NESCIUS: ad 1) prijde mi divny, ze tolik lidi protestuje proti GMO a skoro nikdo neresi mutacni slechteni, ktere mi z podstaty prijde nebezpecnejsi:
Though poorly known, radiation breeding has produced thousands of useful mutants and a sizable fraction of the world’s crops...including varieties of rice, wheat, barley, pears, peas, cotton, peppermint, sunflowers, peanuts, grapefruit, sesame, bananas, cassava and sorghum.
Somewhat controversially, several organic food and seed companies promote and sell certified organic products that were developed using both chemical and nuclear mutagenesis. Several certified organic brands, whose companies support strict labeling or outright bans on GMO-crops, market their use of branded wheat and other varietal strains which were derived from mutagenic processes without any reference to this genetic manipulation. These organic products range from mutagenic barley and wheat ingredient used in organic beers to mutagenic varieties of grapefruits sold directly to consumers as organic.
ad 3) s tim znovuosevanim to muze byt pravda pro dane plodiny ve vyspelych ekonomikach, ale jsem si celkem jisty, ze to neni pravda obecne.
taky mi prijde dost nebezpecny ten patent trolling. chceme opravdu, aby to tak fungovalo u jidla? resenim by mohl byt pristup, ktery zvolil potrykus u zlate ryze, ktera se tu resila nedavno (poskytnout to zdarma pro samozasobitelske hospodareni a pro chudsi casti sveta). ale muzeme spolehat na stedrost megacorps?:) tak ci tak, patentovat zakladni plodiny (a soudit se pak s farmari, kteri je pestuji 'nelegalne') mi prijde dost perverzni.
dalsi argument, ktery neni zminen a prijde mi celkem dulezity je ten, ze GM plodiny ohrozuji byznys non-GMO pestitelu. at chceme nebo ne, vetsina lidi ma strach z GM plodin. pokud nekdo pestuje bio-organic-whatever plodiny nebo dokonce exportuje do zemi, kde je dana GM plodina uplne zakazana, tak ho to muze zlikvidovat.
ad 7) glyfosat neni zpravidla jedinou slozkou herbicidu. nektere tenzidy, ktere jsou soucasti techhle herbicidnich smesi, muzou byt toxictejsi. nekteri farmari navic v reakci na glyfosfat-resistentni plevel pouzivaji dalsi herbicidy spolu s roundupem apod.