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    ztracené heslo?
    KOHOUTPromotéři metal/punk/grindcore/sludge a jinej dirty shiit
    VODKASATAN --- ---
    VODKASATAN: udelejte to nekdo!

    ...a Nifelheim (mimochodem vite nekdo co sou zac ty Warhead (CZ)??)... a kurva vole pico PROCESSION udelejte!
    VODKASATAN --- ---
    "Hey there,

    Would you be interested in doing a show for Mitochondrion (can) / Ritual Necromancy (us) / Auroch (can) in Czech? Im flying the bands in for Kill-Town and then sending them on a small 8 show tour after the fest where they will finnish off at the infamous Incubate Festival in Tilburg, The Netherlands. All these bands have never played Europe before and there is quite a good buzz around this tour already.

    Im looking for a show for this package on Tuesday 9th September. Would you be interested in doing that?

    Im slowly starting to book some tours for the fall and winter. I think there are a few in there that you will be interested in, so please let me know which:

    Nifelheim (swe) / Vulcano (br) / Warhead (cz) - heavy metal - 3rd -19th Oct. 2014
    Dread Sovereign (irl) / Procession (swe) - doom - 31st Oct. - 14th Nov 2014
    Master (us) / Entrapment (nl) - "The Dead Shall Rise Again" 14th - 23rd Nov.
    Dead Congregation (gr) - death metal - 20th Dec. - 5th Jan. 2015

    Daniel A//E"
    SALVATOR --- ---
    Sorry za lehkej OT. Dovolil bych si vás pozvat na kamarádův fest, z Valmezu a Frýdku co by kamenem dohodil, akce bude sXe friendly, i když ne výlučně, bude zřízen dětský koutek, kde bude malý pankáče bavit slovenská legenda Dáša Fon Fľaša.

    [ VZDOR FEST / festivalfestival / 26.6.2014 / CR - Moravskoslezsky kraj - Mořkov ]

    JEAGER666 --- ---
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    a very good mexican friend of mine is coming on tour this fall with his band LA CAÍDA DE LA CIVILIZACIÓN. Maybe there is a chance that you can set up a concert for them or send me contacts of people who might do. every help is welcome!
    More infos about the band and ferna i attached below, also the tour plan...
    thanx in advance. Take care & all the best

    "Recorriendo las Edades de la Podredumbre" European Tour, Fall 2014"

    V 12/9 Germany – Berlin TBC
    S 13/9 Germany – Schwerin CONF
    S 14/9 Germany - Flensburg

    L 15/9 Denmark – Copenhague/Aalborg
    M 16/9 Denmark – Copenhague/ Sweden-Malmö
    M 17/9 Sweden – Malmö/Gothenborg
    J 18/9 Norway
    V 19/9 Norway - Oslo
    S 20/9 Norway
    S 21/9 Sweden – Karlstad/Örebro

    L 22/9 Sweden - Stockholm
    M 23/9 Sweden – Sundsvall CONF
    M 24/9 Sweden – Umea CONF
    J 25/9 Sweden – Lulea CONF
    V 26/9 Finland – Oulo TBC
    S 27/9 Finland – Vaasa/Tampere TBC
    S 28/9 Finland – Tampere/Turku TBC

    L 29/9 Finland – Turku/Helsinki TBC
    M 30/9 Finland – Helsinki TBC
    M 1/10 Estonia – Tallinn TBC
    J 2/10 Latvia – Riga TBC
    V 3/10 Lithuania – Vilnius CONF
    S 4/10 Lithuania – Alytas CONF
    S 5/10 Poland

    L 6/10 Poland/Slovakia
    M 7/10 Slovakia/Czech Republic
    M 8/10 Czech Republic
    J 9/10 Austria – Wien TBC
    V 10/10 Austria
    S 11/10 Slovenia/Croatia
    S 12/10 Croatia – Rijeka TBC

    L 13/10 Italy
    M 14/10 Italy/Switzerland
    M 15/10 Switzerland
    J 16/10 Switzerland/Italy/France
    V 17/10 France – St. Etienne TBC
    S 18/10 France – Marseille CONF
    S 19/10 Spain – Barcelona CONF

    L 20/10 Spain
    M 21/10 Spain
    M 22/10 France
    J 23/10 France – Brest CONF
    V 24/10 France – Soudan CONF
    S 25/10 France
    S 26/10 Belgium/Holland

    L 27/10 Belgium/Holland
    M 28/10 Holland/Germany
    M 29/10 Germany – Rostock CONF
    J 30/10 Germany – Neubrandenburg TBC
    V 31/10 Germany
    S 1/11 Germany – Berlin TBC

    My name is Fernando Lozano, I live in the Northeast of Mexico in a city called Monterrey, I run a small record shop in downtown called EL DISPENSARIO and I play drums for LA CAIDA DE LA CIVILIZACION (www.myspace.com/lacaida), both since 1999.

    After lots of changing members, me and the singer are the oldest members of the band, I'm the founder and now we have a solid line up to make this trip.

    In the band we play Darkened/Apocalyptic Heavy Crust Metal, we have already 3 releases:
    - LA CAIDA DE LA CIVILIZACION. Full lenght debut on CD. 2005. Sold Out. 2000 printed.
    - ECHADO A PERDER. 6 sond CD-R demo. 2007. Sold Out. 200 printed.
    - MUERTO EN VIDA. 7" vinyl. 2009. Available. 2000 printed.

    Out soon:
    - EL FINAL DE LOS TIEMPOS. New full lenght release.

    After so many years of efforts to keep the band and several tours in our country, we want to tour Europe this 2014 fall, from September to November, we'll put out the new releases to sell at the shows.

    Now I'm booking the shows and looking for nice and serious people who can organize a gig for us, give us a place to crash, some food and pass a good time.
    We need to receive some money from the shows to pay Van, driver, gas, P.A., expenses of the highway and food, we'll appreciate anykind of help.

    For us, it's really hard to make a trip like this, I don't have a "real" job, I work at my shop and sellings are really low, but I have more than 25 years supporting the scene, doing shows, 'zines, label, playing with bands, also I have 3 kids and I live with them and my girlfriend, she used to play bass for us, but she had to quite he band.
    The bass player is a worker, the guitarrist is a music student and our singer is now living in Berlin, Germany, working and studying german and waiting for us to play.
    A lot of bands from around the globe come to play to Monterrey and mostly of them stay at my house.

    If you know anybody who can help us, please let me know.
    Meanwhile, receive a BIG HUG and my salutes from Mexico, take care and stay in touch!!!!

    Brothers on Metal

    Here some videos of some shows in Mexico.






    #32 ASPIRINA INFANTIL- Ets Es Millor- Ep (Flexi-7")
    Totally killer Hardcore Punk rock from Mallorca. Reminds me on LA PERRERA, CEREBROS EXPRIMIDOS, NUEVO CATECISMO CATOLICO and other great old spanish punk bands. This record is a benefit flexi single to pay the costs of an anti-nazi trial.

    BLIND --- ---
    Hello folks! This is our tour dates, yeah! Almost all dates are done but we need help with 3 shows:
    26th and 27th May for Germany and 1th June for Slovakia/Poland.
    If you can help us for this dates or know someone who can, please email us: kuznetsovdmitryv@gmail.com

    17th May - Minsk (BY)
    18th May - Bialystok (PL)
    19th May - Gdynia (PL)
    20th May - Torun (PL)
    21th May - Warsaw (PL)
    22th May - Bielsko-Biala (PL)
    23th May - Brno (CZ)
    24th May - Prague (CZ)
    25th May - Berlin (DE)
    26th May - Germany NEED HELP!
    27th May - Germany NEED HELP!
    28th May - Plzen (CZ)
    29th May - Olomouc (CZ)
    30th May - Ostrava (CZ)
    31th May - Cultburger Picnic III, Bystricka Prehrada (CZ)
    1th June - Slovakia/Poland NEED HELP!
    JEAGER666 --- ---
    super, kdyz je na sedmice LInk a age of collapse:/
    GULDUR --- ---
    KOHOUT: 12.5. ve Fatalu, bejvalá XT3...
    KOHOUT --- ---
    GULDUR: kde a kdy to bude?
    ENGUMAZ --- ---
    GULDUR: to jsem nekoukal. kdyz tak id belzeboob ..
    GULDUR --- ---
    ENGUMAZ: díky za tip, nicméně koukám, že už ten týden hrají ve čtvrtek, tak to nebudu lámat přes koleno, ale znamenám si..
    GULDUR --- ---
    Zdar, kejvli jsme na rychlovku a to Dirge 12.5. 2014..jede s nimi jako support nějaká kapela z Čech pod názvem Dreare a chtěli bychom k nim ještě jeden support. Doporučte mi prosím nějakej zajímavej doom,sludge, post HC/metal či něco takového od nás. Ideálně Praha či ne moc vzdálené okolí ať nejsou moc velké náklady...
    GRED --- ---
    tyhle lidi z irska shani koncert v praze, zni to celkem dobre. 4. cervna, streda
    Tracks off the fourth coming BURNCHURCH LP

    zajem nekdo?
    LYNCH --- ---
    MIRA_KA: dobry jak hajzl!kdyby to bylo za pul roku tak jo
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    Eagle Twin ze Salt Lake City/Utah shání koncert na 29. dubna v ČR. může jim někdo pomoct? já to v ten den nedávám. když, tak mě kontaktujte.
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    kdyby se někdo se zajímavou kapelou poptával na 6. nebo 7. června, dejte mi vědět, díky.
    BLIND --- ---
    Hey hows it going? I play bass in No Contest from the UK (90s style skate punk/HC) and we are over touring the main land in May with Fair dos (sic, rapid, tech punk) We are looking for a show in Czech on Wednesday 21st May. If you can help or point me in the direction of someone that could i'd really appreciate it, I also put on shows in the uk so would try to return the favour
    16th - Tongeren, Belgium
    17th - Schwerte, Germany
    18th - Attendorn, Germany
    19th -
    20th - Zittua, Germany
    21st -
    22nd - Millstatt, Austria
    23rd - Laško, Slovenia
    24th - Nuremberg Germany
    25th - Leuven, Belgium
    Hear our new demo here: https://soundcloud.com/nocontest/no-contest-can-i-play-with
    This is fair dos
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