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    ztracené heslo?
    CRACKY_Heroes of the Storm - Deathwing!
    STAROJDA --- ---
    Jo a k tomu Treasure goblinovi

    Players will receive a Special Event Quest titled: “Kill a Treasure Goblin!” each day during the Eternal Conflict event.
    Before the start of a match, any players with an active Special Event Quest will cause a Treasure Goblin to spawn at a random location near their team’s Core.
    Kill the Treasure Goblin before the pregame timer reaches 0, or it will open a portal and escape the Battleground.
    Any players with an active Special Event Quest that manage to kill a Treasure Goblin before it escapes will receive 100 Gold for their efforts at the end of the match.
    Treasure Goblins may spawn on any Battleground, in any matchmaking game mode (Versus A.I., Quick Match, Hero League, Team League).
    This Special Event Quest is available to all players, whether or not they’ve unlocked Daily Quests by reaching Player Level 6.
    While players are invited to kill as many Treasure Goblins as they can, this Special Event Quest can only be completed once per day. Incomplete Quests do not stack.
    STAROJDA --- ---
    A i Illidan dostal co proto :)

    1) Nejprve přímo nerf na Metamorfozu:

    Metamorphosis (R)
    Radius decreased by 25%
    Damage decreased from 200 (+10 per level) to 20 (+4 per level)
    Check out the recent Patch Preview blog for more information about this change

    2) Pak bugfix:

    Several Abilities were unintentionally providing brief moments of Unstoppable behavior during use. The following Abilities no longer provide Unstoppable:

    Chen -- Flying Kick (Q)
    Falstad -- Barrel Roll (E)
    Illidan -- Dive (Q)
    Illidan -- Sweeping Strikes (with the Unbound talent) (W)
    Kerrigan -- Ravage (Q)

    3) A pak změna u Blind efektu (proti AA hrdinům), platí pro Lili a Johannu (a ještě někdo?):

    Affected targets now miss all Basic Attacks throughout Blinding Wind’s duration.

    YASHAMARU --- ---
    SALUSA_SECUNDUS: ja mam a jsem odkazanej jen na starojdu :D
    STAROJDA --- ---
    a očekávaný ponerfnutí Anubaraka

    Scarab Host (Trait)
    Beetle Movement Speed reduced by approximately 16%
    Beetle damage reduced from 8 (+2 per level) to 7 (+1.8 per level)
    Locust Swarm (R)
    Damage reduced from 20 (+8 per level) to 16 (+6.4 per level)
    STAROJDA --- ---
    Další zajímavá změna je snaha o vylepšení druhé ultiny u Sylvanas. Prý dělali na návrh komunity

    Possession (R)

    Possession’s functionality has been reworked
    Possession now has 7 charges, with a 12 second recharge time
    Converting a normal Minion consumes 1 charge, and Catapults consume 5 charges
    Minions affected by Possession no longer gain bonus Health
    Dark Lady’s Call (Talent) has been reworked
    Now increases the maximum number of charges by 3, and decreases the recharge time by 4 seconds
    Converting enemy Mercenaries costs 5 charges

    STAROJDA --- ---

    Co mě hodně baví (sic hraju dost supporty) je změna u Conjurer’s Pursuit a Regeneration Master:

    Conjurer’s Pursuit

    Initial +0.5 Mana Regeneration removed
    Each Health Globe now grants +0.1 Mana Regeneration

    Regeneration Master

    Initial +4.0 Health Regeneration removed
    Each Health Globe now grants +1.5 Health Regeneration
    STAROJDA --- ---
    DIOM: Daze znamená vlastně stun (zastavení), ale nezruší to channeled ability, které fungují za pohybu (např. Strafe u Vally). Zastaví např ale Ravenous spirit.
    STAROJDA: klidne to sem postni, treba ma vic lidi blokovanej battle.net v praci jako ja..
    HIDESPY --- ---
    HIDESPY --- ---
    DIOM: Pořádně nevím. Ale anglicky to znamená omámení... takže jsi asi zpomalenej jen....
    DIOM --- ---
    co je "daze" ..jakože zpomalení?
    HIDESPY --- ---
    The following abilities will now Daze, rather than Stun, enemy Heroes:
    Brightwing -- Emerald Wind (R)
    Chen -- Wandering Keg (R)
    E.T.C. -- Face Melt (W)
    Falstad -- Mighty Gust (R)
    Kerrigan -- Primal Grasp (E)
    Raynor -- Penetrating Round (Q)
    Sgt. Hammer -- Concussive Blast (W)
    Tychus -- Frag Grenade (W)

    Takže sgt. hammer a tychus jsou ještě víc useless... :/
    MAFIK --- ---
    STAROJDA: jelikoz jsem dal na zdejší rady a vsechny pristupne a koupene hrdiny delam na level 5 tak me čekaj druhy vanoce :-D
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    DIOM: jo, dik, me zmatlo to today. no takze toho 30tyho asi snad. stejne dobry :) Mam par hrdinu na 8/9 jen z toho, ze s nema delam questy v coopu.
    DIOM --- ---
    YASHAMARU:to půjde nejdřív na PTR..se uvidí jak dlouho se to bude testovat..doufám, že to nebude trvat tak dlouho jako třeba v Diablu
    YASHAMARU --- ---
    STAROJDA: ne pis :) tyvle to je mazec. to jako dneska vecer dostanem?
    STAROJDA: OMG, třetí hra kterou sleduju vydává patch notes ve stejný den. Kdy to má člověk číst?
    SKY_MAX --- ---
    STAROJDA: hurá, konečně další free možnost
    STAROJDA --- ---
    No a další věci pastovat nebudu, to bych mohl zase všechno. Patch vypadá libově!
    STAROJDA --- ---
    Holy shit, to bude goldů!

    Hero Level 9 -- A new 750 Gold reward has been added.

    This Gold reward will also be retroactively granted to players for each Hero that reached level 9 prior to today’s patch.

    Teda ne pro mě, já mám jen tři hrdiny >9, ale ostatní grindeři si pošušňaj
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam