In 2014, astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope found that this enormous galaxy cluster contains the mass of a staggering three million billion suns —
    so it’s little wonder that it has earned the nickname of “El Gordo” (“the Fat One” in Spanish)! Known officially as ACT-CLJ0102-4915, it is the largest, hottest,
    and brightest X-ray galaxy cluster ever discovered in the distant Universe.

    This image was taken by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide-Field Camera 3 as part of an observing program called RELICS (Reionization Lensing Cluster
    Survey). RELICS imaged 41 massive galaxy clusters with the aim of finding the brightest distant galaxies for the forthcoming James Webb Space Telescope to study.

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    Scientists have created a mini gamma-ray burst in the lab for the first time

    Gamma ray bursts, intense explosions of light, are the brightest events ever observed in the Universe –
    lasting no longer than seconds or minutes.

    Now we have for the first time managed to recreate a mini version of a gamma ray burst in the laboratory –
    opening up a whole new way to investigate their properties. Our research is published in Physical Review Letters.

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 185002 (2017) - Experimental Observation of a Current-Driven Instability in a Neutral Electron-Positron Beam

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    How To Keep Orbits Around The Triple Asteroid System 2001SN263? – Science Trends

    Many spacecraft have visited asteroids and brought meaningful information about those complex objects. However, no one has explored a triple system
    of asteroids such as that one discovered in 2008 by scientists from the radio astronomy station of Arecibo, in Puerto Rico, and named 2001SN263. Such
    system is composed of a central body (Alpha), with 1.25 km of radius, and two smaller bodies (Beta and Gamma), with a radius of 0.39 and 0.22 km,
    respectively. Beta has an orbital period of 6.23 days while Gamma orbits Alpha with a period of 0.69 days. It is notorious that the investigation,
    from close distances, of such systems can be of high scientific importance. In this sense, a partnership between Brazilian and Russian space institutes
    has proposed the ASTER mission with the objective of exploring the asteroid 2001SN263.

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    ESA Science & Technology: JUICE ground control gets green light to start development of Jupiter operations

    ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer passed an important milestone, the ground segment requirements review, with flying colours, demonstrating
    that the teams are on track in the preparation of the spacecraft operations needed to achieve the mission's ambitious science goals.

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    A new look at Venus with Akatsuki | The Planetary Society

    Akatsuki (also known as PLANET-C and Venus Climate Orbiter) is a Japanese mission that launched almost eight years ago, in 2010. It missed its first attempt
    to orbit Venus on December 7, 2010 due to the failure of its orbital insertion rocket. It was only on December 7, 2015, after several years of wandering around
    the Sun, that Akatsuki succeeded in placing itself in orbit around the enigmatic planet. Even though the new orbit of Akatsuki is distant and highly elongated,
    a large portion of the original science objectives may still be achieved.

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    In this view, individual layers of haze can be distinguished in the upper atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. Titan’s atmosphere features a rich
    and complex chemistry originating from methane and nitrogen and evolving into complex molecules, eventually forming the smog that surrounds the moon.

    This natural color image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on March 31, 2005, at a distance of approximately 20,556 miles
    (33,083 kilometers) from Titan. The view looks toward the north polar region on the moon’s night side. Part of Titan’s sunlit crescent is visible at right.

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    Astronomers gathering at the 231st meeting of the American Astronomical Society at National Harbor in Washington, D.C., will have a chance to learn
    about groundbreaking new research with +Hubble Space Telescope. The new science discoveries with the Earth-orbiting observatory stretch from nearby
    star-forming regions, to the heart of our Milky Way galaxy, to the horizon of the observable universe. All of these findings exploit the telescope’s
    extraordinary resolution, sensitivity, and broad wavelength capabilities to gather information about the universe from space-based observations.

    Flight Through Orion Nebula in Visible and Infrared Light
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    With NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s approximately nine-month stay in Texas coming to an end, now is a good time to reflect on the memories
    it made in the Lone Star State. NASA has created a timelapse video that chronicles Webb’s time at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.

    Webb Telescope's Houston Highlights Time Lapse

    Secondary Mirror Squeezing Below Top of Chamber A
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    ASU astronomers to build space telescope to explore nearby stars | ASU Now: Access, Excellence, Impact

    In 2021, a spacecraft the size of a Cheerios box will carry a small telescope into Earth orbit on an unusual mission. Its task
    is to monitor the flares and sunspots of small stars to assess how habitable the space environment is for planets orbiting them.

    The spacecraft, known as the Star-Planet Activity Research CubeSat, or SPARCS for short, is a new NASA-funded space telescope.
    The mission, including spacecraft design, integration and resulting science, is led by Arizona State University's School of Earth
    and Space Exploration (SESE).

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    Swift Mission Catches a Comet Slowdown

    NASA's Newly Renamed Swift Mission Spies a Comet Slowdown

    Observations by NASA's Swift spacecraft, now renamed the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory after the mission’s late principal investigator, have
    captured an unprecedented change in the rotation of a comet. Images taken in May 2017 reveal that comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák — 41P for short
    — was spinning three times slower than it was in March, when it was observed by the Discovery Channel Telescope at Lowell Observatory in Arizona.

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    A team of astronomers has discovered what appears to be a grand exodus of more than 100 hydrogen clouds streaming away from the center of the Milky Way
    and heading into intergalactic space. This observation, made with the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope (GBT), may give astronomers
    a clearer picture of the so-called Fermi Bubbles, giant balloons of superheated gas billowing out above and below the disk of our galaxy.
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    2x C/2016 R2 Panstarrs. Nádhera!

    Taken by michael jäger on January 10, 2018 @ Hochbärneck Austria

    Taken by Gerald Rhemann on January 9, 2018 @ Farm Tivoli, Namibia SW-Africa
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    There's an enormous controversy in astrophysics today over how quickly the Universe is expanding. One camp of scientists, the same camp that won
    the Nobel Prize for discovering dark energy, measured the expansion rate to be 73 km/s/Mpc, with an uncertainty of only 2.4%. But a second method,
    based on the leftover relics from the Big Bang, reveals an answer that's incompatibly lower at 67 km/s/Mpc, with an uncertainty of only 1%. It's
    possible that one of the teams has an unidentified error that's causing this discrepancy, but independent checks have failed to show any cracks in
    either analysis. Instead, new physics might be the culprit. If so, we just might have our first real clue to how dark matter might be detected.

    Animation of cosmic distance ladder
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    A Quick Look at the Galactic Center
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    Dark Energy Survey publicly releases first three years of data | News

    At a special session held during the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington, D.C., scientists on the Dark Energy Survey (DES)
    announced today the public release of their first three years of data. This first major release of data from the Survey includes information
    on about 400 million astronomical objects, including distant galaxies billions of light-years away as well as stars in our own galaxy.

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    Ingredients for Life Revealed in Meteorites That Fell to Earth

    Study, based in part at Berkeley Lab, also suggests dwarf planet in asteroid belt may be a source of rich organic matter

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    Building a mirror for any giant telescope is no simple feat. But the recent castings of the 15-metric ton, off-axis mirrors
    for the Giant Magellan Telescope forced engineers to push the design & manufacturing process beyond all previous limits.

    Casting a $20 Million Mirror for the World’s Largest Telescope
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