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    ztracené heslo?
    KOHOUTPromotéři metal/punk/grindcore/sludge a jinej dirty shiit
    VODKASATAN --- ---
    Hi, how are you?
    We are glad to announce that Aluk Todolo are coming back on tour with a new album called VOIX out in early 2016

    Could you be interested in having them?

    The date available are:

    Sunday 12 June 2016
    Monday 13 June 2016
    Tuesday 14 June 2016
    Wednesday 15 June 2016

    Hope to hear from you
    Thank you


    dejte nekdo!
    KOVOUN --- ---
    Maybe you know someone who is interested in organizing a Brutal Blues show.
    We have three available dates.
    Any help in Prague or the rest of Czech would be highly appreciated.
    Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon.
    Brutal Blues
    GRED --- ---
    I have a request for you: me and my band (Flag Smasher, hc punk -
    unfortunately with no real recordings yet:
    http://flagsmasher.blogsport.de/) and our friends from Alien Placenta
    (female fronted oldschool hc,
    https://www.facebook.com/ausserirdischenmutterkuchen) are going on tour
    next year and we are planning to make a stop at Praha (or somewhere nearby)
    at Saturday, 2nd of April. We'd be 8-9 people with full backline and are
    in need of ~100EUR per gig for sprit and so on. Do you think that it would
    be possible that you or someone in your circle of friends could organize us
    a gig there?
    Best regards!
    GRED --- ---
    Hi Friends!
    here is Kevin of the band TRIGGER, we will touring this December again and
    want to come to Czech Republic and Slovakia.
    We are searching shows between 31.12. to 03.01. (Thursday - Sunday). I know
    hard dates especially the 1st of January... Maybe you could help us out?
    Our Needs are small as always, besides some vegan food, a warm sleeping
    place and a bit money for gas and van.We will have a complete backline
    consist of drums and bassboxes with us, other bands could also use this
    backline. But other Bands would need their own Guitarboxes. We are open for
    Club,Bar,Squat,Youth Centre,Practice Room and house shows!!
    If you could arrange something for us please tell us the place where it
    could happen. Thanks in advance, we are looking forward to any help we
    could find!

    Infos about Trigger

    TRIGGER is playing „true drum´n´bass powerviolence“. Noise up to the
    maximum. Blasts, trashing and D-Beat until the doctor comes. The lyrics are
    a bitter reckoning with the society and its outgrowths. These are clear and
    unequivocal words that match to the type of music. No compromise! For
    Everybody who likes SPAZZ, YACÖPSAE und INSECT WARFARE...

    Kevin - Drums, Enrico - Bass, Berto - Screaming





    RAVENXHAVRAN --- ---
    Benefiční koncert na pomoc uprchlíkům
    Ne 27.9. (20:00) - Ne 27.9. (22:30)
    CR - Praha - Klub Buben

    Zoufalá situace na hranicích potřebuje rychle jednání. Přijdte podpořit !!!

    Výdělek bude použit na nákup hlavně léků a jídla. Autonomní sociální centrum Klinika následovně odveze na chotvatské hranice.
    Benefiční koncert na pomoc uprchlíkům | Bandzone.cz
    Benefiční koncert na pomoc uprchlíkům | Bandzone.cz
    GRED --- ---
    How are you?
    It's a long long time that we don't talk together! :)

    It's Giacomo from Storm{O} here, do you remember me?
    If not, below down here there are our first emails, since 2013. :D

    So in the meanwhile, our new album was out, then sold out, so re-pressed by
    Moment Of Collapse and then it went sold out again!
    Check the streaming+review out on CVLT Nation:

    We toured Europe and UK during last May and we're going to tour again in
    We will be supporting our friends in Nero Di Marte, currently signed to
    They have recently toured in North America supporting Gorguts and Origin also!
    They are really cool.
    Check them out here:
    Nero di Marte
    Press Kit - Nero di Marte

    This is the tour plan:
T 5 Nov: | Lab. L'Isola, Bologna, Italy w/ Lentic Waters
F 6 Nov: | Basel, Switzerland
S 7 Nov: | Rock ‘n’ Fist Fest, Saint-Dizier, France
S 8 Nov: | Paris, France
M 9 Nov: | Gent, Belgium
T 10 Nov: | Amsterdam/Utrecht, Netherlands
W 11 Nov: | Oldenburg, Germany
T 12 Nov: | Kopi, Berlin, Germany
F 13 Nov: | Praha, Czech Rep.
S 14 Nov: | Wien, Austria
S 15 Nov: | Lubiana, Slovenia

    Are you interested in booking us for a show in Praha on the 13th of November?
    It would be great!

    Just let me know,
    Giacomo / Storm{O}
    MIZZYCHAL --- ---
    WORMLUST and ÆVANGELIST are looking for gigs, anyone interested please contact: hafsteinn1@gmail.com
    GRED --- ---
    Hi guys what's up?
    This is Marco from My Own Voice, hardcore from Milan Italy.
    I'm writing you because we will be on European tour in september 2015, to
    present our upcoming new album "Sailing on".We are looking for a gig in the
    South of Czech Republic on Tuesday September the 8th.
    We play fast, in-your-face, old school hardcore, and we support a 100%
    antifascist, DIY and politically involved lifestyle. This is our 5th
    European tour. We are 4 people and all we need is some beer, place to sleep
    and a few money for the gas.
    Is it possible for you to help us organize a gig on that date in your area?
    Our facebook page, where you can find links to music and videos and all
    that stuff, is https://www.facebook.com/pages/my-own-voice-hc/266304637394
    - our reverbnation page is reverbnation.com/myownvoice
    You can get in touch on Facebook or to our e-mail address
    Feel free to ask for any further information you should need.
    Thank you so much in advance for any help you can give us!!
    Take care
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    hey dude how are ya doin? we are trying to book a tour with my other band and would like to ask you if you could help us play on the 1rst of Oktober?
    here is a link to our music..
    thanks a lot and greets

    kdyby to někoho zajímalo, napište mi, předam kontakt.
    KOHOUT --- ---
    GRED: Napsal sem kámošovi, chce je booknout v Jihlavě 25.9. Já sem tou dobou mimo Prahu, jinak bych je udělal, ještě napíšu pár lidem.
    GRED --- ---
    nechcete nekdo udelat koncert Strafplanet z Grazu? https://strafplanet.bandcamp.com/
    25. nebo 26. zari.. Je to fakt super, ale ja uz jeden koncert v zari delam a do druhyho se mi nechce..
    kdyztak posta.
    GRYFY --- ---
    cus hledaj konzik na 18 a 26.srpna, potřebujou spaní pro 6 lidí vegan jidlo, naky piti a nakej drobak na benzín
    GRYFY --- ---
    Insanity Alert stále hledaj konzik na 22.7. je thrash alá Municipal Waste. Ďál sem je v Liberci a na živo pecka. Maj to cestou z vídně do berlína tak asi Praha, brno nebo Ústí třeba. Doordeal to asi nebude ale stojí to zato
    Insanity Alert - Glorious Thrash
    KOVOUN --- ---
    čau, nevíte někdo jestli bude Enemy of the Sun Fest?
    LYNCH --- ---
    napiš jim že jiím to 31.7 uděláš
    Six-Score - Human Beeing
    LOSPEPAJZOS --- ---
    The band Ilydaen (post-metal - dunk!records, finaltune records) from Belgium will be touring from the 14th to the 22nd of August.
    We are looking for a show in your area for Monday 17/08 and Tuesday 18/08. Would you be interested? Or maybe you know someone who could be interested?
    Please let me know. I've included the press sheet so you can discover about us.
    Thanks a lot for your answer,
    - Ilydaen -
    Promo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NvxlNgaXig
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Ilydaen
    Bandcamp : https://ilydaen.bandcamp.com/
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