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    ztracené heslo?
    CRACKY_Heroes of the Storm - Deathwing!
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    Free hero rotation for the week of Tuesday, March 23, 2015:

    •Nazeebo (Available after you reach player level 12)
    •Thrall (Available after you reach player level 15)
    TRIPLT --- ---
    YASHAMARU: vubec by mi to nevadilo... cely vikend jsem pryc, tak snad bude az pozdeji na jinej vikend... :D
    ps.: a kdo by nevedel, tak uz muzu hero league! :D
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    yes, akorad teda mozna nebude v tomhle jak jsem si myslel, nechme se prekvapit :))
    je tam na 7 a 30 dni.. element mluvi o tom, ze by po patchi vsichni meli mit stimpack i kdyz si ho nekoupi.. nebo ne?

    Stimpack - Heroes of the Storm Wiki
    STAROJDA --- ---
    DIOM: omg asi jo, plácám nesmysly :D. Je 7mi denní a 30ti denní. Co to má být v patchi teda vlastně vůbec nevím :)
    DIOM --- ---
    STAROJDA: já měl právě dojem že týdenní už tam dávno je, spolu s měsíčním ..někdo to ověřte :)
    STAROJDA --- ---
    ZARREMGREGARROK: on už ve hře dávno je. Teď jen přidají 7mi denní. Doposud byl jen 3 a 5, pokud se nemýlím. Já ho nikdy nekupoval, na to jsou tu jiní závisláci :-p
    100% xp boost a 150% gold boost, pocitano od zakladniho XP a gold pridelu, tj. pred uplatnenim bonusu za vyhranou hru, team bonus a pripadnej holiday bonus, kterej se dava ted i kdyz se asi nevi moc za co :)
    DIOM --- ---
    ZARREMGREGARROK: xp & money booster
    YASHAMARU: Co má být stimpack?
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    STAROJDA: sel jsem se raci kouknout, stimpack je tam napsanej in future patches, goldy jako upcoming patch, uvidi se zitra, co se jim podari a co ne.
    STAROJDA --- ---
    YASHAMARU: pokud vím, tak nikde není řečeno, že v tomto patchi bude 10k goldu a 7day stimpack. Nebo se pletu? Vím že potvrdili Sylvanas a novou mapu a pak samozřejmě balance changes. Co se týče dalších změn co ohlásili na PAXu, tak tam se neví (soon(tm))
    nic se mi zda zatim dobrej plan :)
    TRIPLT --- ---
    YASHAMARU: nic... budu na nich sedet dal :-D
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    zitra maji patch amici, ti si vyzerou vsechny blizz faily a patch se na nich poradne vyladi a my uz to budem mit pekne nachystany jak se ve stredu probudime jestli si to dobre pamatuju :)

    nova mapa, 10k goldu, 7day stimpack, novy hero, balance changes a zas to bude o neco hezci :) co provedete s free goldama?
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    25% bonus xp event. lol, blizzard se snad citi provinile, ze s tou sylvannas tak zdrzuje :) vypadat to na pristi tyden tutovka.
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: Proklik na
    My mom's idea for a Murky skin!! : heroesofthestorm
    Byl brutální.
    Tychus is the hard counter to Pufferfish.
    Tychus is the hard counter to the vikings.
    Tychus is the hard counter to Nazeebo.
    Tychus is the hard counter.


    Playing Nova during Murky week... : heroesofthestorm
    Hey all, apologies for the late response. We wanted to make sure we had some tangible information to provide before responding.

    First, let's talk about Sylvanas. She will be coming out next week, alongside the new Battleground: Tomb of the Spider Queen. We're looking at the beginning of the week, but this timeframe may shift if any issues arise, and we'll be sure to let you know if that happens.

    Second, we want to increase our communications about what's occurring internally. We have two blogs coming out this week to help with that task. For the first blog, we've altered our past series, Developer Insights, to become more of a "Heads up" type of article. We'd like to let you in on some of the changes we plan to make, and what you can expect from the next patch. It won't detail all of the changes we’ll be making, but will include some of the highlights we think you'll find interesting. You can find the first of this new series here.

    Our second blog, mentioned above, is a new series that we’re planning to revisit every couple of weeks. These blogs will focus on some of the topics that consistently surface around the community. The first one will debut tomorrow, and it'll focus on tighter matchmaking, performance improvements, and toxicity. Make sure to keep providing feedback so that we can continue to address topics that are important to the Heroes community.

    The development team is aware of the concerns you folks are bringing up in terms of releasing game content more quickly. We agree, and are talking about how we might be able to speed things up. However, there are limits on how much we can accelerate the processes we have. We truly believe in an "It's ready when it's ready" mentality, and hope it creates a better overall experience than rushing content out.

    Your feedback has been helpful, and I want to assure you that your posts in these forums are read and discussed internally. Your feedback matters. It has helped shape Heroes into what players are enjoying today. Thank you for this thread, as like other posts in these forums, it has been for the better of the game.

    We love Heroes of the Storm, and will strive to continue making it the most awesome experience possible, as many of you have come to expect from Blizzard games.

    Another week, no content. - Forums - Heroes of the Storm
    ICARUS --- ---
    Me na ni zase spis stvalo ze to Qcko ma nemozne kratkej range, tim vic, ze pri casteni se musis zastavit a cela ta animacka je dlouha jak prase, takze efektivni dosah je jeste mensi. Tim padem ma strasnej problem se dostat na melee range, krome ulti, ktera to fakt uz nezachrani.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam