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    ztracené heslo?
    KOHOUTPromotéři metal/punk/grindcore/sludge a jinej dirty shiit
    LYNCH --- ---
    BELZEBOOB: mel bych?))
    BELZEBOOB --- ---
    LYNCH: narážíš na něco ? :)
    LYNCH --- ---
    BELZEBOOB: tj.nektery cesky kapely si berou taky peknej ranec
    ANSI --- ---
    Ahoj, přeposílám prosika od kamose .. Já budu tou dobou čerstvě naklonovana, takže se jim nemůžu věnovat ..

    Ala.,hello!! how are you? I have a question..
    In July I will be on tour with band 4scums from Saint P .,do you have the opportunity to help us to make gig?? or perhaps you have some contacts?? thanks in advance for any help)) we are interested in 6,7, 8 July..Thanks!!

    Nejlepší prý osmého ;)

    Kontakt: fightplan@bk.ru, www.facebook.com/eugene.petrov.14

    Link: https://m.facebook.com/4scums

    Mějte se .. A.
    BELZEBOOB --- ---
    nemohla mít.takový slovo, jako "pravsa" přece neni .)
    BELZEBOOB --- ---
    KOHOUT: přesně, já bych všechny ty pankáči a metaly zakázala... Věra měla pravsu prostě .)
    KOHOUT --- ---
    Kapely zasraný, zakázat a byl by klid..
    BELZEBOOB --- ---
    KOHOUT: já taky netvrdim, žes to dělal.a co se týče cen za kapely, mám celkem přehled.to je jedno, nebudem tu flejmit.prostě mi to občas přijde přestřelený, ale nebrečim.na ty akce chodim, takže to samosebou znamená, že tu cenu akceptuju, ale.... .)
    KOHOUT --- ---
    BELZEBOOB: Magru sem nedělal já, ale Hardbones! No kdybys viděl za kolik ty kapely jezděj tak bys mluvil jinak. :D na Hooded Menace sme byli v plusu jen fakt o malinko, takže cena byla správná, hold pořádat kvalitní (metalovou) kapelu a dělat to DIY občas znamená napálit vstup, nebo to dotovat (což se stává taky často) mno a to se mi nechcééééé!
    VODKASATAN --- ---
    KOHOUT: gut
    BELZEBOOB --- ---
    KOHOUT: tvl, tak aby to nestálo 666,- potom :) nejde o to číslo, ale o to, že se mi ty ceny jejich(jj, tvoje taky :D ) zdaj trochu vysoko.například teď magrudergrind za 330,- a nebo ty hooded za užaninevimkolik
    KOHOUT --- ---
    VODKASATAN: jes, je to doordeal, takže pohoda, ale já dělám pár dni před gig, tak se mi do toho moc nechce.. Napsal sem klukům z Hardbones, ty to snad udělaj.
    VODKASATAN --- ---

    Natur - Head of Death


    SUNDAY 29th
    MONDAY 30th
    TUESDAY 31st


    VODKASATAN --- ---
    voe, tole je BOMBA kombo! k'mon nekdo: AMULET / ANTICHRIST / NATUR

    Amulet - Black Magic Attack

    Antichrist - Sign of the Beast
    LYNCH --- ---

    July 18/19/20 possibly

    The Goddamn Gallows came from the heart of America's Rust Belt, arising from a night of flophouse violence. Drifting across the states, they cemented their sound in Portland, OR and later in Los Angeles, CA, where they lived in abandoned buildings, squatter camps, storage units and shoebox apartments. In 2007, they left everything behind and spent the next 4 years living out of whatever vehicle would get them to the next town. Building upon their original sound of twanged-out, punk rock gutterbilly (Life of Sin 2004 and Gutterbillyblues 2007), they began picking up stray musicians along the way and adding to their sound; washboard, accordion, mandolin and banjo (Ghost of th’ Rails 2009 and 7 Devils 2011) creating a sound referred to as "hobocore", "gypsy-punk" or "americana-punk", while never being stuck in any one sound. The Goddamn Gallows continue to rapidly grow a devoted following with their volatile and spectacular live shows; a contagious, spontaneous eruption of unpredictability.


    Muddy Roots Europe video:
    Muddy Roots Europe 2015 - The Goddamn Gallows
    LYNCH --- ---
    LYNCH --- ---
    sixscore has a problem. we were supposed to play in liberec on 24.3, but they arent allowed to organize concerts anymore at their venue. so the concert on 24th has been canceled. would you help us to fill the slot, or do you know anybody to help us out?
    all the best,

    PREMIUBOY666 --- ---
    Preposilam, co mi prislo...
    I'm playing in a band (yon) and we want to tour South-Eastern Europe in May, we'll start at 13th and the last show will be on 22nd in Dresden - where we're actually are from.
    Now we're searching for a show on the second to last day (21st of May) somewhere on the way back to Dresden. So I would like to ask you if you could help us out.
    We don't need much, some food, a place to sleep and some money for gasoline.
    We're kinda playing a mix of Post-rock/-metal and screamo. You can listen to our two EP's here: https://yonyouth.bandcamp.com/album/you
    but as we have a new singer, the new songs and the sound in general is a bit different, here's a video with this new guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1XonGhJs1Y
    I hope you like it, I'll send you as well our facebook-page for further informations: https://www.facebook.com/yon.youth/?fref=ts
    It would be really awesome if you could help us with this show, but anyways please reply, even if it's not possible - so we can plan our tour better.
    You | yon
    Have a nice day!
    Regards, Martin // yon
    VODKASATAN --- ---
    The Cosmic Dead ▲ The Spaceman


    ricky / swamp booking (soundofcobra@gmail.com)

    dejte nekdo ;)
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