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    SHASHA_KRASTYAndroid: Netrunner

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    Pokud pravidelně hrajete Android: Netrunner, připište svoji skupinu na nástěnku dole!
    rozbalit záhlaví
    LET_ME_BE --- ---
    SAMGARR: No, hraje se pravidelne na ruznych mistech. Dost zalezi ve kterem meste zijes :-D
    SAMGARR --- ---
    Ahoj, hrajete nekdo nekde pravidelne? Zasel bych se podivat.
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Tak co nevidet bude vychazet dalsi cyklus: The SanSan Cycle
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    a tady video, kde hraje s tim, kterej skoncil nakonec druhej...

    Run with Jan - Hall of Games Tournament, Wrocław - 15.11.2014 - Round 2
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    tak turnaj v Polsku vyhral cech pAblO .. hezky pekne! :o)

    [Wrocław] Hall of Games, 15.11.2014 - Turnieje - Netrunner LCG - Android Netrunner w Polsce

    tady je i jeho report.. :o)
    Diskuse ke hře Android: Netrunner LCG - Zatrolené hry
    FALCO --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: ja mam spis tendenci napsat, "jaktoze vychazi az ted" :D
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Ted to po sobe znova ctu a mozna bych mel uvest na pravou miru to "btw netusil sem, ze bude vychazet dalsi deluxe rozsireni..." ... mel jsem napsat spis neco jako "btw netusil sem, ze TED bude vychazet dalsi deluxe rozsireni..." .... jen aby bylo jasno .. :o)
    FALCO --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: tak datapack/mesic jsem pocital jako samozrejmost. Kazdopadne uvidime jak to bude do budoucna. Call of Cthulhu ma uz jenom deluxe rozsireni. GoT ceka "restart"
    JULIAN --- ---
    tak co mesic datapack, po sesti deluxe pro 1 runnera a 1 corpu. s nejakejma pauzama to takhle bylo od zacatku ne?
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    FALCO: tak nejenom deluxe, zeano ... z obchodniho hlediska naprosto pochopitelny
    FALCO --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: to si pis ze ty deluxe rozsireni budou sypat jak muzou.
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    JULIAN: ja to tam mam prave autem jen asi dve hodiny, tak me to laka... zenu bych vysadil v tamni Ikee a jel se tam pak kouknout.. :o))

    btw netusil sem, ze bude vychazet dalsi deluxe rozsireni...

    “The real mission? We’re going to save the human race.” –Jack Weyland

    Where is humanity headed? Jack Weyland wants to take us to the stars, but what will be the human cost of his efforts? Order and Chaos, the third deluxe expansion for Android: Netrunner, pits three new subversive Anarchs against the bleeding edge ice and operations with which the Weyland Consortium intends to safeguard its most far-sighted and futuristic ambitions.
    Its 165 new cards (three copies each of fifty-five individual cards) amplify the high-stakes cyberstruggles between the developers at Weyland Consortium and those destructive Anarchs who would rather see the corporation’s utopian ambitions reduced to ashes than raised to the heavens upon the backs of the downtrodden. Accordingly, you’ll find a slate of new identities, tech, and tools that enhance these factions' core strengths, even as they permit the exploration of new themes and decks. The Weyland Consortium gains a host of new, advanceable ice, as well as new strategies for protecting their agendas and assets while raking in bundles of quick credits. Anarchs, on the other hand, unleash a plethora of destructive new programs and resources that can tear apart anything a Corp can put together, whether they use them to further their humanitarian efforts or simply vent the pent-up rage of a disenfranchised youth.
    JULIAN --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: ja o tom premyslim hodne, ale co jsem koukal na spojeni, tak jedine pokud tam nekdo pojede autem z Prahy.
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    btw koukam, ze 15.11.2014 je turnaj ve Wroclavi! Tam to mam skoro stejne daleko jako do Prahy ... o tom mozna popremejslim ... :o)

    hsiale, [21:29:22 | 2. Říj 2014]
    Hi all, it's time for another big tournament in Wrocław :)

    Organizers: game shop planszóweczka.pl, Wrocław Netrunner community

    Where and When: Centennial Hall Wrocław, Hall of Games fair, Sat 15.11.2014. Signups start at 10:00, first round starts at 11:00

    Tournament format: 5-6 Swiss rounds (depending on number of players), no elimination rounds

    Card pool: will be announced 10 days before the tournament, most likely everything up to Up and Over datapack

    Rules: FFG tournament rules (Competitive Event level), Android: Netrunner rulebook together with latest FAQ

    Signup fee: tournament participation is free of charge. Players have to pay Hall of Games admission fee, which is 10-15zł (Saturday only) or 25-35zł (3-day pass, has to be preordered, I will post detailed info on how to do this soon)

    Signups: if you plan to come, please let us know by sending an email to jacek.wieszaczewski/@/gmail.com - knowing estimated number of players will make it way easier to prepare the place

    - Planszóweczka.pl gift cards (total worth 450zł)
    - 3 Netrunner Tournament kits
    - 27 copies of Corporate Troubleshooter promo card
    - some other things leftover from previous events
    Exact prizes distribution will be announced later. General rule: 75% to top players, 25% to be drawn amongst other players. Each player will get at least one promo card (there will be over 100 of them and all will be given out).
    Additional special prize: 3 top players from countries that did not have a Nationals 2014 tournament receive alt art Noise promo.

    Other attractions:
    - Hall of Games ( http://hallofgames.pl ) - 3-day big gaming fair for gamers of all kinds, computer games tournaments, boardgaming room with over 500 games available (including many Essen 2014 games), cosplay, ...
    - tournament afterparty: Saturday from 20:30, place will be announced later.
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    JULIAN: peknej "report" ! Akorat si teda clovek musi obcas pomahat nejakym kartohledacem... :o)
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    JULIAN: tak priste snad uz dorazim taky! (financni zatez neresim, uz sem v zivote promrhal vic) :o)
    JULIAN --- ---
    JVMLOK: live, v Praze

    SHASHA_KRASTY: je to jednou za mesic a obcas tam kuci z Brna ci Ovy dorazi, mohl by ses k nejake skupince pridat. Samozrejme, potom ten turnaj financni zatezi naroste :(

    SHASHA_KRASTY: decklist jsem hazel na diskuzi na http://www.deskozrout.cz/topic/4027-turnaj-praha-android-netrunner-4102014/
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    JVMLOK: sem myslel, ze je to nejaka aplikace, tak me zarazilo to "portal" .. tohle sem tady uz zaregistroval .. :o)
    kazdopadne si myslim, ze Julian myslel turnaj v Mephitu (jeho posty se napadne shoduji s probehnuvsimi turnaji tam) - probiha tam jednou za 14 dni v sobotu malej turnajek se zapisnym 100,- Kc
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    JVMLOK: jakej webovej portal?
    JVMLOK --- ---
    JULIAN: live nebo pres ten webovej portal?
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