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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    HOWKING: Hele tak sem postni nejake dalsi detaily...
    HOWKING --- ---
    Vidím, že se to líbí. Tak abych to ještě vyeskaloval, tak zkuste sami najít podobné video natočené z povrchu zemského - ty nejlepší z těch co najdete budou mít sotva čtvrtinové rozlišení/počet detailů. Tohle je prostě masakr záběr.
    HOWKING --- ---

    ISS přes SCTčko 14"
    ICE --- ---
    Radarfilm von Tiangong-1 gemessen am 27.3.2018
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    Real-Time Map Lets You Track The Out-Of-Control Chinese Space Station As It Heads Towards Earth | IFLScience
    JULIANNE --- ---
    Dávala jsem to už mnohokrát na Facebook a Twitter, ale uvědomila jsem si, že ještě ne sem... Napravuji:


    Pro nefacebookové: Dnes od 17:15 se na PřF UK koná přednáška profesora Schulze-Makucha nazvaná "Testing the Dry Limit of Life: From an Asphalt Desert to the Atacama Desert and Mars".

    Anotace: Jak se studuje život v nejsušších místech na Zemi a co nám jeho rozličné adaptace na tamní drsné podmínky mohou napovědět o šancích na život na jiných tělesech či metodách pátrání po životě či jeho chemických pozůstatcích například na Marsu? Kde bychom měli hledat život mimo Zemi? Tyto a další otázky nastíní profesor Schulze-Makuch, astrobiolog a náš host z Berlínské technické univerzity.
    Mezi jeho nedávné studie patří právě výzkum mikroorganismů v půdních profilech atacamské pouště a zjištění, že míra osídlení se odvíjí od celé řady podmínek jako depozice materiálu, seismická aktivita, salinita či četnost mlh. Tento výzkum nejen rozvíjí naše znalosti o životě v hraničních podmínkách na Zemi, ale má i uplatnění ve vytipování vhodných míst, kam posílat kosmické sondy na Marsu. (Přednáška proběhne v angličtině bez tlumočení.)

    Dirk Schulze-Makuch (nar. 1964) je profesor v Centru pro astronomii a astrofyziku na Berlínské technické univerzitě. Publikoval více než stovku vědeckých článků a je autorem či spoluautorem devíti knih týkajících se oboru astrobiologie, od učebnic přes popularizační knihy až po jeden science fiction román. Vystudoval geologii a zabýval se například transportem mikroorganismů a chemických látek v pozemní vodě a rolí organismů v geochemických cyklech. V současné době se zabývá zejména extremofilním životem a možnostmi geobiochemických cyklů na jiných tělesech než Země. Podílí se také na několika konceptech kosmických misí.

    BTW, před pár dny mu vyšel článek k tomuto tématu: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2018/02/20/1714341115

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    VIRGO: Běžně ji beru, u rentgenu přidám do kastlíku k elektronice a nikdy nebyl problém.
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    UCF-led Consortium to Manage Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico - UCF News - University of Central Florida Articles - Orlando, FL News

    The largest fully operational radio telescope on the planet – the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico – will soon be under new management.

    A consortium led by the University of Central Florida will start formal transition activities to take on the management of the National
    Science Foundation’s Observatory. NSF is negotiating the operations and management award with UCF.

    With its partners, Universidad Metropolitana in San Juan and Yang Enterprises, Inc. in Oviedo, the team plans to expand the capabilities
    of the telescope, which has made significant contributions to science.

    UCF to Manage Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico
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    To to utíká...

    Astronomers Discover S0-2 Star is Single and Ready for Big Einstein Test W. M. Keck Observatory

    Astronomers have the “all-clear” for an exciting test of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, thanks to a new discovery about S0-2’s star status.

    Up until now, it was thought that S0-2 may be a binary, a system where two stars circle around each other. Having such a partner would have complicated the upcoming gravity test.

    But in a study published recently in The Astrophysical Journal, a team of astronomers led by a UCLA scientist from Hawaii has found that S0-2 does not have a significant other
    after all, or at least one that is massive enough to get in the way of critical measurements that astronomers need to test Einstein’s theory. The researchers made their discovery
    by obtaining spectroscopic measurements of S0-2 using W. M. Keck Observatory’s OH-Suppressing Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (OSIRIS) and Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO: ad poslední past: na příští sobotu dopoledne mám zabukovaný vstup
    na Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos na La Palma. Když budu mít štěstí,
    uvidím Gran Telescopio Canarias osobně. Jupíííí! :))

    (Prohlídky teleskopů se určují podle jejich momentální vytíženosti.)

    Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos
    VIRGO --- ---
    Magnetic field traces gas and dust swirling around supermassive black hole

    Astronomers reveal a new high resolution map of the magnetic field lines in gas and dust swirling around the supermassive black hole at the centre of our Galaxy,
    published in a new paper in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The team, led by Professor Pat Roche of the University of Oxford, created the map,
    which is the first of its kind, using the CanariCam infrared camera attached to the Gran Telescopio Canarias sited on the island of La Palma.

    VIRGO --- ---

    A recent view from Mars orbit of the site where NASA's Phoenix Mars mission landed on far-northern Mars nearly a decade ago shows that dust has covered some marks of the landing.

    The Phoenix lander itself, plus its back shell and parachute, are still visible in the image taken Dec. 21, 2017, by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera
    on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. But an animated-blink comparison with an image from about two months after the May 25, 2008, landing shows that patches of ground that had
    been darkened by removal of dust during landing events have become coated with dust again.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Some black holes erase your past | Berkeley News

    In the real world, your past uniquely determines your future. If a physicist knows how the universe starts out, she can calculate its future for all time and all space.

    But a UC Berkeley mathematician has found some types of black holes in which this law breaks down. If someone were to venture into one of these relatively benign black holes,
    they could survive, but their past would be obliterated and they could have an infinite number of possible futures.

    Falling into a realistic Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole
    VIRGO --- ---
    ALMA Deepens Mystery about the relation between Supermassive Black Holes and their Host Galaxies | ALMA

    Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to observe an active galaxy with a strong ionized gas outflow from the galactic center,
    astronomers have obtained a result making astronomers even more puzzled: an unambiguous detection of carbon monoxide (CO) gas associated with the galactic disk.
    However, they have also found that the CO gas which settles in the galaxy is not affected by the strong ionized gas outflow launched from the galactic center.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomers reveal secrets of most distant supernova ever detected | UoP News

    An international team of astronomers, including Professor Bob Nichol from the University of Portsmouth, has confirmed the discovery of the most
    distant supernova ever detected – a huge cosmic explosion that took place 10.5 billion years ago, or three-quarters the age of the Universe itself.

    The exploding star, named DES16C2nm, was detected by the Dark Energy Survey (DES), an international collaboration to map several hundred million
    galaxies in order to find out more about dark energy – the mysterious force believed to be causing the accelerated expansion of the Universe.

    As detailed in a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal, light from the event has taken 10.5 billion years to reach Earth, making it
    the oldest supernova ever discovered and studied. The Universe itself is thought to be 13.8 billion years old.

    VIRGO --- ---

    This view of Saturn looks toward the planet's night side, lit by sunlight reflected from the rings. A mosaic of some of the very last images captured by Cassini’s cameras,
    it shows the location where the spacecraft would enter the planet's atmosphere hours later. The oval marks the entry site. While this area was on the night side of the planet
    at the time, it would rotate into daylight by the time Cassini made its final dive into Saturn's upper atmosphere, ending its remarkable 13-year exploration of Saturn.

    Images taken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to show the scene in near natural color. The images were taken with Cassini’s wide-angle camera
    on Sept. 14, 2017, at a distance of approximately 394,000 miles (634,000 kilometers) from Saturn.

    Catalog Page for PIA21903

    VIRGO --- ---

    The planet Mars has fascinated scientists for over a century. Today, it is a frigid desert world with a carbon dioxide atmosphere 100 times thinner than Earth’s.
    But evidence suggests that in the early history of our solar system, Mars had an ocean’s worth of water. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will study Mars to learn
    more about the planet’s transition from wet to dry, and what that means about its past and present habitability.

    NASA | Measuring Mars' Ancient Ocean
    VIRGO --- ---
    Ve svitu Venuše | ESO Česko

    Obrázek, který pořídil fotovyslanec ESO Petr Horálek, ukazuje planetu Venuši jasně zářící nad observatoří ESO Paranal v Chile. Zobrazený dalekohled je
    pomocný dalekohled VLT (AT1), který už je otevřený a během soumraku se připravuje na pozorování nočního nebe. To se zatím halí do odstínů modré a oranžové.

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