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    ztracené heslo?
    KOHOUTPromotéři metal/punk/grindcore/sludge a jinej dirty shiit
    Pokud víš o kapele co potřebuje udělat koncert v ČR a sám jí koncert udělat nemůžeš či nechceš, tak to hoď sem a třeba se toho ujme někdo jinej jedná se hlavně o metal/punk underground

    rozbalit záhlaví
    PREMIUBOY666 --- ---
    nemel by nekdo zajem?
    > It’s Attila from Anchorless Bodies (HUN). I am booking a weekend tour
    > for them. They already did several European tours and have three full
    > length albums and 4 EPs. They would like to rebuild their foreign
    > fanbase. Their last album ‘Lélekhozó Eső’ choose the best album in
    > hungarian heavy music toplist by Nuskull (hungarian DIY website) in 2022.
    > They will travel with full backline (except PA system), basic can be
    > shared with local bands for sure. The travel party is 7 persons, we
    > would like to ask warm food, a clean/warm sleeping place and gas money
    > (on discuss)
    > Anchorless Bodies:
    > post punk / melodic hardcore / shoegaze
    > bandcamp: https://anchorlessbodies.bandcamp.com/album/l-lekhoz-es
    > facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anchorlessbodies
    > Date:
    > 15th or 16th March - FREE
    RPX --- ---
    DYSNOMIA - Where the Life Begins (Bandcamp release)
    : https://dysnomiadrones.bandcamp.com/album/where-the-life-begins

    ===== atmospheric post-martial industrial doom noise =====

    PREMIUBOY666 --- ---
    tak co? scena opet oziva?
    tohle mi pristalo v emailu...my to satanzel delat nemuzem..
    it’s Attila from VLKN band from Hungary.
    we are planning a short few days tour in August mainly in Czech Rep.
    I’ld like to ask if you planning to set gig on 6th August there and do you have free slot for us.
    Traveling party is 6 ppl, DIY conditions, food, clean sleeping place and doordeal.
    We will bring bakcline without PA system, can be used by another bands.
    Our first single just relased and our full album ll be released on 06/20.
    VLKN - Problem-Reaction-Solution [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

    I’m looking forward here from you
    Best Regards,
    PREMIUBOY666 --- ---
    Bodla vás OSA? Vyhněte se placení výpalného!
    PREMIUBOY666 --- ---
    nemel by nekdo zajem?

    Hi hello,

    hope you are alright and had a great weekend!

    I’m sending you this message because I wanted to kindly ask for your help.

    My band "no god only teeth“ is going to play a few shows next month and we still didn’t find any
    Venues or people in CZ for either April 6th or 9th who might be able to help us out with a show.

    I hope I don’t bother you, but do you know anyone who could imagine doing a last minute show for us?

    We are touring together with our friends Nidare from Berlin, lovely atmospheric black-metal!

    no god only teeth
    no god only teeth

    Demo | Nidare

    Contact: schekerka.booking@gmail.com
    nebo dejte vedet me...
    GRYFY --- ---

    Nechce se toho nekdo ujmout?

    From: Otti ottaviasimonin@gmail.com

    > Hi there,
    > We are looking for gigs with *Circuit Court *(Punk Rock) and *Epic
    > Schmetterling *(8bit Punk) between the feb2 and feb13
    > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPugTyc_T7U
    > https://circuitcourt.bandcamp.com/track/slaves
    > /*For infos: We are four people on the road. 2 gigs of 40 minutes
    > (punk and 8bit punk)
    > we need help, basics conditions (accommodation, meals, road costs)
    > Speak soon
    > thanks*
    > /
    > FEB2 - BOOK US
    > FEB3 - BOOK US
    > FEB4 - BOOK US
    > FEB5 - BOOK US
    > FEB6 - DIJON
    > FEB7 - LA CHAUX DE FOND (CH) -
    > FEB8 - BOOK US
    > FEB9 - BOOK US
    > FEB10 - BOOK US
    > FEB11 - BOOK US
    > FEB12 - BOOK US
    > Thanks
    > (Strasbourg / France)*
    > /discotheque of brutal fun/
    > *A pokemon game
    > turns to slaughter :
    > the children mistake
    > their consoles with
    > electric guitars.*
    > /« Schmetterling », this means butterfly in the Rhine's left shore.
    > Formed out of the factory, from where one of the member's kept
    > the security shoes, this band splitted and mutated three times
    > until it came out on the shape of Gil and Remi. The first with his
    > guitar, the second, hooked at his Gameboy and arcade games ; their
    > compositions celebrate a joyful destruction of the existing
    > borders between punk music, dance and 8-bit. They will stay epicly
    > true to themselves : between two pixelized notes gust, they
    > promote their native region's hops and don't hesitate to show
    > their love of candies and cute animals. Because this is being
    > brutal as well./
    > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPugTyc_T7U&t=10s
    > *Epic Schmetterling - */Kaiser Throne Part I & II (2019)/
    > Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EpicSchmetterling/
    > Link
    > https://www.google.com/...g&source=gmail&ust=1578069182526000&usg=AFQjCNHWFnsevZ0NCepHNEWSPhW_WcAPPQ
    > Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/1LMbo1zVWfjmdbOKCW4xCq
    > Website https://epicschmetterling.bandcamp.com/
    > *Circuit Court*
    > *(Epinal / France)*
    > /punk/
    > Two eternal kids take a guitar and a drum set the result is
    > somewhere between a drill and Vivaldi.
    > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_WExPWk9KM

    > *Circuit Court - */Catseyes live in London (2019)/
    > Facebook https://www.facebook.com/circuitcourtmusic/
    > Link https://www.instagram.com/circuit_court/
    > Website https://circuitcourt.bandcamp.com/
    GRYFY --- ---
    Cus Haexler z Lipska schanej konzik na sobotu 29.2. mozna s nima pojedou jeste Direct Juice. Oboje fajn lidi, doordeal by mel bejt v pohode, idealne asi Praha, 28.2. je budem mit v Liberci. Oboje to je sviznejsi muzika do tance :)
    Vinyl one
    direct juice
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    Na únor 2020 shání tahle kapela koncert v Praze. Poslechněte, když budete mít zájem, dejte vědět.
    Music | drukner
    ZIZA_PE --- ---
    nemáte někdo kontakt na promotéry/kluby přibližně na trase Brno-Bratislava-budapešť? V září hrajeme v Szegedu a cestou nám vypadl koncert, tak abysme případně vyplnili.
    SHAMOT --- ---
    nechcete se toho nekdo ujmout? nestiham..


    maybe you can help us...

    we (guts pie earshot) are on tour together with CARTOUCHE from france ...
    we need a gig in prague (or brno...) at thursday, 24.10. (the next day we play in roznov, then mitra, then vienna) ... if you have any idea... or contact or..... we would be happy.... !
    thnn you!
    cheers, jean.
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    ahoj, nemohli/nechtěli byste udělat koncert pro La Casa Fantom 31. října v Praze?
    PREMIUBOY666 --- ---
    kamard Winny shani nekoho, kdo by jim pomohl udelat koncert v kvetnu v praze..nebo jestli me muzete rovnou doporucit nejaky kontakt komu, bych to mohl po praze poslat, tak taky dik...
    (do Cafe na pul cesty idealni si myslim :D)
    We are on Tour with Chaver and Ghetto justice (Berlin) in may. We searching for a show on 28th of may in Prag. Can You help us or know some promoter in Prag? All the best, winny
    Chaver: https://chaverband.bandcamp.com/album/transference
    Ghetto justice https://ghettojustice.bandcamp.com/album/easy-living-exzess
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    Nechcete někdo udělat 11. června koncert Amhra? Jsou z Galície, hrajou tam lidi z Ursus nebo Lostregos. Když, tak mi napište:

    AMHRA at Nave 1839 (A Coruña - 6-12-18)
    PREMIUBOY666 --- ---
    kdyby mel nekdo zajem to udelat, tak klidne psat asi rovnou jim, nebo klidne preze me;)
    I'm Max and I'm playing in a band called " NO MORE WAITING " (Punk Hardcore from Clermont-Ferrand (France ) .
    Currently we are booking our European Tour from 1st May to 12th May 2019
    We are searching a gig for MONDAY 06TH MAY or WEDNESDAY 08TH MAY
    Do you think you can help us ?
    I let you some links here :
    BandCamp : http://nomorewaiting.bandcamp.com/album/the-premature-burial
    Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPfWwLSNXVw
    No More Waiting - "Disagreement" Official Live Tour Report - 2016

    We're released one album and 2ep. We're preparing a new Ep fro next year.
    We did more than 150concerts across the Europe ( Spain / Portugal / Switzerland / Germay/ Belgium / Czech Republic / Poland / Italia )

    I think, I told you everything.
    If you need any other information, feel free to contact me.

    Hoping we can make it happen.
    Best Regards

    Max / NMW
    LARVOSROLKA --- ---
    Zdar, 26.3. pojedou tihle týpci přes Prahu a rádi by si tam zahráli, neděláte někdo akci kam by se mohli přidat, nebo nechce jim někdo akci udělat? Já bych jim pomohl sám, ale jsem do léta v Kanadě..

    We Too, Will Fade

    KRIVOSH --- ---
    Na 14.4. shání koncert v Praze tyhle 2 švýcarský kapely
    Music | Heckler
    Demo Tape | ghettohund
    a možná s nima pojede ještě i
    Jsou to lidi, co dělají spoustu akcí ve Švýcarsku (squaty a tak), takže užitečný kontakt pro někoho, kdo se chystá na turné jihozápadním směrem ;-)

    Já je budu dělat v Brně 15.4., takže to kdyžtak můžem dát nějak dohromady.
    GRYFY --- ---
    Angstbreaker hledaj konzerty, skvělá muzika i lidi.
    Německá hardcore kapela ANGSTBREAKER shání koncerty v ČR – Periferia.cz
    DZON_SON --- ---
    Ahoj. Hledám někoho kdo dělá HC koncerty, kamarádova kapela Refusal ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmQ0kGK1hkE&feature=share ) z Finska bude v srpnu na šňůře a chtěli by zahrát po cestě v Praze, a to 15.8.. Mají celý backline ssebou takže by šlo jen o koncert, zajištění spaní (klidně punkový), vegan jídla a příspěvku na naftu.
    Kdyby se nenašel nikdo v Praze, tak by šly i jiná města...

    Kdyžtak pošta.
    DATELON --- ---
    DEKONSTRUKT (5 piece diy raw crust/dbeat project from Ulm, Germany) want a gig in or around Prague for october 2018
    Dekonstrukt Tuol Sleng (Demo)

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam