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    ztracené heslo?
    KOHOUTPromotéři metal/punk/grindcore/sludge a jinej dirty shiit
    GRYFY --- ---
    This is Marco from My Own Voice, hardcore from Milan Italy.
    I'm writing you because we will be on European tour in september 2015, and we are looking for a gig in Czech Republic on Thursday September the 10th.
    We play fast, in-your-face, old school hardcore and this is our 4th European tour, but it would be the first time we get the chance to hit Czech Republic so we would be very happy to. We are 4 people and all we need is some beer, place to sleep and a few money for the gas.
    Is it possible to organize a gig on that date somewhere around your area?
    Our facebook page, where you can find links to music and videos and all that stuff, is https://www.facebook.com/pages/my-own-voice-hc/266304637394
    You can get in touch here on Facebook or to our e-mail address myownvoicehc@gmail.com, feel free to ask for any further information you should need.
    Thank you so much in advance for any help you can give us.
    Take care
    My Own Voice - Basta [Music Video]
    GRED --- ---
    Hi guy, i'm paska of Cospirazione, anarco-hardcore band from Italy. I write to you because we stay on tour from 8th july to the 12th July, and we're searching a gigs in Praha or in Czech on 12th July. I hope you can help us.

    here there is the bandcamp: http://cospirazione.bandcamp.com/ here the blog: http://cospirazione.noblogs.org/

    and here the demo on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIE9r8mEa4M

    Write to me or at: cospirazione@distruzione.org

    I hope you can help us for our mini-eurotour! see you soon i hope!

    cospirazione, by cospirazione

    (kdybyste do toho nekdo sel, tak mi prosim napiste do posty, dik)
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    This is Tariq from DELUMINATOR.
    We're a Hardcore/ Metal Band from Dresden/ Germany.
    Currently we are booking our second european tour with our friends in SLOPE (Hardcore, Germany).



    11th Jun (Thu) - Need Help! PL/SK/CZ /// 11. června shání koncert.
    můžete/chcete jim někdo pomoct?
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    still need a gig on friday the 11th of september. could you help in praha on this date?

    heres some music http://earthboundmachine.bandcamp.com
    KOVOUN --- ---
    dneska super letní akce! Datum: 23.04.2015 18:30
    Kde: Praha - ostrov štvanice

    Nervöus - Emíčko letního střihu

    Krüger - mangel crust, žižkov, chlast

    _první letošní venkovní akce Hluchu_

    Nervöus, Krüger
    Nervöus, Krüger
    KRIVOSH --- ---
    DIM42: mezi Poznani a Ostravou teda moc prilezitosti ceskym promoterum nedavaji :(
    DIM42 --- ---
    Deicide Today + Divtech schanej misto kde by mohli hrat jeste 27.4. (domluveny maj akce 28.4. v Ostrave a 8.5. v Praze)

    nomadic anarcho-breakcore (USA)

    ex-Realicide electronic punk (USA)

    from "les Pavillons Sauvages" Toulouse France

    Realicide Youth Records

    Tour schedule/promo https://www.facebook.com/events/326981017497335
    PELICULIAR --- ---
    Ahoj, hledáme pořadatele koncertů případně provozní klubů, kteří by měli zájem udělat koncert kapely Before Today Collapses
    Before Today Collapses - Lionheart


    + český support v podobě kapel Crouch, United Front a Right Reason

    Volné termíny: 23. až 27. červen 2015

    Cena: 5500 Kč + ubytování pro 8 osob.

    David: booking@deathnoise.cz
    KOHOUT --- ---
    MIRA_KA: uděláme
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    MIRA_KA: nucleardevastation@hotmail.nl
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    Hey there!,

    How are you doing? You're speaking here with Geor of Nuclear Devastation // Wolves of Hades Collective..

    My band Nuclear Devastation (Amsterdam Blackened Crust/Thrash) will be on tour together with Ramlord (USA Blackened Crust/Stenchcore) in the end of Augus!

    we need some help for a show in Prague or nearby.. you think you could help us out? the date would be Friday 28 August. Let us know!!

    You can check out our music here
    Crippled Minds, Sundered Wisdom | RAMLORD
    Nuclear Devastation/Ramlord | Nuclear Devastation
    (We are currently working on a full length by the way!)

    Cheers and take care,
    LOSPEPAJZOS --- ---
    LOSPEPAJZOS: tady je kdyžtak kontakt: tomekbachanek@gmail.com
    LOSPEPAJZOS --- ---
    Přišlo mi na facebooku, třeba se někdo chytne:

    We are going to play euro tour in July 2015. We need concert in Praha on 13 July. Would it be possible for you to help us with concert or maybe you have got contact to people who can help us?
    We will have whole backline with us and we play for money from the doordeal.

    2 bands: Concrete Dog (hardcore) - concretedogz.bandcamp.com Trüd (d-beat) - trudpl.bandcamp.com

    Thanks for any help
    VODKASATAN --- ---
    KOHOUT: soundofcobra@gmail.com
    KOHOUT --- ---
    VODKASATAN: mail?
    VODKASATAN --- ---
    "We are really happy to welcome to our roster the speed thrash rock and roll band SPEEDTRAP from Finland.

    Who has seen them live can testify they are one of the tightest and tasteful band in their genre!
    They are coming out with two new releases on the finnish label Svart Records and they will hit the road in September.

    We have dates available between the 10th and the 20th of September.

    Could you be interested in having them?


    Speedtrap - Powerdose

    tohle je husty. dejte nekdo!
    LYNCH --- ---
    Hell-o Punk Brothers & Sisters!
    Here's marian from amsterdam based speed/metal/punk band DIESEL BREATH.
    The reason that i write is that we are looking for some shows on the road (there and
    back) to Pula. we are going there from amsterdam 'çouse we are
    playing in Monte Paradiso Fest And on road back we will play in 07.08 in Sered/slovakia
    so if it will be possible to help us with organizing concert/s in Your
    city before or after 01.08 will be fucking great! If not maybe You know somebody who can help us ;o)

    I think that best plan 4 us will be like that:

    ->> 29.07 - Linz/Ljubljana(?)
    ->> 30.07 - Koper/Postojna(?)
    ->> 31.07 - Pula(?)
    ->> 01.08 - Pula booked
    ->> 02.08 - Rijeka/Zagreb/Varazdin(?)
    ->> 03.08 - Zagreb/Kutina(?)
    ->> 04.08 - Pozega(?)
    ->> 05.08 - Osijek/somewhere on road to hungary
    ->> 06.08 - Budapest (?)
    ->> 07.08 - Sered/Slovakia booked
    ->> 08.08 - Sered/Slovakia
    ->> 09.08 - Brno/Bratislava(?)
    ->> 10.08 - Havlickuv Brod
    ->> 11.08 - Praha/Kladno(?)
    ->> 12.08 - Chomutov/Teplice(?)

    but of course (almost;) everything we can change. If You have any
    questions, doubts or just need more informations just drop us a line:


    Anyway thx a lot for Your time and if You're interested what we singing
    and how we play here's our musick & lierics:

    -> http://dieselbreath.bandcamp.com
    -> https://www.facebook.com/dieselbreathpunx

    Cheers & Beers!
    MIZZYCHAL --- ---
    I'm planning an euro tour for my band Sedna (post black metal, It) with Fleshworld ( post metal/hardcore, Pol) for august. We are booked at Rockstadt Extreme fest in Romany so we are searching some gigs on the way and on the way back. Can you help us? This is the plan:
    8.08 - Austria/Cz
    9.08 - Slovakia
    10.08 - Hungary
    11.08 - Hungary
    12.08 - Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Brasov
    13.08 - Serbia
    14.08 - Croatia
    sedna, facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Sedna.O
    fleshworld, Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/fleshworld?fref=ts
    GRYFY --- ---
    Dva melodický punkrocky nezněj špatně

    I reeeaallly need help filling a tour date for DROPTHIS (http://dropthis.bandcamp.com) and The Burnt Tapes (http://burnttapes.bandcamp.com) for either Monday 25th or Tuesday 26th May.

    Things are getting pretty desperate I've gotta be honest, if there's anything you could help us out with, or even if you can point us in the right direction, that would be pretty sensational.

    Thanks so much for your time, rock on!

    GRYFY --- ---
    občas nám choděj nabídky na různý podivnosti ale tohle mě dostalo :-)
    Mac Sabbath "Pair-a-buns"
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