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    ztracené heslo?
    _LEPIK_Těžení kryptoměn
    GONDAR --- ---

    nvidia uz se snazi zakleknout ;) :
    RTX 3060 with 470.05 not hashrate restricted | guru3D Forums

    Beware, NVIDIA has removed the driver from their site!!!!
    par zadrhelu asi jeste pretrvava:

    guys if you have a newer motherboard try another motherboard/older without BAR support.

    I got it working 47MH/s two EVGA XC cards, then when I moved it to a newer motherboard it just got stuck at 25MH/s same windows SSD same driver everything. Did DDU and reinstall driver, still 25MH/s. Back to the previous motherboard and I got the 47MH/s back.

    For some reason I can only get it to work plugged in directly to the motherboard, and with only one card in the system. If I use a riser, or there are more than one card, either or both cards won't get the full 48MH/s. I've tested this on three different motherboards, Z490, Z270, B460M. I've been swapping the two 3060 I have in an out and can't get around this barrier. Have also tried different BIOS settings, the usual PCIE gen 1/2/3 and so on. If anyone have a solution to this, please share. Thanks.
    I tried this, two cards on one motherboard, both connected to their own separate monitor, only max hash rate on one card.
    In my case monitor or dummy must be plugged in, otherwise hashrate drop at around 27mh/s
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    XSOFT: pro jistotu
    MORPHLER --- ---
    OTAVA: vtipne je ze jsem nasel RIC penezenku (bohuzel prazdnou) i z nejake doby pred lety kdy alty zacinaly..
    OTAVA --- ---
    OTAVA --- ---
    zkusím natezit 10 k a odkazu to detem
    OTAVA --- ---
    MORPHLER: netuším, hoďku a čekám až ti zalustuje nějaká větší burza :-)
    MORPHLER --- ---
    OTAVA: wow. no pekne. je to obchodovatelne i nejak jinak nez pres southxchange?
    OTAVA --- ---
    díky na tip na RIC, hodnota 1000 coinu uz je asi asi 18 USD xD
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    nějaký tipy na housing pro asic ?
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MORPHLER: no a když spěcháš, tak započítej block time a počet confirmací, instant happiness
    MORPHLER --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: to me dycky bavi doge... platby v setinach doge a 1 doge stoji sotva 100 sat.. nebo nekdy taky 15 :)
    TYCHOVRAHE --- ---
    OTAVA: satoshi to ponese, pokud tvuj node bude pro ostatni uzitecny, tzn budou pres tebe routovat platby. to budou lidi delat, kdyz budes mit pripojeni na dalsi dobry ekonomicky aktivni nody, budes mit poradnou kapacitu a budes pravidelne rebalancovat kanaly, budes mit rychly pripojeni s nizkou latenci a vysokym uptimem atp atp..
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    tak za převod jakýkoliv částky z burzy 0.0005 btc, tedy skoro 30usd, tak jsem to přelil to ltc a výpalný stálo 0,005 ltc
    XSOFT --- ---
    OTAVA: lol (jako ze Linux navod s rozjetim 12tui programu bude stejny jako Windows), no ... nebude :( ani nahodou

    Vicemene jsem to zadal do googlu a klikl na prvni pouzitelny.



    koukam, ze nejaky navod ma i alza
    myNode (RECENZE) – Bitcoin a Lightning full node | Alza.cz

    Mel jsem tam vse, jako lighting node, full node, explorer a asi 3 dalsi veci, kdyz uz to tam bezelo.
    OTAVA --- ---
    Jo a kolik tam musim tak dat ?
    OTAVA --- ---
    XSOFT: Muzes hodit odkaz na navod ktery jsi pousil prosim ? Ja planuju spis asi pouzit Windows masinu, ale pocitam ze to bude podobny.
    XSOFT --- ---
    OTAVA: vzal jsem navod a jel podle nej. Zkousil jsem na Pi a dva ruzny, vzdy se podarilo (kdyz jsem nepraskakoval body).
    OTAVA --- ---
    Ma nekdo zkusenosti s nastavenim lightin network nodu ? Nese to enjaky sathshi prosim ?
    GONDAR --- ---
    Chinese Cryptocurrency Miners Allegedly Bypass NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 3060 Hash Rate Limiter, Delivers Up To 50 MH/s

    A Vietnamese Facebook group has also verified that this mod actually works and can deliver up to 50 MH/s on the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 graphics card. Such hash rate would mean that Crypto miners will now rush after the GeForce RTX 3060 graphics cards considering they deliver the same hash output as the RTX 3060 Ti and close to the RTX 3070 with a much lower power draw.

    This will result in an imminent shortage of the only mainstream GeForce RTX 30 series gaming graphics card in the market and several people are reporting that they are expecting a large hike in prices given the demand for the RTX 3060 graphics card after this mod rolls out in public.
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