Hi Friends!
here is Kevin of the band TRIGGER, we will touring this December again and
want to come to Czech Republic and Slovakia.
We are searching shows between 31.12. to 03.01. (Thursday - Sunday). I know
hard dates especially the 1st of January... Maybe you could help us out?
Our Needs are small as always, besides some vegan food, a warm sleeping
place and a bit money for gas and van.We will have a complete backline
consist of drums and bassboxes with us, other bands could also use this
backline. But other Bands would need their own Guitarboxes. We are open for
Club,Bar,Squat,Youth Centre,Practice Room and house shows!!
If you could arrange something for us please tell us the place where it
could happen. Thanks in advance, we are looking forward to any help we
could find!
Infos about Trigger
TRIGGER is playing „true drum´n´bass powerviolence“. Noise up to the
maximum. Blasts, trashing and D-Beat until the doctor comes. The lyrics are
a bitter reckoning with the society and its outgrowths. These are clear and
unequivocal words that match to the type of music. No compromise! For
Everybody who likes SPAZZ, YACÖPSAE und INSECT WARFARE...
Kevin - Drums, Enrico - Bass, Berto - Screaming